Is It Worth Playing EVE Online Solo in 2024?

Is It Worth Playing EVE Online Solo in 2024?

Red2 Gaming

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GixxerDrei - 13.11.2023 18:12

The answer is NO. You cannot play it solo, at one point or another the game will send you to 0.4 to 0.0 space for a mission, and this is where you will die unable to complete that mission, maybe even losing all your progress and locking you out of the higher level NPC and Faction missions. You can play solo up to a certain point, then you won't. You will also have to throw quite a bit of money to access certain things or train faster. Asmall correction, EVE isn't an MMO, it is a PVPMMORPG or better AHOLEHEAVENMMORPG. I can guarantee you that you will never meet as many aholes in any other MMO as you will in EVE.

By the way, the frigate vs battleship... well imagine fitting 8 (is 8 maximum turrets these days lessor more?) small or medium weapons on a battleship with a optimal range of 500m to 25000m and doing a one shot kill, with drones and followed by bombs in any unused high level slot. It's all about the equipment, not the ship.

Zac Jones
Zac Jones - 13.11.2023 03:42

For me plex killed it, I created my first character in 2003 (still have them) and haven't played in years. Always look at it and wonder but do not think I will return.

Andre Araujo
Andre Araujo - 13.11.2023 02:24

This game is a big waste of time, because CPP plays it against the player.

karni60 - 12.11.2023 13:33

Yes Play Eve !

Dallas - 12.11.2023 12:25

Currently enjoying solo WH hunting in a Hound rocket bomber with a lowly skilled character trained to fly a specific fit. 38 - 0 so far. I scout using a character on the same account, whose zKill I don't care about, to purport some level of incompetence whilst actually gathering intel and setting ambush bookmarks. A lot of patient waiting but some exciting fun times!

Varag Varag
Varag Varag - 12.11.2023 06:25

Legitimately one of the most informed options on "solo" play in EVE! WP sir

I run a new player focused group in game and one thing I try to encourage in my new pilots is the willingness to experiment and take risk. Skill points are as much as a mental barrier as they are a real one. If you have a good grasp of the core mechanics and ideally fitting ships you will progress SUPRISINGY fast.

I wouldn't encourage solo play at least initially. Get in a corp that will actually help you learn the core mechanics that you need to pursue the gameplay styles you enjoy most in the game and then walk away when you have the knowledge. The issue with most corps in EVE in my experience is that you never really know what there like till your in it and new players don't have the best ability to be able to judge what is going to be a good corp for them.

Best advice: find an active community (use Z killboard or other out of game resources to judge real activity as best you are able) then learn what you can from the veterans you like or at worst can tolerate. Some corps are listed in the EVE web sight under the solider of fortune section that could be a good place to start looking.

If you really want to avoid corp play then keep in mind that your ALWAYS in an NPC corp and there will be veterans in there you can quiz about stuff with mixed results at best. Talk to people as much as you can, some people will invite you to other group chats and you may well get given money after being gank by a group or solo pilot. That's very normal take the opportunity's to learn and try to not be bitter or get disheartened. Its meant to be hard and scary that's what makes it fun and rewarding!

Bunster - 11.11.2023 18:41

wey aye man ya git radgy gadgy, hello from durham

tutucox - 11.11.2023 17:53

i played eve solo for many years . died about 1700 times XD

Graham Dixon
Graham Dixon - 11.11.2023 07:46

The rookie chat is also highly under rated

David Veillon
David Veillon - 11.11.2023 04:59

Seeing as CCP doesn't care people are running protection rackets in high sec that demand real world money, EVE has become a shit hole game.

Murlock2000 - 10.11.2023 18:10

redcoat viking but he sounds very American or British? :P

Mario Berndt
Mario Berndt - 10.11.2023 11:52

Sadly you can take out a station by yourself, since multiboxing is pretty much a necessity nowadays and also very much promoted by CCP. I would assume there are more players with 10+ accounts than actual one-account solo players.

Trazyn the Infinite
Trazyn the Infinite - 10.11.2023 11:10

I mine isk from npc mission drones and wrecks

A W - 10.11.2023 05:50

The "Band of Brothers and taxes on a second monitor" bit had me chorfin

Hiking Feral
Hiking Feral - 09.11.2023 18:40

They have done a good job making Eve stay looking beautiful to this day. I used to play it a lot but find it quite boring now but I always come back once every year or so to play it for a few weeks. We could do far, far worse than get a similar more modern game developed based on Eve Online. It's not perfect and has made it's fair share of blunders but I think on the whole Eve is one of the best games for listening to players and not becomming a massive cash cow.

szeredai akos
szeredai akos - 08.11.2023 20:26

You can omega your account from 0 in about 60 hours in you are unlucky. Be prepared to die allot.
Hell ... you can do that by searching for lost faction drones if you don't wanna die.

Jack Eriksen
Jack Eriksen - 08.11.2023 14:01

You know, people rarely googles their first gaming session.

I find it kind of odd that devs spams new not 1M accounts with wiki links after a hour, the game does a good job explaining the basics on it's own.

It's like your not allowed to play unless you red the book first, the irony is of cause that the people saying that did not read wiki links their first sessions either.

Do as I say not as I did huh?

Game is pretty good though, and info is ready and available should you need it or want to delve straight into advanced stuff.
Only reason I stopped playing was it got to expensive to have my accounts running.

Brendon De Villiers
Brendon De Villiers - 08.11.2023 01:26

I play MMOs solo because I want to play a single player game, but with the dynamic things (eg. Trade/prices in Eve is determined by players) - I don't want to interact with other players, but I like that some things aren't static.

Freelancer, for example, has the best space trade and travel systems in any space game I've played - but all the trade prices are static. And that is very boring, once you've figured out optimal routes.

Plus, they don't really make many single player games that are regularly updated like MMOs are.

I tolerate other players presence so I can play a game I want to.

Sepix - 07.11.2023 22:59

"Solo PVP is dead"

Marc B.
Marc B. - 07.11.2023 09:38

People suck?!?!?!
