Planescape: Torment EE - Review After 100%

Planescape: Torment EE - Review After 100%

Mortismal Gaming

3 года назад

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Taking a look at the cult classic that is Planescape: Torment

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#Planescape #Torment #Review


#Mortym #Mortismal_Gaming #Torment #Planescape #Sigil #City_of_Doors #Lady_Of_Pain #The_Nameless_One #CRPG #Review #Planescape_Torment #Planescape:_Torment
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Enjoy The Process Stupid
Enjoy The Process Stupid - 27.09.2023 21:32

What can change the nature of a man? As a 30 years old to me its experience and/or regret.

lupash - 20.09.2023 21:38

For me this is still the better written, with better narrative, videogame of all times. I've played most of the rpgs, old and modern, classic and japanese, but Planescape is still unmatched. You can see it's written by a person with a literature degree (I don't mean to bash anyone, I'm just stating a fact. That doesn't mean other writers without a degree might not be as good). Of course it's old, it comes with its limits and such, it's rather a heavy game, probably half way between a book and a rpg for nowadays standards. It literally drowns you in text all the time, and for our ADHD-packed times that is definitely an issue.
This said, I've never found a better story with a better involvement for the player than this.

Markus K
Markus K - 04.09.2023 01:43

Never could get into this game. Made it about 6 hours in last time, but I always tire of it. BG1 and 2 are my favorite games. Also got only a few hours into IWD before quitting it permanently.

Badshroom - 27.08.2023 20:23

so it wasn't just me, I really was reading too much text and felt sleepy through out the game.

poured up in a rat
poured up in a rat - 22.08.2023 13:46

How did you go about 100%ing it ?

Major Gear
Major Gear - 22.08.2023 03:08

so good story but not fun
to play if you want combat.

Charles Burleigh
Charles Burleigh - 08.08.2023 16:53

Just grabbed this in a Humble Bundle!

ZeNex74 - 01.08.2023 00:31

40yrs gaming and not looked at these games, too much reading i thought.. now im waiting for BG3 and got bg2 and now looking at this... hhmm shall i?

Orfeas - 19.07.2023 04:46

God i wish so much the character had a different portrait. Many years i try to finish this game..this ugly mug just shoo me away every time

A M - 16.07.2023 11:52

I’ve got to say, I have been watching a lot of your videos lately Mortum and on top of a few other reasons your videos and especially your passion for CRPGS has really kicked my journey into them down a Rabbit hole, im playing 4 different ones at once (including this)

Timothy Whieldon
Timothy Whieldon - 29.06.2023 07:08

i really wish i watched this before i wasted my $10 on steam... Im fine with a story and reading, but it has to be a fun game to play and for me thats combat and a challenge. BG 1 and 2 and IWD... amazing. This... meh... not my tea and i played about 15 hours into it and just lost interest about into the 6ht hour.

Man Drake
Man Drake - 23.06.2023 04:44

I dont mind the NPC dialogue. Its good world building. Sure it might not effect the plot directly, but its all helping you understand the world and honestly most of the those side conversations are optional anyway.

Użytkownik Przeciętny
Użytkownik Przeciętny - 23.05.2023 12:01

Also, imagine Honor Among Thieves movie being first step towards adaptation of Planescape

Użytkownik Przeciętny
Użytkownik Przeciętny - 22.05.2023 23:50

Also noone mentiones epic spells

Użytkownik Przeciętny
Użytkownik Przeciętny - 22.05.2023 21:46

Where is this video by MrRexx about Sigil, I dont see it on his channel, do you have a link?

