Laravel Lession #11 | How to Create Seeder in Laravel |Ultimate Guide & Tips 2023 for Web Developers

Laravel Lession #11 | How to Create Seeder in Laravel |Ultimate Guide & Tips 2023 for Web Developers

TechTrends Learning

9 месяцев назад

106 Просмотров

In Laravel, a seeder is a class that allows you to populate your database with dummy or initial data for testing and development purposes. Seeders are particularly useful when you want to quickly generate sample data in your database tables, which can be helpful when building and testing your application.

Here are the steps to create and use seeders in Laravel:

1. Create a Seeder: To create a new seeder, you can use the artisan command-line tool. Open your terminal and run: php artisan make:seeder SeederName

2. Define Data in Seeder: Open the generated seeder file, which is located in the database/seeders directory. In the run method of the seeder, you can define the data you want to insert into your database tables. You can use Eloquent models to create and insert records.

3. Run the Seeder: To execute the seeder and populate the database with the defined data, use the db:seed Artisan command: php artisan db:seed --class=SeederName

In this video, we'll cover:
1. What is Seeder ?
2. Why use Laravel Seeder ?
3. How to create Seeder ?
4. How to add multiple dummy entries in Laravel ?
5. How to add dummy entries in Laravel ?



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