DARK ELVES ARMY GUIDE! - Total War: Warhammer 2

DARK ELVES ARMY GUIDE! - Total War: Warhammer 2


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Internet Mameluq
Internet Mameluq - 09.07.2023 08:02

Not that this is bad, it's a good video, but your more recent videos are so much better done. Also these guides could use an update.

simple man 3
simple man 3 - 04.07.2023 17:33

Since im a new player this is extremely useful 😂

Jordan Edge
Jordan Edge - 25.05.2023 10:05

You forgot flying manticore 😢😂

Romain Ball
Romain Ball - 12.11.2022 02:41

Are executioners any good ?

Leon Kennedy
Leon Kennedy - 10.10.2022 13:54

You forgot 1 more great thing about witch elves! THEY HAVE HD ABS

Hugin Phosphor
Hugin Phosphor - 19.09.2022 17:58

why do their horses look undead?

flip a dip
flip a dip - 13.06.2022 04:28

tfw no Death Hag wife

Sot122 - 20.03.2022 21:22

Make a formation that that uses the black dragon and the piecing misled at its full

Shawn Berry
Shawn Berry - 12.02.2022 16:12

Amazing video. You make every faction my favorite one.

Who The Hell Is Harvy
Who The Hell Is Harvy - 27.01.2022 22:56

The best way to use Morathi is definitely to mount her.

Andreas Ericsson
Andreas Ericsson - 24.01.2022 17:44

10 changes that I hope for Dark Elves in warhammer 3!
Since I am a big fan of Dark Elves and they are my number 1 faction, I wish for a rework. Several of the lords are not functional in game and I miss alot from that faction. I also have an DE army for the table top Warhammer.
1. Morathi should not spread corruption and her capital should be Ghrond. Maybe she could have two settlements in different places like Malus. Morathi or Crone should get the master of all assasins in the game, "Shadowblade" but he doesnt even exist in game. Maybe from start or as a quest.
2. Rakarth has zero upkeep on harpies but I think he would have different upkeeps on every beast instead of only harpies, in order to save money, then you could have afford one more lord. Before Chaos arrives I had Rakarth with only 19 stack harpies but that become boring after a couple of turns. I miss many other beasts, for example, manticor, pegasus and Eagles.
3. Crone and Malus is not functional but Malekith and Lokhir Fellheart is very functional. The death night is wrong because you are not allowed to choose which units that are in it and it becomes to expensive while you have that army and there is not an option not do to the death night, If you dont do it then the penalties are to high. Malus potion is wrong because it affects all his armies and the cost is too high, instead of just his own army and this option would be better if it was in a building like something similar to Grom, with different options with negative and positve buffs or cheaper to buy. The most fun I had so far playing the game was with Lokhir and Grom the Paunch. These factions with quests and how the factions functions is for me the best of all factions.
4. I wish that we could have Tularis Dreadbringer as hero or lord for Crone and Kouran Darkhand as hero or lord for Malekith.
5. The kharibdyss miss out a special ability that is squesing of the enemies like a kraken with his tentacles around a ship. So if that was functional in the same way as the hydras breath but this ability you start when the kharibdyss is in close combat. Imagine that this monster do 30 seconds of more damage versus infantry units and even more damage on large units. Like kharibdyss is function now I always prefer the hydra because of the breath and regeneration so much more valuable than kharibdyss.
6. Dark Elves should be able to heal with soul stealer and soul stealer should funcion as the vampires heal or atleast close to that. I imagine that level 1 one soul stealer only heal the lord or hero and level 2 on soul stealer even heals the other units that is in the circle.
Why I think so is because the other elven races can heal and the cost of all units and abilities are almost the same in DE, HE and WE. So that would be more fair if also DE can heal. Soul stealer according to the rule book heals the lord or hero.
7. Remove lojalty because it is just so wrong the whole Dark Elves faction is non functional as long as this lojalty remains or atleast change it so you can have complete lojalty for example after turn 20 you can choose immortality so why cant you choose complete lojalty?
8. I miss the Black Ark Fleetmaster as hero on the Black Arks.
9. I wish that the lords has their own city as a settlement from start, Malekiths city Naggarond, Morathis city Ghrond, Crones city Har Ganeth, Malus Darkblade city Hag Graef. Maybe all of these lords could have 2 starting settlements from start like Malus. Morathi could be added with Ghrond and Malekith with Clar Karond, because it is also his town. Crone could be added somewhere in ulthuhan or maybe even one in badlands or old world.
10. It would be awesome if DE can be added with one building for their dark armoury, so that you can buy items for all your lords and heroes and fill all empty slots, like Arkhan the Black can do. I miss out in the game that it is so hard to fill all empty slots. DE is world wide famous for their dark armoury so add a building for that would make them even more complete.

