My Review of Diablo 4 After Playing Over 500 Hours

My Review of Diablo 4 After Playing Over 500 Hours


10 месяцев назад

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Shroud - 22.07.2023 20:21

What did you guys think of diablo 4?

Btw, did mention they should increase storage space and the idea of shared storage between characters. Just maybe not infinite storage.

Definitely expected more from Season 1 but I just enjoy playing the game and talking to chat

NuttySlayer - 27.09.2023 14:55

Lol this guy looks like the guy who goes like “hey fellow kids”

Pol gas
Pol gas - 27.09.2023 06:20

shroud is always has been a sick fps player. but huge disconnect from majority of people.

Daniel Edwards
Daniel Edwards - 25.09.2023 21:05

I remmeber when you could buy a game for $50 and they tried to make it the best they could with ZERO upgrades or tiers or skins or any of that upsell cashgrab shit

Mao Attack
Mao Attack - 25.09.2023 18:17

the game is dead... what do you guys think of your boy who shilled for them and got you to waste money ?
lol... he is not your fucking friend :P

Fewgee - 25.09.2023 17:45

Common garbage Shroud opinion.

Channel64 - 25.09.2023 09:35

What about this is a review exactly?

Phil LeBorgne
Phil LeBorgne - 24.09.2023 20:08

Disagree on the stash by a lot.
Have you tried to play more than one class ?
I have only 3 and the stash space is hell.

Clerniaz - 24.09.2023 09:50

Ure getting payed to play this shitty game 😂 none cares about what ure thinking of it 😢

blitzbeat06 - 23.09.2023 21:44

pls defend diablo now shroud.

Mr.B - 23.09.2023 06:47

Shroud you’re better than this. You can take the L on this. I guess if I was promoting the game then I wouldn’t talk bad about it either.

No one has dignity.

Reality check
Reality check - 23.09.2023 04:34

D4 is the same garbage d3 was

FuzeMintTea - 22.09.2023 15:38

Shroud is so passive. Well, the guy know the game is so bad but refuse to admit it, he taking a stance that is right at the middle of the bridge. Neither supporting nor vouching for any side, which is again, a good place as a streamer. I mean, when you are a streamers and a famous one, your opinion and idea will also influence the viewers as well and how they see you, and the sponsorship from the big companies as well. He is in no position to have a “realistic opinion” rather than just “go with the flow”

Ten - 22.09.2023 04:37

So it's a good game with minor issues that will get patched

The _One
The _One - 21.09.2023 20:32

I am sorry buddy. But your video was not very informative..

Ehkkz - 21.09.2023 19:38

YK .. Diablo IV is GOTY 2 years in a row. All speculation is nill about how they would let this even become a bad game wait till expansion in pre season 2 you will get ripping 500 fps on a pizza hosted chromebook without even needing a GFX just like you need it and then when Friday comes you can stay up for 120 hours straight after you get past the slow parts noobs l2p GOTY

Johnny - 21.09.2023 06:42

people liking everything in Diablo coz they're Fanbois

Scott Vineyard
Scott Vineyard - 21.09.2023 01:58

Paid creator lol

Papa Budyn
Papa Budyn - 20.09.2023 12:14

It's not a cash grab, it's just a shitty game.

HisxBR - 17.09.2023 20:03

How is that a review? Over a 1/3 of the middle was talking over a the devs talking about what's coming. I'm looking to buy D4 as I've loved at the past ones but this was 11mins of nonsense. Barely any actual review aspects.

NovemberX - 16.09.2023 16:15

3 mins in and I heard 2 stupid shit already, cashgrab and stash space. This guy...

RottenSkull - 14.09.2023 22:54

So a guy who is an undeserved millionaire and lost touch with reality thinks that 70$ (or 100$) is cheap. BIG surprise.

Michael Gonzales
Michael Gonzales - 14.09.2023 21:25

That's a lie

at_Kio - 13.09.2023 22:18

I guess you can enjoy the game with millions in the bank account 🫠

Jeffrey Owen
Jeffrey Owen - 13.09.2023 13:15

Can’t believe we waited 10 years for this game. Underwhelming bringing absolutely nothing new or excitedly refreshing to the table with mid graphics. Nightmare dungeons (essentially greater rifts) and hell tides. Woohoo! So much fun and creativity! Proof that corporations have no clue what gaming actually is and that money ruins and corrupts the hearts of all things.

Dream - 12.09.2023 11:57

Can you people stop sucking that blue dixk and then maby the game will get better.

Angry pillow
Angry pillow - 12.09.2023 01:34

You put 500 hours into this? Oh yeah that because it's your job. Don't recommend real people waste their free time with this garbage.