Regular Guy
Regular Guy - 19.05.2023 20:39

@MortismalGaming this gives me strong Soul reaver/ shadowman vibes plotwise, especially the former. Would you reccomend it to someone who want to start playing cRPG's in general ? i don't mind turn based combat (i've played some o.g squaresoft jrpgs like final fantasy, vagrant story, parasite eve) and from what i've seen planetscape have a lot more depth to it (which is a good thing)

xis10t - 17.04.2023 02:56

I can’t believe you spoiled the thing about Morte!! In any case, just finished the game and I feel like a part of me has died with it (wink)

Tony G
Tony G - 30.03.2023 02:39

A truly wonderful game. My only issues are that there's not much replayability and that one of the joinable NPCs appears very late and another is a tedious grind to get. Otherwise an outstanding game and still playable today.

captainjellico 1701e
captainjellico 1701e - 26.03.2023 04:33

my all-time favorite game that isn't a Zelda

Gary Stump Sr
Gary Stump Sr - 27.02.2023 07:55

For us really old people it's probably worth mentioning that Annah-of-the-Shadows is voiced by 80's music pop icon Sheena Easton.

Jiraboas - 11.02.2023 15:29

Good Review!

Planescape: Torment is my favorite game of all times and always will be! I never played a game, that is so amazing like PS:T! The only game that almost can keep up with PS:T is "Disco Elysium" in my opinion. But thats it. Torment: Tides of Numenera just wasn't the kind of spiritual successor I was looking for.

But fortunately you can always come back to PS:T and it worth your effort every single time^^

Franky Price
Franky Price - 29.01.2023 00:26

Annah is annoying as hell 🤮 but this video totally updated my journal 😂

pR Predatorz
pR Predatorz - 27.01.2023 10:23

I got this game as a multi disc bundle not long after its release. It's cover turned me off and I wasn't sure I wanted to play it but bored I threw it in and gave it a chance. It was one of the most compelling and addicting games and I loved every minute of it. I really think it was so undervalued and had so much going for it over the likes of what was out there.

mouthmw - 24.01.2023 01:31

Sometimes it feels like I'm the only one who actually enjoyed the combat in Planescape Torment. I always rolled a mage. I never found it to be thaaaaat much different from Baldur's Gate. Not hugely different. Using different spells and doing a bit of micro management with my party was always fun, so I never hated the combat. It's my favorite CRPG of all times, so I'm probably a bit biased.

Mystra - 19.01.2023 06:30

Great game and speaking of Planescape is a great setting for table top without using any Wotc stuff

Joseph R.
Joseph R. - 17.01.2023 14:14


Amon - 17.01.2023 01:00

Do choices matter in this game

Ten Second BuickGN
Ten Second BuickGN - 22.11.2022 01:53

Your review has inspired me to stick with it. I'm on my third attempt and always seem to lose interest. Which was my issue with Baldur's Gate

Angellum Manaflow
Angellum Manaflow - 20.11.2022 17:45

the intro reminds me so much of Kingdoms of Amalur...

OhDub West
OhDub West - 31.10.2022 20:35

I found it interesting that Wisdom was one of the most important stats in this game. It makes sense, but it’s not something that’s embraced in most games.

Akatharie - 18.10.2022 21:01

Totally love this, and I played the EE version earlier this year. Still a fascinating story-line with wonderfully complex characters with tales to tell 😍

Rod - 16.10.2022 06:09

I don't know if today's gamers have the patience for this game. It is my favorite RPG ever, but I am old school and grew up on the classics, so I loved having the option to avoid combat at times and the copious amount of text was so well written it never seemed like a chore to read.

exPDXbear - 06.10.2022 00:09

I have the original pc physical, all 5+ CDs in the neat folder. Also just bought this along with icewindale on steam for $1 off of humble bundle.

Aaron Dervrak
Aaron Dervrak - 14.09.2022 19:24

My main complaint about Torment was that if you realized going in it was more a "talking" based story game than a combat game, you could min-max all your skill point into Charisma/Wisdom/Intelligence and pretty much ignore Strength/Dexterity/Constitution and "talk" your way through the entire game always getting the best dialogue options for everything. Yes doing that makes what little combat is in the game difficult, but that's what companions are for.

