樂團/小巨人絲竹樂團、轉捩點樂團 指揮/Owen Underhill 作曲/Alexina Louie
2018.06.07巨人的轉捩點 地點/臺灣.臺北市.國家兩廳院演奏廳
錄影/亞格影音 張興漢 錄音/王昭惠
《好奇的路人 A Curious Passerby at Fu’s Funeral》2015年10月由 Owen Underhill 指揮轉捩點樂團於溫哥華 Orpheum Annex 首演,這首為大型室內樂團所作的多樂章作品具有戲劇性的結構、滿溢情感的景致,由 Owen Underhill 和轉捩點樂團委約。第一樂章隨著鋼琴和打擊樂層層對應的不斷行進,最終推展成一種持續的重複和絃演奏形式(“行進曲”和“送葬曲”)。第二樂章以雙簧管的獨奏為引導,形成一組組模仿笙的和弦音堆。我受到日本笙美麗而特殊的演奏技巧所啟發,演奏者通過吸氣和吐氣,形成一朵朵聲音的雲。特殊的演奏方式及豐富多彩的音階排列,是我幾部作品的關鍵元素。在第二樂章中,仿笙和弦的平靜感被強而有力的“插曲”打斷,最後像是寧靜地結束在一個星光滿天的夜晚時分。最後一個樂章靈感來自亞洲的擊鼓聲,最終化為激越的結尾。這件作品源自於我想像中的場景,一場穿越神秘和爆炸性元素的旅行。本曲受加拿大藝術協會補助。
A Curious Passerby at Fu’s Funeral premiered by the Turning Point Ensemble in Oct 2015 at the Orpheum Annex, Vancouver conducted by Owen Underhill turningpointensemble.ca This multi-movement work for large ensemble is a dramatic composition that inhabits a highly charged emotional landscape. Commissioned by Owen Underhill and The Turning Point Ensemble, it explores extreme ranges of heightened activity. The first movement surges forward with virtuosic exchanges between the piano and the percussion. This eventually develops into sections characterized by relentless repeated chords and gestures (“cortège” and “dirge”). The second movement begins with solo utterances in the oboe which serve as the introduction to a series of haunting shō-like chord clusters. I have been inspired by this beautiful multi-reed Japanese mouth organ’s unusual manner of sound production, where the performer inhales and exhales through the instrument, resulting in a cloud of sound. The unusual technique required for playing the shō, as well as its colourful array of pitches, have served as a key element in several of my compositions. In the second movement, the calmness of the shō-like section is interrupted by a forceful musical ‘incident.’ The movement ends with a peaceful musical moment that suggests a night sky filled with stars. The final movement brings A Curious Passerby at Fu’s Funeral to a propulsive conclusion with its inspiration taken from Asian drumming. This piece is inspired by my own imagined scenario that traverses the path between mysterious and explosive elements. A Curious Passerby At Fu’s Funeral was commissioned through the assistance of The Canada Council. — Alexina Louie
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