Manny M
Manny M - 11.09.2023 04:10

Diablo 4 sucks balls

Rex - 10.09.2023 16:34

How's this a review not a gameplay... My review... cut down from few of short clips from live streams smh.... make reels not video out of this... as video started... its all money grab

EvrtonScouzaa - 09.09.2023 15:42

Shit take.

vivid.worker - 07.09.2023 06:35

why does vid have 7k dislikes

Ahmed Badr eddine mouçouf
Ahmed Badr eddine mouçouf - 06.09.2023 17:41

TLDR : How to say that i'm not an ARPG gamer, without saying i'm not an ARPG gamer.

Two GoodTeeth
Two GoodTeeth - 06.09.2023 15:19

3 minutes in, and all we've talked about is how it isn't a cash grab, and given the first example of how it is a cash grab. Sure, maybe some sadists enjoy the small stash, but Blizzard is absolutely setting the stash size up to get people to spend money. Also, there is a HUGE difference between how PoE monetizes and Diablo 4. Primarily, you should either charge AAA prices for your game up front ->OR<- use microtransactions. We call it a cash grab when they do both. It's a cash grab. This guy is full of *.

Jeff Senecal
Jeff Senecal - 06.09.2023 07:10

I would say 40 hours u got ur $ s worth... 500 hours.. u should LOVE this game! Try going outside.... Lol

Pandasauce6912 - 05.09.2023 20:36

Big L take, feels like a blizzard shill now because he clearly thinks gaming is only about money now lolol

StandardName - 04.09.2023 22:18

lol, bad take

Oliver - 02.09.2023 08:56

Damn Shroud really missing on this one. Diablo 4 is a trainwreck and as soon as the team recognised they couldn't fool people anymore they stopped improving the game and only added more money grabs. The games even on sale already ffs they don't care. Screw you Shroud, for being a pussy and not just speaking your mind honestly cause no way you think D4 is actually a good game.

John Tan
John Tan - 01.09.2023 13:52

This game is not a cash grab... It's a super major cash grab compared to POE.

Kokuyous3ki - 31.08.2023 15:58

"Every game is a money grab." Yea, not a good start. I pity you if that's really what your experience is. You see, money being involved and the game being an outright cash grab are two Very different things by definition. There is money involved with Alien Swarm as it was pretty much an ad for the source engine yet the game is extremely far from anything one could justifiably call a cash grab. If you don't know Alien Swarm... then again, I pity you.

Bozsik Andor
Bozsik Andor - 30.08.2023 18:45

Diablo 4 is not a cashgrab? 😂😂😂😂

Firefly - 28.08.2023 22:00

This game is the definition of a cash grab

UncleScottie2Hottie - 28.08.2023 15:51

Making money can’t just be the case. There’s not a Diablo 4, because people love giving their money away.
The previous 3 games were ENTERTAINING to PLAY and continue to have high REPLAY value.

Brandon Harvey
Brandon Harvey - 27.08.2023 16:23

Diablo 4 is like a 5 out of 10 game at best currently but I think they'll keep tweaking it but yeah for now I went back to Path of Exile because I don't even care about grinding the season stuff I paid for because it's so boring. I put 80 bucks into the game and got about 60 hours I'd say so it's not bad but hopefully they build onto it. Also, the monetization in the game is trash, cosmetics are way too expensive.

Soldarc Weimer
Soldarc Weimer - 27.08.2023 03:10

These takes are just so... out of touch

JT Productions
JT Productions - 26.08.2023 18:12

SHROUD was wrong they didnt want you to have stash problems. we just have to load every player and their stash thats the problem.

Pál Soltész
Pál Soltész - 25.08.2023 18:17

tf connection shroud has with arpg/rpg at all lol.. why ppl watch this.. they dont have brain/opinion? :D

Daniel - 25.08.2023 16:44

The first 24 sec's of this video is NOT! the truth for every soul on this earth. Do not buy in to this viewpoint. There are actually a few of us out there that do not value money over everything in life. But rather value the experiences we get in life over money. Cause the life will end. Money will allways be there. It's very hard to gather a group of us, and start making games. But yes. alot of the creators begins with a true soul for gaming. But if the owner goes weak and get scooped up by bigger companies. It's a dead end and this persons views becomes a reality. Im not saying his wrong about this game, i just want you to keep believing the good guys. We exist, and never become one of these people. Repeat after me. "Not one of us"

Ezekiel clark
Ezekiel clark - 25.08.2023 14:18

yeah but i didnt pay 70 dollars for PoE...we dont all have unlimited money from playing videogames, bud.
