Because AI models generate UIs and front-end code in React by default, it's a time-saving approach to quickly adapt this in a world where everything now moves fast. It's logical.
ОтветитьIt's all about chasing the shiny / money. It's a popularity contest. So sad.
ОтветитьI didn't use vue and liked react but what is confusing is that react is focuing on nextjs more than using vite. React community seems not to like that but if forced this might affect projects that uses vite like Laravel. Hopefully this will not happen
ОтветитьStupid though: this reminded me of the situation when google paid to be the default browser on smartphones😅
ОтветитьVue ecosystem is growing real big right now, we can still use it but we missing out on it's features if we are not using it fully within it's ecosystem(except when using Laravel only as API). React on the other hand is not tied to an ecosystem and there are many flavors where React serves as the frontend. I can see Taylor decision as him not wanting to use another big growing ecosystem as a main option.
ОтветитьThe biggest advantage of React is React Native and it's a BIG advantage. I still prefer Vue but I'm a single developer, I'd imagine the feeling is quite different in big teams. Plus, vue is easier to get up and running with.
ОтветитьDon't worry, i will try to start Vue everywhere and have no worries about how hard it is to learn it, since everyone can learn and follow it easily
Ответитьvue is the simplest and fastest way to integrate to laravel. but the market hype the react
ОтветитьVue is the more convenient for me to write.
But the demand for React are higher.
So I learned both :D. Unfortunately, I have to use React more than I'd like to ;p
The only thing I noticed is this man hasn’t followed back Taylor Otwell 🤣
ОтветитьI've worked on both but React is better overall.
1. React extension and intelisense is better than vue (in case of vs code).
2. Larger community and Better component libraries ( In case of vue you need to check if its available for vue 2 or vue 3 )
In the end it depends on personal preference. As vue can be easier to work with as a framework.
Only thing that I miss in vue is better code completion and extensions for vs code.
P.S I love both
Livewire works for 90% of use cases in a fraction of the time. Sure if you're building the next facebook or instagram, you can make a case for react.. The problem is that so many clients overestimate their project size and therefore want to use a stack that is way more complicated and time consuming than it needs to be.
ОтветитьI believe the biggest misleading metric is downloads. People forget there are many tools that may use react. Here’s a simple example, you build a website with Vue, but you also use Strapi. For every Vue install you also install React. And don’t forget these apply for CI/CD pipelines. Just remember these small details.
ОтветитьI hate trends choosing frameworks like a React because it's sexy.
ОтветитьI've worked with both Vue and React, extensively, on top of Laravel. Can't say that I'm surprised that people move away from Vue. How the change from version 2 to 3 was handled, by forcing it and proclaiming the transition being easy while the reality for any substantial-sized code base was very different, they ripped large parts of their community apart. In the professional world maybe even more and more silently than elsewhere. It was painful to see how many v2 libraries (actively in use in many code bases) never saw any v3 equivalent. I can only imagine how many "stuck" v2 legacy projects there must be now, collecting dust until the completely fall apart. Which is really unfortunate, since Vue 3 is a very nice framework (for the most of it). I would argue also superior to React, on quite a few points. On the other hand, the popularity of React is understandable too. Aside from the factors that have nothing to do with the technology itself, what React certainly has going for it is certainly it's fundamental simplicity (as a developer/user). You have to be rather dim individual, if you're unable to master the basics of React within a week. Vue took me a lot longer to master. I'm convinced that has to be a significant factor in its popularity, being more palatable for a wider audience. It might also help with AI generating working code. I personally think that React has some serious design flaws, but that doesn't really matter. If there are workarounds (even if ugly) and the developer culture around it collectively decides it's okay to pragmatically "fix" these issue instead of addressing the fundamental problems, then it will work. In the end though, in a brighter future, software architectures will hopefully become a little less frontend-focused and move towards the concepts behind Livewire. Where the frontend will focus purely on the processing/handling required for UI/UX, while pushing a lot of the business logic (that unfortunately now quite often either lives completely in the front or in both front and back) back to the backend. As for Vue vs React, unfortunately most of the reasons I see for why React has won over Vue, all look questionable at best. However, I personally believe that to a large degree some prominent figures in the Vue community have only themselves to thank for it. Even though I will still use Vue on occasion and certainly still prefer it over React, I will never forgot the feelings of betrayal and dishonestly I felt when I had to convert a huge and complex mission critical code base for a large player in the financial markets from Vue 2 to Vue 3, which turned out almost impossible and took over a year to complete. A lot of it as a direct result of the badly communicated (internal) changes in Vue from v2 to v3. As a result, I have since then taken a stance to advice businesses and investors against using Vue. Not because of the technology not being good enough. On the contrary. But rather because a next major version change could simply blow their business straight into bankruptcy. I'm not saying this isn't a risk with other framework too though. One might even argue that it appears a bit of an endemic problem for many projects within the general javascript/frontend ecosystem.
