The Harsh Reality of Being a Data Scientist

The Harsh Reality of Being a Data Scientist

Sundas Khalid

1 год назад

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IsanfWeb - 02.09.2023 10:39

Data Science will desapear with GPT-4

Anselm Powell
Anselm Powell - 01.09.2023 23:40

The reason why company’s don’t understand what a Data scientist is because it was a up job title by Facebooks lead software manger back in 2004. They wanted to hire a really smart mathematician to understand there data but he wouldn’t take the job because he didn’t like his Job title. So they told him he could pick his own job title.

Corbin - 01.09.2023 19:12

I watched a video on data science salaries and it brought up that product managers that work in data are making higher salaries that software engineers and those who have more of an analyst role. So that could be the reason why some data scientists are transitioning to product management.

Garrett Muersch
Garrett Muersch - 27.08.2023 13:38

A lot of data scientists transition to product manager because they have strong technical skills by virtue of becoming a data scientists, but they prefer the less technical role of management where they still get to utilize that technical background without having to actually write code.

flobba123 - 08.07.2023 16:51

i need to start my first job havent gotten a pay check for 30 years. gonna try all fields so see what im best at

YoungBlissLife - 26.06.2023 21:23

I'm curious to know actually what a data scientist is. I'm a data analyst and my manager wants to hire a data scientist to automatize some of our data entry. It's a program that he doesn't understand so he wants to hire someone to run it. The weird thing about it is, we're a small dept within the city and only really work with data that pertains to us so I really don't see the point. I feel like half of our workload would be gone basically and everyone will be staring at walls.

Gospel Moto
Gospel Moto - 02.06.2023 08:11

Thanks for this info. Im currently having lessons on DA course. Nice to know your revelation. Got a new subscriber here.

Brian Morgan
Brian Morgan - 28.05.2023 15:00

After reading many of the comments, I've not heard anyone speak about the importance of working in a field that they love. When I grew up I first wanted to be an ornithologist, then a paleontologist, and then an astronomer. While I'm none of those now, except in an amateur role, I discovered that I really like the medical field. I did that by changing jobs frequently in my early years. The problems that I hear people complain about here are issues with corporate management. Many times there is nothing you can do about that. However, if you love what the company does in terms of a product or service, then that goes a very long way to mitigating the management issues.

TheNisiu - 25.05.2023 20:49

Thank you very much for sharing your experiences! I have a PhD in Biomedical Engineering & I can honestly say that I've experienced many of the same experiences with interviewing & jobs just not understanding of defining your roles well. I was considering transitioning to Data Science but maybe I will look more into data analytics instead. I'm burnt out at this stage & just don't have it in me to take more chances.

Chief Myron Cappermoon
Chief Myron Cappermoon - 23.05.2023 19:12

21 whole dollars an hour. -_-
just searched a job for entry level.

I make more money doing Uber. I'm like WTF.

FiberHive - 01.05.2023 11:51

Your thumbnail looked sad asf 😢

BIONG RENN - 25.04.2023 09:50

Question: would it be better to enroll in a data analyst online course or should I just study on my own.

Rahul Patil
Rahul Patil - 19.04.2023 07:53

You need to edit this video laughing between serious talk seems inappropriate which cause me to skip video in between, don't consider this as harsh comment it just my opinion.

StepBackAndThink - 16.04.2023 13:10

You don’t have good communication skills. As an employer, I get sick of seeing this in resumes.

trader Nft's
trader Nft's - 11.04.2023 19:23

Could data science be interrupted by the constant growth of gpt's

p sanders
p sanders - 10.04.2023 08:56

Many companies want data science but actually need proper master data management, proper analytics reporting, and educating other internal stakeholders on how to utilized the insights being displayed

Canada, The Minion
Canada, The Minion - 09.04.2023 18:36

The hardest part is finding a job.

Muhammad Adnan Kamal
Muhammad Adnan Kamal - 06.04.2023 08:35

Fungible Fungible 😂😂😂

shivaay - 04.04.2023 06:05


nak - 02.04.2023 06:10

I would hardly call these things harsh but whatever lol

keyur - 29.03.2023 21:11

i am working as a data scientist since last 2 years, and I agree with all 4 of your points!

P Mobley
P Mobley - 29.03.2023 18:02

Totally resonated with me. I even worked briefly as a Product Manager but am now looking back for data science roles instead. I'd also add that data science interviews are impossible to prepare for because the field is so large. Companies don't want to hire you if you don't already know x, y, z but this role is all about constantly learning. It annoys me to no end when an interviewer plays gotcha because you don't know about some obscure new thing.

