Shifting to a New Earth - Unity Consciousness

Shifting to a New Earth - Unity Consciousness

The Alchemist

1 год назад

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James Mcfarlin
James Mcfarlin - 26.11.2023 22:42


Cosmic Anew
Cosmic Anew - 15.11.2023 08:46

Ive seen people talk about the earth completely shifting and people getting left behind. I think what's really happening is we all choose everyday what version of our day/earth we're going to live in. No one gets left behind we just find different versions of our family, pets, so on... I know it sounds strange but the whole multiverse thing is something people understand now, just we choose which we get to shift into bit by bit

Lisa Coss
Lisa Coss - 05.11.2023 16:02

From my heart soul light to yours divine Love always thank you for your service to the divine light Love source

LighTēSoaKer - 03.11.2023 13:31

As more & more happens i do not want to ever be near it as it looses its own true meaning with the hemisphere equalling a stabilized state. I am my own source you are not me however your you your own source! Its always been like this in the brain of mine never changes! Typically a peak state other people see themselves as a spotless mind. As they next collective so fourth!

diomedes atienza
diomedes atienza - 31.10.2023 06:31

sisiter, what is the defferent about the Unity and collective consciousness,

don hendershot
don hendershot - 23.10.2023 18:52


Rocker 1074
Rocker 1074 - 18.10.2023 01:22

This is false this is not true at all..

Cares Conscious Cuisine Green
Cares Conscious Cuisine Green - 06.10.2023 08:35

Watched your Q&A can’t wait for the next one! I will get my questions ready? Your amazing!

Elizabeth Andalis
Elizabeth Andalis - 30.09.2023 22:26


Mohan Raju
Mohan Raju - 23.09.2023 21:10

Excellent explanations makes easy to understand

Dunmwaru Preachan
Dunmwaru Preachan - 23.09.2023 20:53

I'm not in a hurry. It will happen. It will be it's own world and with it's own rules and challenges. If there is no challenge, then their is no change. No change means no life and no consciousness. I have my own hopes and dreams for unity, but I like the challenges that will come.

manderzz - 23.09.2023 10:34

Visualize a mirror in front of you in everything you do & say... see how you're always talking about yourself, .. if you're triggered by someone then something within you isnt being addressed or it wouldn't bother you. .... thats your individual bubble with a bunch of other bubbles realitys , like cells in a body or neurons in a brain , within a reality brain within a bigger reality brain infinitly on a loop that intertwines .. always lather , wash, rinse....repeat . 😅❤ SO RELAX and enjoy the ride , endless adventures and us explorers , why rush to the end of a really good book , the joy is in the soul growth lessons stay & align in the present moment , in the day we never actually lived in a yesterday or a tomorrow....we have only ever exist in the present moment. 😊

Kaycee S.
Kaycee S. - 22.09.2023 18:27

Thank You for this information that's needed for those who are trying to be lifted to a higher consciousness for the sake of the New Earth...🌎
Waking Up!
Thank You ❤
Peace Be With You ❣️

Thomsun OM TV
Thomsun OM TV - 21.09.2023 11:56

Such a great channel. Let us usher in a new earth

Leslie servant of God
Leslie servant of God - 19.09.2023 22:52


Leslie servant of God
Leslie servant of God - 19.09.2023 22:51

Once you get unity consciousness that's the baseline for that dimension and then you build on that right a new way of existing with each other

Earfth girl
Earfth girl - 19.09.2023 06:07

"given an award by me" had me laughing so hard

warlock superman
warlock superman - 18.09.2023 00:29

If I would have guided in a more organized way...Well word for word your way is the best and most simplified and REALISTIC...MAKES SENSE OF DIFFICULT TOPICS...😅

Amy - 26.08.2023 21:19

Healing underway💜

J S - 26.08.2023 09:24

Sarah I’ve been married for almost 20 years but every video I tell you I love you! Shhhh don’t tell anyone! I’m just so thankful for you Chica!!!

Henry Auger
Henry Auger - 24.08.2023 01:03

You're the best spiritual teacher I know.

Tweenie Bee
Tweenie Bee - 21.08.2023 18:57

Brilliant teachings🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Dean Cummings
Dean Cummings - 17.08.2023 12:46

Your presentation of Unity Consciousness was exactly what I needed to hear right here, right now. A very sought synchronicity fitting neatly into the ever revealing and unraveling jigsaw puzzle. Thankyou The Alchemist!

Carlos Castaneda
Carlos Castaneda - 08.08.2023 20:00

I think we will not make it in this life the NPC are used against us - what is left then ?

