Can I create these flshdrives on a laptop and then install them on my new desktop computer. Should I download an antivirus as first thing to do on my new computer (refurbished)
Ответитьthis is terrible, I followed your instuctions to the letter but it does not work according to the steps you indicated
Ответитьnothing working the way you are indicating
Ответитьnot anything like you're instructing us. ?????????????????????????
Ответитьjust slightly confused, why can't I load the Hirens and the windows installer on one larger usb drive?? like a 64. and If i load the windows installer on a usb drive, will that load onto my other windows computer if they are both the same vesion, ie: windows 11, or are you saying the windows installer has to reload to the same computer it was created on???
Ответитьit looks like the hiren disk, is full of "for paay" programs, or am i missing something.
Ответитьif you create these disks on your computer, do they work on any other computer???????????????
ОтветитьGreat video and great explanation, this is besides this topic… I have a GPD XD plus it is an emulator device but the software is android 4.4.4 and there’s no way to update the software any more.
Could you check it out and if it is on your hands make a future video to upgrade the software?
Hi Sir ! Sharing your knowledge like this is very very valuable. Thank you !
I have watched both your videos: the original and this mega update.
Now it did trigger a few questions in my mind.
So before I go ahead and try to do it, allow me to ask just two of them: What is the difference between the two keys I should make ? I did not understood what will be on the second one, after I'm done.
I do understand that creating an ISO file will allow me to restore the o.s. (Windows 10, in my case). But WILL IT INCLUDE all my hundreds of files that are in 'MyDocuments' and other places (Thunderbird and Firefox profiles in ProgramFiles, others stuff from other places) ?
I already do backups of my stuff by 'manually' copying all my documents and all source-code I wrote and all my Indesign (big) files, etc. to an external 1Tb USB hard disk, (each time in a sibling new dir named by date, on the target drive. And when I'm done, I delete the oldest one. By manually, I mean by "drag & drop"). Yes, it does take time. 😑
But I think I have more than 8 Gb of stuff.
So do I understand correctly: making those two back-up keys you teach us how to do here, it will save my operating system, but not my data nor my other softwares beside the O.S. itself... Is that correct ?
My installed softwares include Firefox, Thunderbird, LibreOffice, InDesign, Xampp, Filezilla, etc. Will they be saved too (?) with all their settings, parameters, passwords saved, etc... so restarting after a crash/recovery will allow me to find every thing back AS IT WAS before the crash, and ready to go ?
Or not ?
If other skillfull person want to answer as well, I will be gratefull too. 🤓👍
I see you have Ventoy on one of your drives. Does the HirensBootCD work well with Ventoy?
ОтветитьNeed for windows 11, using Rufus 4.6 and the latest Hirens downloaded link but getting an error message - Revoked UEFI bootloader detected. says ISO image from a non reputable source, consider you may have malware.... etc etc...
confused - sould be so easy - turning out to be so difficult
Thank you for this tutorial. I downloaded the Windows media creation on one USB and the Hirens/rufus on the other. Question: I do not see on the USB the Hirens detail that you display perhaps only one tenth of the info download onto the USB. Does this suggest that I did not download properly?
ОтветитьCan I use one 16gb usb flash drive to download creation, Hirens, Ventoy
ОтветитьAs few people mentioned bellow I also got stacked for few hours as I could not be able to replicate the progress you show in your screens. My fault as I had Rufus and ISO file in the flash drive.
Digging in the comments the answer is in one of your replies as both files - Rufus and ISO - has to be somewhere in a folder in the laptop , NOT IN THE FLASH DRIVE.
I move the files out of the flash drive , execute Rufus and the magic happens. Probably in an eventual update of this topic would be important to highlight this small but critical aspect.
The last but not the least thank you for your time and for share your knowledge with the team. Highly appreciated.
Born to be a teacher!✌🏼👊🏽
ОтветитьBetween the time I first saw this update and now, when I started up the Rufus 4.5 software it said there was an updated version of it (4.6).
But I read through the updates and decided to stick with the 4.5 version you used in this video. Do you think that will be okay, or should I update Rufus and reinstall the ISO?
tried everything and cannot get the Tron file..??
ОтветитьWhat is the difference between the Windows media disc you downloaded vs the one you can create in Windows?
ОтветитьDoes this work after trying to clone my OS to another ssd using clonezilla?? I tried to clone but then my screen just bluescreens and it never boots windows! I go into bios and go into boot manager and the (boot manager) sss name disappeared, now its just the ssd name and the only option in the blue screen is to troubleshoot… idk if windows is in that drive after cloning it and the boot manager didint clone into it, im so lost right now 😭😭
ОтветитьGet Medicat!