P.S. I'm no new developer (~3 decades, all over the place in tech/software).
Using Angular but i must say React is getting an ever-increasing community.
ОтветитьJust coz there is no Vue native doesnt mean you cant develop mobile apps with Vue there are options like CapacitorJS & Quasar Id say devs are choosing react because of the hype it has.
ОтветитьHey, I'm in there 💪😝
ОтветитьThey turned writing HTML into rocket science
ОтветитьNothing like having the HTML in the HTML and JS in the JS and CSS in the CSS...
ОтветитьEverything about vue is simple, efficient and to the point without making hooks and wires all over.
ОтветитьI stick with Vue. It hasn't failed me yet.
react has larger ecosystem and demand in jobs is bigger
thank me later
I recently gave react a chance with the release of Laravel 12. The last code I wrote in react was when it switched from classes to hooks. And maybe my opinion will be slightly controversial but.... React 19 is no longer as bad as its previous versions. It still has some of its problems, but overall it has improved a lot. Especially with mobx as state menagment tool. Yes, vue for example has much better developer tools, svelte is more js friendly and easier, livewire and alpine have better DX for non frontend heavy apps, but react has finally become something worth considering.
ОтветитьI agree, React is a good choice because of its ecosystem, though Vue is also quite nice.
ОтветитьBesides the ecosystem, I actually think React is easier to write and read than Vue, especially in larger apps with a lot of logic in the components.
ОтветитьLaravel is more intuitive than vue.js, it makes sense because it fits perfectly with Laravel.
Are you going to make a React crash course with Laravel soon?
I know booth, but i'll keep working with vue. Vue is simple, straight to the point, and composition API is élégant.
Ответитьi'll always chose vue when it's an option
ОтветитьI was awaiting React to take Vue over. there are more React opportunities out there.
ОтветитьI took it even further. I’ve switched to Rails with Hotwire Native, coz Laravel doesn’t have a real alternative and React sucks. Taylor’s too busy turning Laravel into Next.js 2.0, $elling redundant tools instead of building a cohesive stack. I’d rather have one good way to do things, for free than five half-baked. Vue is still my favorite front end stack though.
ОтветитьReact has been around longer, so it obviously has a bigger ecosystem. That should not be a qualifying reason to use it. Whatever fit's you and your teams need is. I still won't change away from Vue as I personally still find it better overall and it's ecosystem is still growing just fine.
ОтветитьI prefer Vue over React. I think Vue is an amazing framework. Vue is easy and elegant.
ОтветитьIt actually makes sense to use InertiaJS and React since the routing is handled on the backend. React just gives you a bit more...
ОтветитьEveryone hit the nail on the head, unfortunately, many professionals look at the technology and pick react because its "Industry Standard" without doing much research. And with that alone, it becomes the demand. And naturally, there is a bigger ecosystem and community of people forced to use it.
ОтветитьIf you want to hate your life, go learn React. Simple things are made hard in React. Try creating dynamic form that doesn't suck. Try preloading data lazily for a page. I don't really know Vue but I really hope you're wrong and React just starts to die off.
ОтветитьI think this move from Laravel is the final straw for junior vue devs,
Personally I'm gonna have to switch to react just for the bigger job market, even though i hate it and i prefer vue, in my country we have a saying, "whoever tasted pleasure will never be at ease".
I’ve moved to React for years now
ОтветитьVue unfortunately will always have less usage than React unless they have a better ecosystem.
ОтветитьI tried react on two projects, and after that I back to Vue. working in vue ecosystem is easy and for complex logic Vue is superior.
ОтветитьDude almost No Open source organisation use laravel , Im not hating it , Im also stuck using laravel in my company. Its good but not used as much , It can't keep up with this day n age of AI .
ОтветитьVue all the way, for ecosystem thing, im sure it will grow fast
ОтветитьReact is easy to debug it’s plain JS without Vue magic. So I proud that Laravel found the right way of doing front-end.
ОтветитьVue is still better… at least in simplicity in learning curve
ОтветитьI hate React.