In reality, no one person knows everything about the field, and a good manager knows this. So they hire a team that complements one another and provide a synergistic problem solving capability. We all come from different backgrounds with different strengths; let's leverage that!

yodad - 27.03.2023 02:45

It is fungible!!

Chomik59 - 22.03.2023 18:43

I have impostor syndrome all the time and it's getting worse with every promotion :).

Brandon Dignam
Brandon Dignam - 22.03.2023 17:04

Nice! I see you use the Momentum extension in chrome. I've used it for years. Such a good extension. Soo thank you for this video. You gave some good potential warnings. I am completing the Google Data Analytics cert and think it might help me in my current job. I planned on taking a Data Science cert after but I'm not sure. It depends on how things go but perhaps I still will. I'm confident I'm capable, even after listening to your points. But I think I have a better expectation now. Thank you :)

Sunny Singh
Sunny Singh - 20.03.2023 19:11

Fungible 🙄

Nastja S1
Nastja S1 - 19.03.2023 16:26

as soon as they get the data science degree they run out of the job

Nastja S1
Nastja S1 - 19.03.2023 16:24

or necessary from my patients

Nastja S1
Nastja S1 - 19.03.2023 16:24

i dont need any data

apamwamba - 17.03.2023 20:57

Problem is that it looks like there is nothing like a data scientist. What exists are data analysts , MLEs ,DEs etc and not the UNICORN Sexiest job of the century called Data Scientist. Entry level is usually Data Analyst where basic start up skills are Excel , SQL and databases, Vis tools like POWERBI and scripting languages like Python. Bad news is that these tools are already quite a lot of stuff. Good luck to aspiring data workers. Not an easy journey

Neowave4.0 - 10.03.2023 15:29

I have been a junior data science for a week now, this week was filled with a lot of learning and frustrations. My first assignment was to analyze and evaluate the results of a computer vision model and its classification model. PS: This is my first time manipulating images.

Diana Yadira
Diana Yadira - 10.03.2023 01:51

My husband was referred to a data science role by a colleague and he was unsure about the role. It was hard for him to prepare because it seemed that people and organizations would use data analyst, data science, data engineer and applied scientist interchangeably. I am learning about it now since I have been wanting to get out of cyber security. Hope for the best.

Howard J.
Howard J. - 05.03.2023 19:59

time to change my ambition

ddabrahim - 04.03.2023 16:52

I did not understand a word of this. How can a manager misunderstand what your job is. You either have the skills and qualifications to do it or not. If you have the skills to do it as a Data Scientist, how and why is it not part of your job? In my head if you need to work with data, it is data science. Are you expected to work on the front-end, back-end or what are we actually talking about here? Specifics please.

Ozgipsy - 03.03.2023 16:27

They think they have to take a next step. Some of us, me, enjoy what we do. My future is entrepreneurial in my area of data science I think.

Onukwugha Oscar Omachukwu
Onukwugha Oscar Omachukwu - 03.03.2023 15:05

You are beautiful

U A - 28.02.2023 01:11

If your programming ain't up to scratch... No matter how good your math is... You ain't doing Jack in DS

RizAK Chawla
RizAK Chawla - 22.02.2023 12:59

THIS piece of information was very handy ..please also make video about colleges in Punjab i have heard a lot about Chandigarh University; it will be very helpfu;l

RLT - 19.02.2023 17:36

what if i have zero communication skills :(

RLT - 19.02.2023 17:33

i'm looking for a course that will train you to become data analyst on my spare tim from beginner to job ready. But I can't find it.

Losene Kamara
Losene Kamara - 19.02.2023 11:09

Can a data scientist earn 6 figure salary in Germany ?

عابر سبيل
عابر سبيل - 18.02.2023 19:33

Your intro is too long

Surreal Soup
Surreal Soup - 17.02.2023 14:49

she is in shock hence she is laughing haha, jokes apart applied scientist job sounds cool though especially for coders who shifted from software engineering to data science

GEMESA - 15.02.2023 05:28

It's what? It's fungible. 🤣

John Barbuto
John Barbuto - 15.02.2023 03:24

A human brain has about 86 billion neurons (current count). They don't all wire together the same way (hence diversity). So, to a neurologist (that's me) the question becomes: who is "cut out" to be a data scientist? This doesn't need to be a question about capability. It can be a question about personality, behavioral style, and interests. Jobs of this type are vastly different from human jobs of only a few hundred years ago (a blink of an evolutionary eye). We are a pretty adaptable species, but maybe we are reaching the point where we are expecting human behavioral outcomes that are - in subtle or overt ways - antithetical to basically "who we are" at an emotive level. It is an interesting conjecture. Yet, in pragmatic terms, people who enter this complex arena may need to determine if they are actually a "fit" for the work.
