Taking on the Red Pill | Men's Rights Activism

Taking on the Red Pill | Men's Rights Activism

Knowing Better

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Full of Crappie
Full of Crappie - 02.11.2023 22:38

😂😂 I just want a woman to open my door and pay for my drinks and dinner. Im a truck driver by the way. 😂😂

javar ruedas
javar ruedas - 01.11.2023 07:35

The problem now is you cant define a women anymore. Woman of the year has a d*ck.

Sean Bragger
Sean Bragger - 01.11.2023 02:49

Almost made it to the six minute mark before I'd heard enough. You've aready contradicted yourself and blatantly lied. Can't see it getting better from here. You start by admitting that men have an upper body strength advantage then ask why can't women be firefighters if they want? Do you want your life to be lost because the female firefighter couldn't lift your heavy, unconcious ass? Pick a lane. Then you try to claim that women want to be firefighters and frontline soldiers - implying ALL women want that when the truth is that only a tiny handful of women want that. The evidence from the scandinavian nations, who have theoretically moved further towards removing all gender considerations from employment opportunities found that even less women choose those professions when attaining them is no longer a challenge. The Internalised misandry is real.

Kew Gardens Station
Kew Gardens Station - 30.10.2023 23:55

Wow. How disappointing. I'm usually impressed with this channel's take on controversial topics, but Knowing Better has gotten it wrong from the beginning, and just reinforces the current popular stereotype of MRA's and red pillers as privileged whiners. 

And men still continue to lose ground in education, employment, housing, healthcare, lifespan, and women still outlive us by a good 7 years.

What a cuck.

Clara smith
Clara smith - 30.10.2023 04:32

you are so funny but so realistic and knowledgeable

Aurora Rawlinson
Aurora Rawlinson - 29.10.2023 21:16

Right, so if women would just shut up and make sandwhiches then men wouldn’t have to complain.

Thamiri Vonjaahri
Thamiri Vonjaahri - 29.10.2023 11:38

Frankly change went even without any Male advocacy groups. For example when I was 11 and expressed desire to a nurse, I was called names ranging from imbecile to gay, so I eventually abandoned the idea (it went everywhere from home to school). Now male nurses are gaining steady numbers and it seems only older generation retains this "deybegay" attitude. Same goes for many traditionally female roles, like secretary, doctor's assistant (nurse attached to GP's office), lab assistant and other roles, that are not seen as traditionally "macho".

To that end we never had any male advocacy group in our country whatsoever...well at least not ones, that could be readily named anyway. Most just vanished after realising that our country being quite egalitarian (in quite a way thanks to its almost 50years of communist history) has no fertile ground for this stuff. We already went there when those strange guys from overseas were still slapping their wives on butts and held them at home as glorified housemaids. No offense intended, its all history now.

Lilith - 29.10.2023 05:17

Men can not legitimately talk about "father's rights", while also permanently "joking" about "pump and dump" and "I disappear when she's pregnant" and "getting some milk". We all know that the main reason mothers get the custody in the majority of cases is because most men are deadbeat fathers. So much that men doing basic fathering tasks like taking it to the playground or cooking for it are praised and considered "father of the year", while for mothers, it is expected and completely normal. There are more single mothers than single fathers for a reason. And even without divorce, we know that it is generally the mothers who care enough to be called at work and go take care of their child when it gets sick, or go to the music event, while most fathers just CBA. We KNOW how exceptional a man actually fathering his baby is, so talking about "unfair rulings" is just a ridiculous strawman. And even when men are deadbeats, abuse their family, abuse their girlfriend/wife, abandon their child, the general consensus is always "she should have chosen better", and never "he should be better". And even in case of deadbeat men abandoning their children, men see the deadbeat as a "chad", while "single mothers are bad" is one of the main things the "Red Pill" dudes love spamming on a daily basis.
Before talking about "fathers' rights", talking about "fathers' wrongs" would be a good start.

Steve Drummond
Steve Drummond - 26.10.2023 07:21

A fundamental mistake is made every time the term physical violence or domestic (physical) violence is used. A better term would be "abuse".
Abuse between males and females in a relationship is more complex than physical contact (physical abuse). There are two main types of abuse: physical and emotional, males tend to have greater physical strength; females, through social conditioning, do better with the use of language and emotional abuse.
Both hurt a lot but only physical abuse leaves behind the kind of evidence that can be used in court.
Modern feminists are in a much stronger position when they demonise men for physical abuse as if women are completely innocent and do nothing to provoke or strike back.
No progress will be made until emotional abuse is recognised as being just as damaging (scars on the inside).

Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum - 25.10.2023 22:14

So how often do I need to check my balls?

PenguinStan - 24.10.2023 21:45

" Truck drivers are seen as one of the most lowest people in the world " Really? Honestly? And how does it make a counter argument? You just called one the most necessary jobs for worlds to operate as to the "lowest".

Strung 81
Strung 81 - 23.10.2023 12:44

4 years on and I can say that the situation has gotten far worse. I personally recently discovered a channel that was blatantly misogynistic and painted all woman as cheaters in hiding who only want to find someoen to marry before cheating on them at every possible oppertunity. I feel like I was a few days away from becoming a far worse person than I was until I snapped myself out of it. I'm never going to that channel again.

OneHTereProppper3 - 20.10.2023 17:56

6.8% - "very very rare". hmmm

Lizica Dumitru
Lizica Dumitru - 10.10.2023 10:25

As much as it pains me to say, and I say this because I'm dispatch for a couple of trucking companies, truck drivers are indeed heroes. Without them, again pains me to say, we would not receive all of the product in our grocery stores and then some. America would starve.

Mitchell Travis
Mitchell Travis - 10.10.2023 03:11

The 'Who is the bigger victim' take on equal rights blows my mind... I've had messed up stuff happen, but that doesn't diminish the bad things that have happened to anyone else - so many people seem to struggle with that idea though...

D'KODA - 08.10.2023 02:47

Remember when I was watching anti sjw vids seeing big red just laughing at her, listening to her over half a decade later again really shows how far I hate my trump era delusions.

TheBeez Kneez
TheBeez Kneez - 06.10.2023 00:55

The reason mra redpill stuff is popular really is that stuff like the wage gap and other feminist bs is just so obviously bs that it completely breaks people's brains.

nick - 05.10.2023 00:38

"capitalism is an ideoloy" did not make the point it was intended to

joedatius - 05.10.2023 00:14

women shouldn't be serving more jail time or be convicted more often for crimes. men need to stop being sentenced harsh prison sentences that lead to no rehabilitation. long prison terms only serve to fatten the pockets of privatized prisons and keep prisoners of all levels in a cycle of perpetual debt and criminality with little to no hope of reintegrating into society
