Star Citizen - Any Day Now™

Star Citizen - Any Day Now™


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@martinblank1484 - 23.01.2024 12:51

Scam Citizen

@alaskan_bigfoot9090 - 20.01.2024 09:50

Watching this 1 year after release and it all still holds true lol, they even have said since this video has been made that SQ42 is feature complete and being polished but that paints no picture of what it looks like or when it will be released.
Oh one thing has changed, they now have a 48,000 dollar game package so yeah theres that.

@MarloC137 - 18.01.2024 20:19


@Golgot100 - 15.01.2024 15:41

I've done a bunch of vids on SC claims and comedies over the years, if anyone's up for more. The latest is: Deja New: Squadron 42 - [2012-2023]

@Alexandragon1 - 13.01.2024 20:32

Any Day Now™ - still like this, 1 year later...

@joshuapatrick682 - 10.01.2024 07:54

what i dont understand is how anyone woud give money to the development of a product or service without share in the profits of that product or service when it became commercially available....

@DAN420. - 05.01.2024 11:49

I recon this will be the 4th company Robert sinks and has to sell off.

@FPSKiwi - 03.01.2024 16:33

What I don't understand is how many people don't realize that most of the money and development time is currently going into Squadron 42, not Star Citizen. And the fact they had to build their company, and a lot of tech, from scratch.

When you take these facts into account they are actually doing extremely well. And as we heard a couple months back, SQ42 is now feature complete and is in polishing, which of course could take 3 years. But still, completely ok amount of time for CIG to create a company and a new game from nothing.

@inabstract - 02.01.2024 17:14

I have this game for like 4 years. And only last month i was able to play it, when i received my new rtx 4060 lol. Was ok i guess. Although, the "freedoom" to go anywhere, isnt quite like that i think, as my first reaction was to try and land my ship somewhere in the city where i started, and just did a warning and cut out, and i got a fine... lol.
So then, i CANT just land my ship anywhere. Infact i dont think i could just take some route and just go walk around that giant city with complete freedom (other then taking that train). Didnt really play alot to try that...but never seen one video of people walking that city, so doubt it. Meh... :P

@timeforepic_inc.2105 - 01.01.2024 05:21

has anyone tried comparing CIG to the military industrial complex

@rodrrico - 21.12.2023 12:43

Chris Roberts is the world's greatest charlatan used car salesman.

@magnusgreel275 - 21.12.2023 02:50

Jam tomorrow, never jam today.

@Sphinx7410 - 16.12.2023 12:05

Starfield modders will help themselves to the design concepts and concepts to fix their game, instead of sinking money into a project which is nothing more than a infinite crowd funding project with no proper release date.

@bryanbrewer4272 - 14.12.2023 09:17

soo creamy yet dry......

@Fishster - 13.12.2023 13:54

I’ve watched a couple of star citizen videos over the last decade. This one was excellent and introduced some novel ideas.

It amazes me that people are still giving the project the benefit of the doubt let alone still contributing money.

A small correction I think you meant ‘mode’ where you said ‘median’. Mode is the most commonly repeated data point in a set, presumably the minimum pledge. Median is the mid point.

@Bossfightmedia - 12.12.2023 21:16

The whole "100 different starsystems" thing also leads me a to a different question: What kind of PC does the customer need to even run this baby? And what would the size of the Game be? 187 Gb? Just the Basegame? lol

@sickbreed66 - 12.12.2023 20:21

I want to be very clear in my words here...Star Citizen has only one true competitor if you can consider it competition...GTA6 has been in development just as long with rehashed code, 2 previous games to piggyback off of and almost 2BILLION dollars to work with. So 3-4 times the budget at maybe 1/16th the size if that, established networking tech, established lore, code ETC... and everyone wants to complain and whine about how long Star Citizen is taking to build an amazing 28 chapter possibly 120HR single player campaign with endless potential for DLC growth, open sandbox living breathing universe, next level AI NPC mission givers as well as experience gaining and leveling NPC's you can evolve in game and hire for your ships crew just in case you have no friends. Not to mention the next level game engine and GOD TECH server meshing which will change the gaming industry FOREVER. But yeah lets sit around and bitch about it taking an extra year or two than GTA6...yeah ok lol

@williamhenry8914 - 11.12.2023 13:17

It's about to be 2024 and still not finished.

@bussner1501 - 10.12.2023 21:52

'The game will play itself' yeah, because not playing a game is the fun part

@banhammer3904 - 09.12.2023 02:01

Funny that you mention Jesus tech. No man knows the time, but Christ will assuredly return before Star Citizen goes into beta test.