Ash - 30.08.2022 09:38

This really updated my journal

brent bent
brent bent - 20.08.2022 08:00

I lucked out on what my first CRPGs were and they set a high bar standard that many games that followed didn't reach. I played three CRPGs as they were released: Fallout 1, Baldur's Gate 1 and Planescape: Torment. All three of those games are solid A+ when it comes to world building and setting and only Planescape: Torment didn't have great combat to go along with such superb settings.

PT reminds quite a bit of Elden Ring in that they are both incredibly inscrutable, mysterious and mesmerizing, especially at their start. PT does a little bit of hand holding but for the most part you have little information about your PC including the fact you can change your class from fighter to a thief or wizard!! All the the NPCs that can join your party are also incredibly unique.

Great review and anybody who hasn't played this one but likes games that deliver the unexpected or unique realities this is a game for you. Ignore the rough combat. Seriously, who doesn't want top lay an immortal with some mysterious connection to Sigil, the city of infinite doors that lead to infinite places.

Esat - 11.08.2022 00:47

Are you going to do a story recap for this like divinity or baldur's gate?

Pete Lewis
Pete Lewis - 08.08.2022 10:31

I loved this game, played it through with every character type when it first released and 100% all 3 play through's. I have tried it again since then and couldn't get back into it

Vking777 - 22.07.2022 17:30

I have it on my phone so I can’t complain besides being really small

Arthur Sleep
Arthur Sleep - 21.07.2022 01:24

I'm gonna play this for the first time, looking forward to it!

LowSkillSurvival - 28.05.2022 21:21

4,50€ on Steam rn (28.05.2022)

N33T0 K1M
N33T0 K1M - 28.05.2022 02:52

Is this a spoiler free review?

Tskmaster - 09.05.2022 13:58

I played this one directly after BG back when it was new and... I never warmed up to it.
I didn't finish the game but I did add Nordrom the Modrom to my party. So what happened? I ran into a bug that didn't allow me to advance the story. The blacksmiths had a memory and I did what they wanted but they didn't give it to me.
Let's have a round of applause for CD-Roms and dial up modems... and the fact they're rightfully dead!

james staggs
james staggs - 09.05.2022 02:13

Yeah I bought this not too long after it came out and was pretty amazing. I could never beat it though because it was so different from all the other games I'd played. I cut my teeth on things like Dragon Warrior, Final Fantasy and the Gold Box games. Combat was the main focus so I played it like that, killing everything, and that can be a bad time. I bought it off GoG three years ago and have yet to boot it up but as soon as I'm done with GTA San Andreas which I never got to beat back in the day either this is my next one.

paulunga - 04.05.2022 22:18

This is still one of my favorite games of all time. Let's put it this way: I bounced right off both Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 (mostly because I'm not a fan of the Infinity Engine) but I've got a P:T tattoo that I still think looks cool. :D

And it's not just nostalgia. I recently replayed it after having not touched the game for almost 20 years and the writing holds up for me.

Nyar Parablepsis
Nyar Parablepsis - 29.04.2022 11:25

Hah, found the review :) It's great to see that you've covered PS:T! It's my favourite CRPG of all times, I don't know how many times I've played through it just to immerse myself in the story again.

The point you make about customising your character is absolutely true; particularly the options to lie or tell the truth have always stood out in my mind as unique and a great way to make the Nameless One yours. I would love to see this implemented in more games!

My favourite moment besides for Ravel's question is when you meet O of the divine alphabet; the shoutout to that scene in Tides of Numenera was pretty fun too.

Anyways, I kinda see the game as pretty philosophical. Dealing with questions of how to live your life, how actions and intentions can change one's path, and the power of belief. I really need to DM a campaign in that setting again... but, I am rambling :)

Have you ever managed to get Adahn to materialise?

Alex Oelkers
Alex Oelkers - 19.04.2022 07:05

But the high level spell animations are straight up amazing. You have to play a caster just to see them.

kambion - 06.04.2022 23:04

Best RPG ever made. I even like the fighting.
