The Ultimate Guide to FACEBOOK REELS

The Ultimate Guide to FACEBOOK REELS

Marketing With Andrea

2 года назад

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Madeleine Moyse
Madeleine Moyse - 24.08.2023 00:20

This is very helpful. Thank you.

Randall - 21.08.2023 08:14

Good information

Mola Taluari
Mola Taluari - 09.08.2023 05:00

Fb reels not yet reached my country. Why is this??

Cynthia Thornton
Cynthia Thornton - 03.07.2023 17:14

Thank you! Very helpful. I am the new social media/marketing rep for a small business in my area, Madeline George Nursery. I have a degree in graphic design and marketing from the University of Wisconsin going WAY back to the late '80s. I know marketing/sales when it comes to people, print, radio and tv and now I'm digging in to learn and grab onto all this new(to me) technology. NO cobwebs in this head!

Tomoko Rinesmith
Tomoko Rinesmith - 27.06.2023 21:26

I want to post a reel in Facebook to have the public to see but I don’t want to have the reel be on my Facebook account. How do I do this

Moving To St Johns County Florida With Josh Rogers
Moving To St Johns County Florida With Josh Rogers - 08.06.2023 17:50

I have a question in regard to our FB reels. When we upload it to FB, the reels quality is going low, we upload 1080p to 2k resolution videos, and we can't figure out why Facebook is reducing the quality of the videos. Maybe you have some fix about this problem? Thank you.

Vincent Dolce, Property Dreams To Reality
Vincent Dolce, Property Dreams To Reality - 05.06.2023 20:48

When I bring up my facebook the Reel does not come up

Brent Pitsch
Brent Pitsch - 27.05.2023 01:18

Very well done. I am a beginner and for the first time watching one of these, I felt like I understood the presentation and could duplicate the actions. I am trying to get a following and build an email list.

Belinda Jones
Belinda Jones - 16.05.2023 20:32

I use ohter people teel to show on page can i get pay that way

Lynj j
Lynj j - 02.03.2023 21:06

How to put follow button on

Icics Graves
Icics Graves - 19.02.2023 20:22

Very helpful. Thank you!!

y33b01 - 07.01.2023 06:58

when I upload a reel Facebook always crops it and a lot of the text is out of screen...

Jodi Carless
Jodi Carless - 06.12.2022 05:14

How can i go back into the reel and edit it so i can tag others?
Also, why does it not allow spaces in caption? My hashtags are right after the caption without spaces?

Mr K Dew
Mr K Dew - 17.11.2022 14:46

Hi, what kind of music am I suppose to use on reel to avoid violation

Lewis Rehkopf
Lewis Rehkopf - 30.10.2022 01:46

Just learned about them. And would like to know more about them. Hopefully someday I can make money doing it.

Boje på Borgen
Boje på Borgen - 10.10.2022 21:25

Hi’ how do avoid that the reels come up on your news section but only in the top in the reels section?

Nalani Famous
Nalani Famous - 30.09.2022 23:59

With airdropping back and forth does it lowetr the quality of the video?

American Voyager4912
American Voyager4912 - 10.09.2022 09:03

Great video.
How does one edit text on a Facebook Reel after you've already posted it?

Patrick Siwingwa
Patrick Siwingwa - 10.09.2022 03:37

This is a great video, thanks for sharing great value. I'm a network marketer in the health and wellness niche, and I would like you to share how I could promote some of the products that I have on offer, using Facebook Reels, without mentioning the company/product name. I'm looking forward to seeing your video in the near future. And by the way, because you shared great value in your video, you've earned a new subscription from me.

Flawless Image Detailing
Flawless Image Detailing - 23.08.2022 18:48

How can we set a cover Image for our Facebook reel?

Eva Marie Moreland
Eva Marie Moreland - 19.08.2022 22:49

How do you move the text around? Mine just shows up in the middle and I can’t move it no matter what I try. I want to move it at the top of my video on the screen. Also what is a call to action?

JustWanderMaya - 19.08.2022 01:20

FB Reels (9x16 ratio) are randomly recommended on FB related to a hashtag someone might follow...? The goal of possibly gaining the attention a new audience / get new followers? While FB Videos are for current followers of your page.... Wondering if its worth the effort to switch from publishing FB videos (16x9 ratio) for now. Can you use the music from reels for your fb video?

Marcus Lam
Marcus Lam - 21.07.2022 18:03

Is Facebook Reel confined within regional restrictions in term of content outreach? I am based in Malaysia and I am seeing all local contents in my Reel. This made me think maybe my reel will be confined within local country and won't reach audiences in other countries especially Tier1. Is that true? Any workaround if yes?

