LEGO Delivery Truck set 60440 review! Enormous City truck, but is it worth $100?

LEGO Delivery Truck set 60440 review! Enormous City truck, but is it worth $100?

JANG's LEGO Reviews

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@sonicguyver7445 - 14.06.2024 07:15

For the sleeper build, all you need to do is put the pillow piece over on the driver's side. All the trucks I have driven in all have been set up so that all the controls for the sleeper bunk are behind the driver's seat. Plus the Freightliners I have driven all have the TV set up behind the passenger side as well. So just a minor piece adjustment back there and it's suddenly 100% real world accurate. Heck, the Cascadia I'm using now has an arm that you can attach a small flatscreen TV to on the passenger side so you can swing it closer to you while you watch and then up against the side so it's out of the way when you aren't watching.

@zarda1484 - 14.06.2024 11:16

You know how lego shrink down star wars set now? They should have done it to this to make it a better city size and smaller price.

@Dreadwolf3155 - 14.06.2024 14:19

costco price is well worth it, but at reatail.....100 for a truck just isn't my thing. rather grab the midnight raven. Then again i'm a fantasy sci fi geek so

@nicklockk - 14.06.2024 14:47

I don't get why the pallets aren't realistically stacked with cargo, all the way to the ceiling of the truck

@ORT360-xr2zu - 14.06.2024 19:33

Such a pain those rubber band forklift things I will get this asap when It comes out in Australia

@4eyesover2 - 14.06.2024 21:11

I just realized the front wheel “fenders” are seats flipped over

@spitfire-747 - 15.06.2024 07:49

I like the moving mud flaps

@maciejmaciej80 - 15.06.2024 13:08

Poprzednia wersja zgrabniejsza,smuklejsza.Ta nowa ma dziwny przód ciągnika 😊

@thejaztracy - 16.06.2024 10:47

Not going to lie, the Forklift catapult sorta made me want to track down the forklift parts

@OscarWRG - 16.06.2024 19:11

Hi, do you have any idea of why this set isn't available at Amazon US?

@orangepeel_mconionpants - 16.06.2024 23:28

i love it! however i really dislike the grill, the cabin and the sleeper cabin area is great but towards the front it gets kinda bad (?), i’d like to make an optimus prime custom!

@fuuzzzy - 17.06.2024 01:12

I would’ve loved this set as a kid, shame it’s so expensive

@joseescobedo7899 - 17.06.2024 11:00

Im glad im not the only ine that think its huge

@TVSilex - 17.06.2024 18:08

Great set, bad price, though it is still a better deal than $90 for that 76232 The Hoopty

@emilistankschool - 18.06.2024 07:13

$100 is an egregious price for what's supposed to be a toy for kids..

I guess Lego is completely removing kids from their customer base

@Marco1973est - 18.06.2024 15:56

Worth every bit of $74.99 - THANK YOU COSTCO !! **( Actually if you think about it - It's like a LEGO meets Costco Set. Turck - Workers with red vests - pallets of LEGO - HOT DOG STAND - Forklift) if you haven't been to a Costco - you wouldn't see the simularities). **

@LegoTFGuy - 19.06.2024 07:13

I know it wouldn't have been as flashy and recognizable but I wish the printed pieces on the pallets were the shipping boxes that the sets arrive to the store in, instead of loose set boxes just floating around. Those are NOT going to stay stacked up nicely after a long truck ride.

@QuattroSG - 19.06.2024 14:37

$100 for a truck? No.

@johnnations5932 - 20.06.2024 02:41

YES! This looks amazing. Will one of you talented MOC AFOLs please turn this into a Transformer? Like an Optimus but in Bumblebee yellow? Me want. 🤓

@chriscummings4206 - 21.06.2024 02:35

I believe I purchased that 2010 Lego truck at Toys r Us for $50 plus there was a Toys r Us special blue and white for $50 as well, and I thought that was rather a steep price for either one at the time. I'm not sure what your thoughts would be on 5 and 7 wide wind screens for vehicles.

@enriquehidalgo630 - 21.06.2024 04:17

Now if Lego could do an Octan Tanker and a Car transport. Same style of truck probably more Peterbilt style.