It's the best works with legacy BIOS and UEFI and has key signing for secure boot.
You can drag and drop any ISOs in a folder and launch them including Hirens if you want.. but the mini portable windows 10 included has a bigger selection of tools
So this does work if all else fails, cuz my PC has been on blue screen for the past couple of days.
I could never log in even with all the methods u mentioned in a previous video.
Also do I use the Hirens drive for blue screen or the windows media installation drive?
The button that says SELECT, looks like a dropdown that then let's you choose SELECT or DOWNLOAD. Actually, it also works as a button to choose the hiren's iso file that you downloaded before this step. Just click on the word SELECT to open up the window where you can choose the iso file. The GPT option should then appear in the Partition scheme
ОтветитьI tried Hirens with the new version 4.6 and got this message: revoked UEFI bootloader detected and it might contain malware.
ОтветитьI still didn't get the tools. It still opens windows 11. None of the actions I took in windows 11 transferred back to my working version of windows 10, even though I could browse my w10 files and play mp3's, mp4's and read text files from the windows 10 file system. - AND, somehow, my windows clock MYSTERIOUSLY jumped ahead by 6 hours.
ОтветитьI opened Rufus and activated the Alt-E thing for Dual UEFI/BIOS, it saw my drive, but wouldn't let me select any .iso - (OOPS ! -This time it worked. you moved the mouse so fast that I didn't get the selection process for the iso. It might be a good idea to say something like "double click on the word select. I tried clicking on the down-arrow by the word select and it never worked.")
I didn't get as many tools as you did in the video.
It's Rufus 4.6.2208 now and when I clicked start. I got an error message saying something like the boot has a revocable license and to find another ISO from a legitimate source. I didn't print screen this is not verbatim. thank you.
I have a USB drive that is 28 GB. Can I install both of these on this one USB drive? I installed the Windows Installation Media and I still have 24 GB left to use. If not , can I use this extra space to save files?
Excellent video. Congrats. One question, can I use a 4GB flash drive for the Hiren's boot disc. It appear the files are about 3 GB. Thanks
ОтветитьWhen choosing GPT for Win 11, the "Target system" changes to UEFI (non CSM) and no other options. Is this fine?
ОтветитьI told you before: genius!!
ОтветитьRufus 4.6 is even better! You can use 4.6p (portable) to install Windows 11 on unsupported hardware systems.
ОтветитьVentoy makes things a lot easier in 2024
ОтветитьOn my laptop RUFUS doesnt work I have enabled 'dual boot/UEFI, but all the boxes are greyed out
ОтветитьThis keeps occurring when I try to put the HBCD_PE_x64 ISO on the flash drive.
Error: [0xC00305B4] This operation returned because the timeout period expired. ?
I wish I did this while I was on windows 10. Can I use a different windows 10 pc to get the files onto the usb
ОтветитьSo what’s the difference from the two usbs?
ОтветитьThanks for the video! I apologize for the long message that follows but looking for some help😁. I watched the original video and this one. Made the Windows Install USB and it boots fine. However, I cannot get the Hirens to boot. It gets to the Windows logo screen with spinning icon and then I get DRIVER IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL.....with What failed: iaStoreE.sys. I am assuming the What failed is referring to my E drive but that is not where my OS is. I have tried changing multiple settings in Rufus and remaking the USB drive with no success. I have also ran scans on the drives and system with no issues found. I have never had any issues with anything before...will boot the Windows USB drive fine but not the Hirens.
ОтветитьCan you please make a ventoy version of this.. thanks
ОтветитьShould you update the Hiren’s boot flash drive once a year or something for updated program versions etc.?
Very useful video, thank you.
My computer won't let me use Hiren boot USB. The Smart App has blocked its use. What do I do now?
ОтветитьI am making this hirens USB drive right now. Play many things of All quickly. It is up to 4.5.2180 and there is no mention in the instructions of choosing anything other than MBR as a partition scheme particularly not mentioning any special setting windows 11
ОтветитьI keep receiving an error in rufus ver 4.6 that the ISO selected (used the link in this video) for Hirens contains a UEFI bootloader that has been revoked? Works with Rufus version 4.4.2103 - make sure you have the correct version of Rufus
Ответитьdidn't work ,gives boot error where the previous one from Chris Titus i made worked fine
Ответитьlol Hearans. Its called Hi-rens. 🙂
ОтветитьWould it be possible to make a dedicated video about Hiren's Boot Cd and what tools are inside of the program and what scenarios to use them in and what each of the tools do and when to actually use Hiren's Boot CD? for a non-tech savvy person like myself?
ОтветитьIt a good job i do not use windows then .
ОтветитьIs it possible to use only one USB?
ОтветитьValue, thank you!