Troy Clark
Troy Clark - 07.07.2022 23:56

So I started with reels about 3 weeks ago. I got thousands of views and about 40 followers now. Started it on my personal page and have more views and followers than I have on Facebook account. So I when to Facebook bonus program to get an invite and it did not show up to be monetize. No violations on the account. Don’t know why. Was it because I start it on my personal page?

Half Dozen Creations
Half Dozen Creations - 07.07.2022 19:47

Do you know why I only have weird music? Do I need to turn off professional account? But then I can’t see analytics or get paid for reels. I know on Instagram I had to have a creator account to get the good music. Also is it better to upload reels to my personal fb page or my business page or both?

The Naive Paws
The Naive Paws - 05.07.2022 09:50

hello thank you for the amazing video. any idea how to find the trending audio like we do on instagram and also what does 'e' next to a audio mean ?

MEMEnstein - 29.06.2022 00:45

How do I get them seen by the general public? Is paying Facebook the only way? Greedy bastards 🤬

My Journals
My Journals - 17.06.2022 06:28

Great video! Is there any way that i can edit the music bg if the video has been already uploaded?

Martin - 11.06.2022 23:40

Can someone help me out, I’ve been making money from Facebook reels for a couple months now, but I can’t figure out how to claim the money I make from reels. I’ve tried searching online for answers but all of facebooks information regarding reels is really vague and limited. They only mention how to get payouts from monetization, but not from reels? How to I get the money from reels into my bank account?

Shukor AR
Shukor AR - 08.06.2022 10:38

How to save draft reels and where to find them later

Jordan Rogers
Jordan Rogers - 04.06.2022 01:20

My fb used to let me do 60 sec reels now it’s only allowing 30. Is that new?

Joel Kay
Joel Kay - 09.05.2022 23:14

Hi Andrea. Enjoying your presentation style and your info. Great. Would be very grateful if you could please clarify. I need to place a CTA to get people directly through to my Landing Page. Is this possible using either FACEBOOK REELS or YOU TUBE by means of a specific CTA Button (not a general sticker which says FOLLOW) or even by just having an URL which can be clicked on to send traffic to my Landing Page? Would appreciate your kind reply. Thank you.

Life on Safari
Life on Safari - 28.04.2022 07:44

Any way to edit your reel thumbnail?

Suzette Cox
Suzette Cox - 27.04.2022 19:38

I sell on marketplace and have a fb profile. I made a video of my jeep for my mechanic. I was trying to send him a 3min.clip he didn't see it so I somehow ended up on reels with a 30sec. my surprise the next morning I had over 100 views on reels..that's exciting.

Caitlin Brown
Caitlin Brown - 16.04.2022 00:21

Question! My friend has all of the reel options that you have - including the length, green screen, etc. but I'm missing some of those features! I can't upload reels longer than 30 seconds and I have no idea why! Do you know if there is a limit? I don't think it's right that I'm limited on the type of content I can create when others aren't...Especially when I'm sharing valuable information!

Jelly Escueta | Retain Media
Jelly Escueta | Retain Media - 08.04.2022 07:48

How to post reels on Desktop/Laptop?

Joel Kay
Joel Kay - 04.04.2022 19:55

Hi great video. Thank you. Can you please tell me if i can include a Call to Action Button in my reels and how would you do it? Or would you only be able to include an URL? And can the reader just click on it? If you can how do either, how do you do it? Thank you.

Carmela Fernandez
Carmela Fernandez - 03.04.2022 03:12

is fb reels bonus available in Australia?

Carolina Sullivan
Carolina Sullivan - 30.03.2022 02:03

I came back to watch again and
noticed I do not have the editing functions like you showed on yours. I have the sidebar with audio, etc… but not the bottom bar to edit a video.

Sara Elbitar
Sara Elbitar - 29.03.2022 15:17

This was very fruitful. Do you know why I don't have many options from Facebook real like editing clips, effects, etc.. While my sun has all of this option, I couldn't find the sharing real icon from Instagram to Facebook,
Also, my son account has this option. I hope you can answer

Andrina’s Casa
Andrina’s Casa - 29.03.2022 02:09

Thank you for this video! Is there a way I can add music at a certain point in the video verses the whole video? I can’t find an option for that. Thank you! 🙏🏽💫

Alemeli Plays
Alemeli Plays - 26.03.2022 17:12

I heard that u get invited faster for the $35,000 bonus if you have a page….Is that true?
And if I don’t have a business, can I still make a page and post my reels?

Vintage Hip Decor
Vintage Hip Decor - 21.03.2022 18:27

Yep, it is a cool program and we are blessed to have been invited early on. Earning as we speak! 🙌

Helga Soto
Helga Soto - 16.03.2022 02:47

Hello I would like please to show how to add text and where to position it and to add a logo , thanks!

Jay's Raw Reaction
Jay's Raw Reaction - 12.03.2022 00:55

Facebook gamer trying to get better at posting reels for more growth 🙏🏼
