Testing Sims 4 Tiktok Hacks for Building // Sims 4 Build Tips and Tricks to Improve Your Builds!

Testing Sims 4 Tiktok Hacks for Building // Sims 4 Build Tips and Tricks to Improve Your Builds!

Syd Mac ♡

1 год назад

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@beccahealy8813 - 19.10.2023 05:41

Awesome tips, thank you so much!! 💕

@LeloLoveBug - 12.10.2023 04:22

Syd! I have learned sooooo much from watching your videos! My builds have been upped a few notches and I have you to thank! I wanted to see something….I wonder if you pushed the bookcase a little more into the wall with it showing if the bookcase will work then. I think the bookshelf was too far back for it to work. Maybe. I’ll try it too to let you know lol just thoughts! 🫶🏼

@NoActuallyGo-KCUF-Yourself - 06.08.2023 20:20

Bridges were the first thing I was looking for. I made an accidental floating octagon room once that looked like a flying saucer. I put trees around it and a ladder to get up to make a tree house.

@Tiffanysroyalcleaningtime - 30.06.2023 06:33

I just found your channel tonight I’m so excited to try these and watch more videos. Showing my teen your channel tomorrow! We love playing sims together.

@astheticgirl258 - 06.04.2023 11:13

Wow ik it’s simple but it’s better than mine

@DeborahFloody - 10.03.2023 09:09

How did you lower the room without moving the whole house?

@Sincereliving - 23.01.2023 13:05

Love these!

@ozarkoracle7389 - 14.01.2023 18:15

Is that a Greta Van Fleet shirt you're wearing? All the love!!!!

@pawtile9434 - 30.12.2022 07:54

you forgot bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement :P

@jiichu8345 - 14.11.2022 23:42

Where u get more 'base' I have starting (original) base (floor), and I don't have up/down button

@nitaavery5537 - 12.11.2022 11:43

You changed my sims life🥰😂 thank you

@seritareddig3526 - 31.10.2022 20:05

Which pc do use for gaming? Or which is the best to play sims on?

@nainikadances - 28.10.2022 13:53

Hi, I'm having trouble with the custom pools one. when I try to delete the floor, it deletes the trim too? could someone tell me how to delete the floor without deleting the trim?

@Hondasmama2005 - 14.09.2022 18:04

I so can't wait to get home tonight and try these out!
I'm going to go further on the heart shaped pool and try and make a paw print one! Which would look cool in a shell challenge I'm doing!

@Hondasmama2005 - 14.09.2022 18:02

For the last one I'd do it 3 tiles wide and use a platform n center bed on it. Which should make it functional.

@lydiasmith4687 - 14.09.2022 11:34

I was trying create a bridge about 4 yrs ago now wish new about that hack haha

@AFishOutOfWater013 - 06.09.2022 05:57

I am obsessed with your builds 😍 thanks so much for these tips, I can’t wait to try them!!

@evestree - 30.08.2022 06:48

Thanks for walking us through these!!! Soo helpful to have these hacks together in one place! Thank you!

@summertime69 - 22.08.2022 04:03

The bridge trick was one of my favorites. I once stacked several "second floors" like platforms before we had platforms. It was a cool way to live above a pool.

@TheChloeMcGurk - 21.08.2022 22:58

U never fail to amaze me!! Even these hacks u make look so simple. Incredible talent 🔥

@blooshuu6915 - 12.08.2022 18:37

Does anyone know how she rotates items freely like that?

@kaila288 - 11.08.2022 16:23

Are you wearing a Greta Van Fleet shirt?

@Liljewlz - 11.08.2022 06:07

the bread is a brick people Theas days

@beckywheway8351 - 11.08.2022 00:44

Do you have this on Sims Gallery...?? This home is so pretty

@yula__ - 10.08.2022 09:00

How do you turn something without the grid thingy? Also what should I press to turn objects

@taliexo - 10.08.2022 08:26

the custom pool shape and window hacks blew my mind! also love the tshirt!

@KewlKat626 - 09.08.2022 22:20

If you hold down shift while you place objects it copies them! Works with objects already placed too. So if you don't wanna dig through debug again for the same objects just pick it up and place it again while holding shift! Works in in 2 and 3 as well.

@trinitytet - 04.08.2022 15:18

great video

@nadinheijs5696 - 03.08.2022 12:35

The bb.showliveeditobjects doesn’t work does anyone have tip?:)

@josien2129 - 30.07.2022 22:27

Love your shirt! I just went to see them yesterday

@catladyfluff8423 - 30.07.2022 21:51

For the bed one at the end just build a basement room under the bed and raise the spa day thing up from there. Then game registers it as being in room bellow and not in sims way round the bed.

@helenachwierut7349 - 23.07.2022 00:39

Hey! Cool shirt!!

@ezequielthomas4223 - 21.07.2022 10:31

Is there anyway I can delete entire 3rd and 4th floor of a build it’s too big I need help downsizing it .

@greenday10198 - 19.07.2022 07:28

The Greta Van Fleet shirt!!! Hell yeah 😤❤️

@yasminechtioui403 - 18.07.2022 14:47

a video where you build a house with a different budget for each room would be cool. you could like randomly choose the budget with a wheel

@hipsterracoon2159 - 16.07.2022 20:38

Hey I’ve been watching your videos for quite awhile and I wondered do you use any reshade? 😁 If so which ones..

@marianaamor6319 - 16.07.2022 03:38

I am actually so ticked off right now!!!!! I had a beautiful house, decided to try these hacks and it was going great. I was in the middle of doing the window one AND IT RANDOMLY CRASHED. I lost it all 😤😡😡

I know to save every little bit. I forgot to because I hadn't played Sims in a while 😫

@antoniacampos8555 - 15.07.2022 22:08

omg i couldn't stop looking at your greta van fleet tshirt. i love it!💖💖

@naomistephanie9471 - 15.07.2022 14:17

Omg, Greta Van Fleet T-shirt 👀💚

@BrookeAzgard - 15.07.2022 12:23

you’re such a creative builder! 💕

@justmecrazygirl - 15.07.2022 10:14

hii Syd, the built-in bookcase and bedroom hack may work. with the bookcase you can also do with, platforms instead of the window and then raise them. And with the bed if you put a platform, and raise it once and then put the bed with ALT it should work. I really love your video's 😊

@hayley_g - 15.07.2022 09:31

these blew my mind, so simple yet i NEVER would have thought of them?? crazy. the laptop table is amazing.

@BobBob-dv6bg - 15.07.2022 09:16

Your houses are always so good I love how you use such fun colors but it never looks obnoxious

@carleyblakemore4640 - 15.07.2022 06:05

I love how you always say “The Sims 4” while you’re playing it 😂 I’m sure it’s just a habit. Nothing wrong with that! I just have noticed you say it a lot during your videos.

@TaylorAnnette888 - 15.07.2022 04:21

Sincerely one of my all time favourite Sims videos. I kept saying "ARE YOU SHITTING ME THAT'S SO CUTE!"