To The Moon
To The Moon - 02.08.2023 21:43

Aaah so that’s what dharma is. Thanks for explaining what the new earth is! Cool to know what’s waiting. Now back to learn and burn from that karma…

Artstrology - 29.07.2023 19:05

An example of dharma bringing science and spirit together: The ancient calendars handed forward have often been the highest level product of past civilizations. Today, the primordial aspects of the cycles is elucidated by combining the correlated calendars or cycles that have been common to many cultures and peoples across the world. Of these, it is clear that the 20 days, and the 36 decans were the standard and was taught across the earth.
These match precisely by sequence and function, with the 20 amino acids, and the 84 primordial elements of the periodic table.
meaning, What this tells us, is that from the invisible (spiritually derived knowledge) , to the elemental (periodic table) , to the biological (amino acids) the cycles match by periodic sequential functions, products, and properties. On top of this, they match in their interactions, and chemistry. So for instance in the 20 days, day 1 is related to day 9. This is the same in the amino acids. It goes on and on,... and this will unify time, spirit, and matter both biological and elemental.
I have videos on my channel, I'm more of a researcher than a teacher or video producer... and the periodic table is at timeskool I also have a website same as my screen name, where people can check the day or decan, and the index of correlated calendars, at the primordial levels, i do not do the longer spans but have mentioned what time it is on a video called Wagon, ...there are ways anyone can tell what age we are in without anything complicated.

lucid hooded
lucid hooded - 24.07.2023 00:12

Note to self: Watch again sometime.

uzairu elshatrib
uzairu elshatrib - 07.07.2023 18:16

Which book do you recommend for me into the journey to new earth?

Pablo - 07.07.2023 10:29


Derrick du Preez
Derrick du Preez - 22.06.2023 21:43

Your lecture is very high, very shall I say high-voluted, yet brilliant

XXX - 21.06.2023 23:36

Ok it won5 let me edit, i lost three like this yesterday, seld edit folks. Sorry Sarah.. To not bring ar least thst bit of class to class..Don5 hit me!.. I love you all, thats why i do it.. Oh Sarah..What do you think about aTeal? Shevis really creep7ng me out, helpnme out? Poof. Here, its a protect bubble, likevan dont need it, i just thuoght..youd like to have it.. Maybe for rain or makingbout...holds up hand no..Sarah..Sarah.! No punching!.runs away..

XXX - 21.06.2023 22:56

It is done. Earth ascended. Best day ever Sarah. Xxoo

Justin Young
Justin Young - 21.06.2023 21:16

Hi, Look up the Ishaya's ascension

Namrata Kundu
Namrata Kundu - 13.06.2023 19:24

Wow!! you explained it so beautifully, I got so much clarity. Thank you ❤

Balwinder Gill
Balwinder Gill - 13.06.2023 00:09

Thank you as always for your clear concise yet brilliant explanations. Thanks god bless you thanks Dear Lord Jesus 🌹🌹❤️💙🙏🙏🙏🙏

redpepper75 - 12.06.2023 07:40

This short film was nominated for 12 Oscars

Carol Cottle
Carol Cottle - 06.06.2023 23:58

How perfectly delicious is your explanation of the truth, I am drinking deeply from this your well of knowledge and understanding. I have waited so long for someone to start talking about reality, Thank you and hallelujah.

ashley picard
ashley picard - 02.06.2023 20:38

“Movie which was recently given an award, by me”. Lmao. Your too much!
You crack me up. There are these, subtle little jokes-
One was something like- lmao,
“They won’t see the light, not even Ace of Base can help them”.
I rolled!!! So funny.
I get it, cause well- it’s the age, generation.
But, I wonder- others get these lil- cracks, right?

If not, eh- maybe someday.
Too funny. Thank you :)

Anthony Ryan
Anthony Ryan - 29.05.2023 22:27

I think that it can be viewed as an infinite tighter and tighter spiral. The circle and the point are the same. One goes infinitely outward, the other goes infinitely inward. This stuff has no ending, as so in consciousness. The key is the in-between, the balance.

Miryam Ysrael McDonald
Miryam Ysrael McDonald - 29.05.2023 12:18

You are brilliant, I thank you ❤

Christophe Couderc
Christophe Couderc - 17.05.2023 10:17

Discovering your channel. Thank you for your explanation, clarity on such subject

Danburite - 10.05.2023 08:28

Anyone know where I can get that shirt?

Gudold Buckshot
Gudold Buckshot - 16.04.2023 04:15

Thank you for this exceptional explanation of how and why and so much more.

Michael Gregory
Michael Gregory - 09.04.2023 15:43

Your gift from the heavens you are totally

LoveSumsItUp - 04.04.2023 01:23


Miss Mi
Miss Mi - 29.03.2023 18:43

Do twin flames play a roll in all this because meeting my twin flame has led me here. We had separated and I was in extreme pain it led me on a journey that landed me here.

Sandra L. Butler
Sandra L. Butler - 21.03.2023 14:37

Enlightenment: the process of resurrecting truth (spiritual light) in our heart (seat of the emotions). True enlightenment does not take place through consciousness (of the mind), but through the christ power interacting with the subconscious (of the heart). We need to move beyond these mind-body disciplines and experience a heart-discipline. We can't experience enlightenment by bypassing the heart! It's what I call "THE GREAT SPIRITUAL-HEART-BYPASS."

Swati singh
Swati singh - 20.03.2023 18:37

I am just a fan of how she talks and how this all making sense to me . I love you Sarah dear ♥️
My sunflower 🌻