@GabeTheGrump - 08.12.2023 12:53

Still crazy it's already been over 10 years since this started and it's already been about 6 years since I bought the 50 dollar ship package just to basically forget this game.

@Mittzys - 08.12.2023 04:00

1,000,000th View

@rairaur2234 - 06.12.2023 17:54

...why am I listening to Stellaris OST lmao
Great vid m8

@starryeyes5860 - 06.12.2023 11:46

quick little tidbit, CryEngine was developed for far cry not halo. Ubisoft still uses it for car cry games, albeit heavily modified and now called Dunia Engine.

@3ndoku5h - 05.12.2023 03:07

i actually find it quite strange people are upset with this game. they started with two mil.... bungie started with 3 billion at the time and over 8 years later the game is trash and nowhere near as complex as SC. Also... its in alpha and you should know that before spending money...

I get it though. Pretty standard bandwagon content. Plus, this gives everyone a chance to make stupid jokes....

@yanyu8989 - 04.12.2023 03:36

ya still see vids selling star bs on the daily guess they can afford it sad to see so many saps so invested.

@pravnav - 03.12.2023 12:45

This game is literally a scam lmao it’s a miracle it even got approved on kickstarter in the first place

@Bow-to-the-absurd - 03.12.2023 12:45

500 million dollars yet no game after 12 years?

@FlameOfRoyeca - 02.12.2023 04:51

If you think about it, Tarkov is in a similar situation. Its early access has no end in sight

@crafty_badger - 01.12.2023 23:04

It's laughable easy to sell US people a dream. A dream of the best space sim, a dream of real-life Tony Stark, male and female versions, a dream of equality.. Basically anything that could charitably be called a fairytale, you gobble up. Like you desperately want to be children and escape reality that fairytales are not real. That you've been duped and best star sim ever is just a whale milking scheme.

@marcjordan6923 - 01.12.2023 20:18

“…Believing in Star Citizen is valuable…”
And that there is why gamers are always F***ed over. You’re too stupid to admit your wrong. Just say it’s a scam and get it over with. Gamers are the weakest group in america. You guys purposefully get ripped off and let it happen over and over again. It literally pisses me off 😂

@assah1427 - 30.11.2023 20:13

This game is just unplayable. Visuals and sounds are great but when you can't complete a single contract becuase of bugs for few days, then you know something is up.
Disappearing packages you are meant to pick up, getting thrown out of the sit into the space. These bugs were here since 2017-2018, they still did nothing to them and continue to push out new content. This is not a revolutionary game, it has more bugs than CyberPunk on release. CP at least didn't have that much game breaking bugs, here, 90% of them are and you will be dying almost exclusively to them.

@d1g1tvl-0hretor1c - 30.11.2023 08:05

Star Citizen 2: Weeks More

@kalashnikovdevil - 30.11.2023 04:42

So a year later, it looks like it's actually coming out!

@xrayl7392 - 28.11.2023 01:45


@AD3SPG - 27.11.2023 21:07


@mirko241 - 25.11.2023 16:44

EVE online is what Star Citizen wants to be

@pseudosystematic - 24.11.2023 18:05

A game not even worth free

@DailyFrankPeter - 23.11.2023 11:19

At some point they need to adopt Linux-like model of development, which is:
- development never ends but
- stable and LST versions are clearly marked and cut off
- it is forbidden to break usability and performance while developing
- backwards compatibility

@Cypress77 - 23.11.2023 05:51

90% of CIG staff is marketing staff. They have very few actual game designers/programmers working on the project.

@NewMitchell-wh3fj - 23.11.2023 00:12

You're the only one who talks about the backer vote and the assurances that the stretch goals wouldn't make the project take longer

@INgenCY - 22.11.2023 17:30

Star Citizen is too good to be a reality. It just can't.

@John-kd2tc - 18.11.2023 18:11

Playing it during a free weekend is definitely one of those core memories. My computer can't handle it so that was my first and last time I played.

@galloviking4766 - 18.11.2023 12:38

A game so realistic you wish it weren't.

@ned272 - 15.11.2023 05:14

Bro, it's funny how so many people have an opinion about something they've never played. Like shut up.

@ComboSmooth - 14.11.2023 22:39

I met a guy a decade ago who claimed to be working on Star Citizen, and he told me in no unclear words that the game will never come out.

@miloszivkovic6256 - 12.11.2023 16:35

No game can live up to that kind of hype