Jm Gannaway
Jm Gannaway - 30.07.2021 03:24

Its sorcerers

Ruzo - 02.07.2021 01:15

This is the only game I've seen where "bikini armor" offers far less protection than full plate.

Alyssin Williams
Alyssin Williams - 23.06.2021 00:23

Who would ever think that Black Ark Corsairs are a frontline unit? o_O

efragione - 30.04.2021 19:34

Super helpful! 🙏🏼

Szatan 2000
Szatan 2000 - 17.03.2021 13:46

18min - Korsairs got flanked by another unit of swordsman. Ah yes, very fair test

Christopher Fleming
Christopher Fleming - 03.03.2021 04:14

Shades should be recruited as soon as you can get ahold of them. Vanguard deployment and stalk can help you mitigate the High Elves superior range. Plus the Shades can eventually be buffed to extend their range.

EnthrallingBass140 - 26.02.2021 04:23

I’m having so much trouble with them right now. High Elves keep attacking me and my other Dark Elf allies are useless and spreading corruption everywhere

Micke the Goblin
Micke the Goblin - 25.02.2021 10:45

Does this still apply?

Dustin wind A.i.
Dustin wind A.i. - 27.01.2021 17:13

repeating crossbows r OP IRL ill never go back to a bow or crossbow

KaptainKokujin - 26.01.2021 21:55

But where are my Feral Manticores? Why'd they get left out? 😢😢

Keto - 03.12.2020 06:03

Great videos dude, just got started mahself.

Raze | Adroit
Raze | Adroit - 28.10.2020 22:34

I was expecting a guide, all I got were tips...

Christopher Thomas
Christopher Thomas - 28.10.2020 05:50

Is it just me or is this an army full of transexuals and crossdressers?

Kerruo - 12.10.2020 23:11

Dark Elves are basically quality over quantity

Dan McLeod
Dan McLeod - 29.08.2020 23:57

Would hate to be Morathi's chiropodist....

Geobugseon - 26.08.2020 18:47

I don't know how can sell a 66 Speed unit as being "great fir dealing with enemy Cavalry" Beasts and such maybe, but cavalry? Probably not. Cold one Riders are the most overrated Units in this video.

Kagarin? - 11.08.2020 03:14

Say buttah again for me

Meat eater 9000
Meat eater 9000 - 23.07.2020 07:52

The black ark corrsairs are getting surrounded

Patrik - 21.07.2020 22:56

Dark Elf knights riding on dinosaurs
So edgy and so badass

Raphael Angelo Mella
Raphael Angelo Mella - 17.07.2020 11:05

I prefer her over him because of.... personal reasons.

SimpleReally - 14.07.2020 06:57

I sense a bit of overlap with the whole "low armor high damage infantry, good for flanking infantry" thing. There are too many units in this game

roshiron 18
roshiron 18 - 04.07.2020 10:56

The problem with Indy is he brought too many damn shades. They should be used sparingly with your darkshards w/ shields being the main ranged component or at least half/half. Had he done so he wouldn't have had to game the enemy archers as his darkshards would have easily been able to trade with their shields and greater numbers. Meanwhile shades flank. Plus, more cash left over.

DeejayVillain - 02.07.2020 22:28

Fantastic video! Bravo pal!

capitandelnorte - 01.07.2020 22:48

man...I can't even win one battle. Even though I stack up on darkshards in checkerboard formation. Not even one.... :(

Pedro Moreira
Pedro Moreira - 28.06.2020 19:05

I've learned a lot. Thank you.

dilophosaurus sk
dilophosaurus sk - 23.06.2020 15:09

Who would win?
Malekith, The Witch King
Some pokey bois

D#swegkingehy - 10.06.2020 15:16

the K I N K L O R D S

God Emperor
God Emperor - 31.05.2020 16:33

If the dark elves literally have a slace economy, why don't they have guns or Dawi machinery? Someone can surely teach them how to make gunpowder.

Kevin - 25.05.2020 03:20

Really enjoyed this. For lords and heroes though a discussion of mounts/mounted would have been helpful too. Great overview and tactics ideas though. Gave me a good feel for a DE run.

Sam Hardie
Sam Hardie - 18.05.2020 03:47

I gor that snatch reference ;)

Rain - 15.05.2020 04:22

running down routed units just to butcher them is so on point flavor wise

manictiger - 10.05.2020 19:01

Instructions not clear. Ignored meta and just spammed black dragons, killing everything on the map.

Raienkonnis Edwards
Raienkonnis Edwards - 26.04.2020 22:03

They are dog shit. Play any other faction if you want to have fun

Rashid Jackson
Rashid Jackson - 22.04.2020 11:57

Dark elves rock!!

Toversnol EU
Toversnol EU - 22.04.2020 04:08

Ohh that Ninja Build looks AMAZING to me =D
