Battle Smith (Artificer) Build Guide in D&D 5e - HDIWDT

Battle Smith (Artificer) Build Guide in D&D 5e - HDIWDT

DapperSnapper Gaming

55 лет назад

7,032 Просмотров

Today we tackle the final Artificer, the Battle Smith. Today we feature feats such as Great Weapon Master and Heavily Armored to round out the build. I hope you are looking forward to attacking all out with a metal pup by your side.

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@andrewhowlin - 03.09.2021 16:54

Great build Battle Smith is my favourite

@BeaDSM - 25.10.2021 21:39

Why do you push your strength to 15 and take heavily armoured instead of just keeping your dexterity at 14 and using medium armour? Full plate only gives you a single extra AC over half plate and 14 dexterity, and if you really just want +1 AC you could take the fighting initiate feat instead for the Defence fighting style. That would give you the same AC for the same number of ASIs (one) but a +2 to much more useful dexterity saves instead of strength saves. And if you're worried about strength saves or checks, the artificer can either just create and equip some armour of magical strength or gauntlets of ogre strength.

@joshfarley3334 - 31.10.2021 04:59

Love the build man! You have a great explanation of what you're doing. Thank you for your effort! Gonna follow this one!

@davidferguson58yrago46 - 13.12.2021 07:40

Ya like jazz

@mlhcomics - 25.03.2022 15:26

Never leave an ability score on an odd number when you can take a half feat.

@lenrehard6722 - 28.03.2022 00:16

I'm building a Battle Smith. This is wicked helpful. Thanks

@xvader9445 - 14.06.2022 03:51

I'm playing this build

@Voseph07 - 13.01.2023 02:15

I built a artificer battle smith with base 24 ac (can be pumped up to 33)

@WayneKerrr - 30.01.2023 02:47

I’d love to see the notes on this

@bluesteve124 - 03.04.2024 19:37

Why do so few people seem able to pronounce the word "artificer?" Is it intentional?? Is there some Internet joke I'm not in on? 🤷

@MrTwyres - 16.07.2024 01:52


@SelwynClydeAlojipan - 24.12.2024 13:06

I've made a Battlesmith Artificer that is an Autognome (from Spelljammer) with the Gate Warden background (from Planescape), which gives the Scion of the Outer Planes feat. For the feat, I chose a connection to the Evil Outer Plane, thus giving resistance to necrotic damage, and the ability to cast the Chill Touch cantrip (120' range necrotic beam).

Also, being an Artificer, I got permission from my DM for him to craft/build a musket (martial firearm, 1d12 piercing damage), which he can use at 3rd level but he'll just carry it around from 1st to 2nd level. It will receive the Repeating Weapon infusion on it to avoid the expense of buying and crafting ammunition.

After raising him to INT 18 at 4th level, he will get the Telekinetic feat at 8th level, and the Telepathic feat at 12th level, eventually raising his INT to 20.