@jkb2016 - 21.06.2024 13:56

As cool as it looks, it's too large resulting in the price. If parents don't see the value - and they don't have the mindset of AFOLs - it won't sell well.

@marcus1333 - 22.06.2024 14:50

Has Lego actually registered that logo with the yellowish white?

@Rockoutloud345 - 25.06.2024 02:10

I have the one from 2010! but this one looks really nice tbh

@ChihuahuaPlane - 25.06.2024 09:05

So this is why my shipment isn’t here yet, jang has it

@snailsaredumb9412 - 27.06.2024 04:27

Thank you for including the forklift launch. I needed to see that

@mattstudios740 - 27.06.2024 06:54

So, are Lego people playing and building with their flesh?

@andybricks576 - 28.06.2024 08:55

Love this truck i am still to build set 3221 the 2010 Lego truck, i like how this looks a little like that one and we can get this at $30 off and is only $150nzd.

@thefalsegod0 - 28.06.2024 13:09

Definitely worth 100 dollars in my opinion, that thing is massive and looks fantastic, I remember buying police mobile command centres for that much that would look minuscule besides this thing

@ThecrackedBrick93 - 28.06.2024 18:09

£90 is a lot so defo discount worth

@owene2530 - 28.06.2024 19:58

This has a lot more going for it than I thought upon reveal. All the interior space and the opening hood really help make that price (which is on paper a fair one) less painful

@mr.inkwell4782 - 28.06.2024 22:41

Speaking of Costco , the hot dog stand menu looks like thier famous 1.50 dogs. 😅

@Goober_Guy - 29.06.2024 02:23

is that the costco hotdog sign you see in their food court?

@kentslocum - 29.06.2024 03:55

I think it's time for the World LEGO Forklift Vertical Launching Championships! 😂

@CT-5736-Bladez - 29.06.2024 06:15

This set is so uncannily close to what I do. I might just have to get this. My only grip is those forks should not remain that high since that’s a safety thing they should be default resting on the ground (sarcasm) 😂😂

@Mu-podcast - 29.06.2024 08:07

They had this at my local Costco. Thank you for mentioning it, or I wouldn't have even looked there. It's a great set. Well designed and a lot of fun to play around with. This is going to be one of the few sets that I'm leaving together most of the time.

@loomman5296 - 30.06.2024 14:19

City isn't a theme I collect, but every now and then something will catch my eye. Huge fan of the set, not a fan of the price.

@javo1st - 02.07.2024 19:44

I owned the 2010 one and I 100% plan on getting this, I love the cab build and it’s super nostalgic for me and the mini Lego set boxes are one of my favourite things Lego has ever done since the first time they did it.

@iatetoomuchcornflaeks - 06.07.2024 12:31

I find this set to be very pleasing. Good looks and aesthetics and usage of parts, features, without sacrificing playability.

@devinpaul9026 - 06.07.2024 18:00

Imagine if you could just literally hook the fork lift off the end of the trailer like with some trucks.

I think those are usually flatbeds and it's a different style of lift, but still. Maybe they could've made a space for it inside just for portability/storage so you can kind of just unpack it and play like a true "set of things".

@MayoHosko - 07.07.2024 03:35

One of my favourite videos you did was the og comparison between the 2010/1997/1983 LEGO trucks so seeing more of that comparison in this review is pleasing to me

@JessieCluff - 12.07.2024 01:59

Love you jang your the best my Man your probably never reply but I love you I look up to you your my hero great man thanks for the video man love you

@yuvanshhariramani9685 - 14.07.2024 15:45

i wish i could buy all these sets...

@Boogersssssssss - 17.07.2024 07:21

Just got it at Costco today

@Boogersssssssss - 18.07.2024 03:09

Easy way to get at Costco without membership is to go with someone you know that has a Costco membership

@MrHangman56 - 23.07.2024 04:10

I like it, but maybe ill buy it used for 60 if i can find it

@BraxtonParsons-s8h - 01.08.2024 17:14

I had the original one (3221?) and it was amazing.

I'm gettin this one for nostalgia

@shiroimarcio - 05.08.2024 08:32

8 stud wide Truck? That's cool, it's like a "load champions"

@jasonflores5423 - 07.08.2024 06:51

Man I knew I’d want this. Backed out of a decision but not I want again 😂
