Bringing Back Emotion and Intimacy in Architecture | Adrian Bica | TEDxRyersonU

Bringing Back Emotion and Intimacy in Architecture | Adrian Bica | TEDxRyersonU

TEDx Talks

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Glenn Zarmanov
Glenn Zarmanov - 18.06.2022 17:19

Thanks for the lecture

r s
r s - 02.10.2021 18:09

when you compare a 400 years old cathedral with an apartment building from the 1960 well, then you haven’t learned much in your studies … there is a loss in culture, not only in architecture, it would be interesting to hear why and what we could do about it … try in another tex … but please in a better way, otherwise let it be!

ImaginaryMdA - 05.07.2021 08:57

The issue of narrative in public spaces: who gets to tell the story?

H H - 12.06.2021 21:12

If architects just thinking about efficiency, function and cost, then this profession can easily replaced by an AI or some calculating computers that work according to the inputed needs data

irith tubermas
irith tubermas - 20.01.2021 20:13

wasn hs

Matija Zorko
Matija Zorko - 10.11.2020 04:09

Even though I feel the same way about most of contemporary architecture this talk is flat out "populist" because it misses to mention very important nuances and lies hiding lack of knowledge of the speaker.

To the speaker:
If You want to theorize about architecture you should really feel the architecture you are accusing of lacking any feels. Once again, I understand the urge to revolt against "grids" but You should be more responsible about it.

Sara A
Sara A - 09.05.2020 14:37

Nowadays i see building rise up like they have no feeling or relationship to the land and people. The more crazy shape the better architecture and i dont like it as an architect student.

Tic - 28.10.2019 08:25

sounds good but how to transform an object to emotional? is there any example?

LJC - 15.08.2019 18:59

This is really good. I am a fresh 5th year student who is still looking for a thesis topic but what has poked my interest is the problem with regards to the stripping off of the humanity of architecture. I'm really interested in the connection of architecture to people but since to this generation and time, buildings and structures have becoming more of utilitarian... But I am still at lost of everything, please if someone could help me a little bit, it would mean so much. Thank you. :)

Giuseppe Nativo
Giuseppe Nativo - 10.07.2019 14:14

Post modern residential buildings as jails? I don't really love, generally, the buildings of that period but i find this similitude as an exaggeration.
Plus i don't feel like you can't compare a nice, contemporary and common building to saint Peter in Rome. Just the tipology doesn't match at all as well my little apartment can't be compared, by an architectural point of view to a barn on the woods. It doesn't match.
As my last thought, defining contemporary architecture and the practice as a bar code, translate the idea that standardization had been a very bad thing. This is not true. The standard is at the core of the idea that permitted to the masses to have a new modern house.
So, if we want to say that we need again real spaces and real emotions, i agree but honestly i can't say that everything has been done after the post WWII is wrong, with a few exceptions.
History is made by decisions, actions, events, problems not just a catalogue of facades or typologies or nice ideas.
I think this talking, that i appreciate for the courage is still far from the truth, making things too easy or too complicated or just good and bad.
I wish to watch a second speech from the same person.

Piyush G
Piyush G - 11.04.2018 13:03

Thank you so much , I'm now able to understand my self better , what was exactly going wrong with me when I found architecture was just not being true to me and how I can fall in love with it more and more every time

PLANECRASHCORNER - 06.03.2018 03:18

Good lord, he talked so slowly I litterally had to play this at x2 speed

Vinay Seth
Vinay Seth - 23.09.2017 16:24

A well-articulated presentation!

Kay Em
Kay Em - 20.08.2017 12:42

