NO filter LONG EXPOSURE Fine Art Photography Explained!

NO filter LONG EXPOSURE Fine Art Photography Explained!

Mads Peter Iversen

3 года назад

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Meg.A. Byte
Meg.A. Byte - 09.09.2023 01:53

Awesome tip, I'll definitely try this soon!
I also have a tip - if you don't care about having a BW long exposure photo, you can use a welding glass as a makeshift filter. I had some pretty good results when I tried that.

Michael Rayner
Michael Rayner - 12.08.2023 02:54

B&W vertical but with the two rocks in foreground. The rocks serve as the perfect framing and leading eye into the boat as well as the perfect metaphor or symbolism of ships running aground (onto rocks)

Čedomir Bobar
Čedomir Bobar - 23.07.2023 00:10

I dont like this unnatural look of water....personal preference

Adam G.
Adam G. - 16.06.2023 08:37

Thank you for this tip😃. I didn't know it but I will definitely use it.

September Twenty-nine
September Twenty-nine - 01.06.2023 06:58

You shared some great information, but I will stick to using a 10 stop filter due to the ease of use, quicker process, and less memory requirements on my SD card.

Gallant Foto
Gallant Foto - 31.05.2023 12:05

Great video, makes me happy though that I have neutral density filters. I agree with the black and white photo, very nice.

HYMAN LEVY - 11.05.2023 02:49

Hi Mads, out of curiosity why would you want to take 90 images and stack as opposed to using an ND filter. Sorry if my question is basic but I am relatively new to long exposures. Thank you for your reply in advance.

Victor Cojocaru
Victor Cojocaru - 07.04.2023 11:03

Wow, I've never thought this could also work to create long exposures when there's too much light and you don't have an ND filter! Only though it's useful to remove people from shots. Much appreciated, learned a very useful skill as a landscape/nature photographer today!

Adam V
Adam V - 15.02.2023 19:40

Thank you! The technique works perfectly in Photopea. I've actually thought about this for a while now and had no idea it was such a good idea that the industry had already integrated it into popular software. I'm still new to pro photography.

GameProgrammer79 - 05.02.2023 03:57

There are bars on ISO 50 because it is not a native ISO. Therefore, ISO 100 for Sony cameras is the cleanest. At f11 and above, almost all lenses start to lose sharpness as a result of diffraction. one should not go lower than f9 unless the lens is capable of working at lower f values.

Andre Vaca
Andre Vaca - 16.01.2023 13:57

Plot Twist: It's his boat and he's hoping this video makes enough money to pay for the wreckage to be removed.

Paul S
Paul S - 29.12.2022 03:32

Wooo woo wooo amazing I have not got a ND filter yet and wanna take some long exposure tomorrow this is amazing thankyou so much for sharing brilliant the colour one is my favourite really really nicely done brilliant amazing image and thanks so much for that info

Virtual Worlds by Loff
Virtual Worlds by Loff - 22.11.2022 16:25

The filter seams to me more practical than several exposures and than burn time in PS, but that is just me, that always try not to complicate... If you have well defined clouds in the Sky they will look better in blur than stacking them in diffferent positions, since they moved

Z_axis - 18.11.2022 22:29

Um... your eyes are gorgeous

adrian krucker
adrian krucker - 13.11.2022 11:52

Mads, thank you! Great tip. And very awesome picture!

Rob Fielding
Rob Fielding - 27.10.2022 13:10

It would be interesting to compare your final shots with one taken with, say, a Big Stopper Lee Filter.

Edmund Hayes
Edmund Hayes - 15.09.2022 21:43

Great tutorial

John Smith
John Smith - 23.08.2022 08:58

You can't keep a tripod still for 90 1 sec exposures.

Lau Bjerno
Lau Bjerno - 26.07.2022 14:27

"Sports Tape (for twisted angles)"? Is it really twisted angles? Or is it perhaps more for twisted ankles? I really am in doubt, because Sports Tape is normally for your wrists and ankles, but hopefully you don't go around twisting those, as it would probably be quite painful. On the other hand a photographer might want to take pictures at twisted angles, but I'm not sure how the tape would come in?

Geoff Simpson Creative
Geoff Simpson Creative - 25.07.2022 18:43

A legend

henk101 - 25.07.2022 18:35

Thanks for the video. Just saw it today. Can you tell, where the spot is and is the boat still there? Thank you very much. Greetings from Germany

Matthew Arrington
Matthew Arrington - 23.07.2022 16:42

Thank you so much for this! I often find myself in situations where I wish I had an ND filter and neglected to bring one, or I don’t have one for the lens I’m using. I also like your method of compositing in sharp elements taken at a larger aperture, to avoid the effects of diffraction. I will definitely be using this technique in the future. Well done!

Dan Greenberg
Dan Greenberg - 22.07.2022 20:59

Very cool and ingenious process. I liked them all.

johan bauwens
johan bauwens - 22.07.2022 12:04

Well, you could always wait until it's getting dark, using Iso 50 or 64 and f22 and then you get a long shutterspeed without filters ...

Jim White
Jim White - 21.07.2022 22:02

B&W - it ages the scene and gives it more character.

Ответить - 21.07.2022 12:14

Absolutely gorgeous, well done!

Jim Hutchison
Jim Hutchison - 21.07.2022 03:46

Obviously ND filters cut out HOURS of post production time. This video was a waste.

Elizabeth Carlisle
Elizabeth Carlisle - 19.07.2022 22:07

I loved the black and white ones they were just amazing🖤👌

Thomas Levine
Thomas Levine - 19.07.2022 05:24

Thank you for the video. You showed me something new, thank you. BTW I liked the B&W image better, but both are very nice photographs

Olegasphoto - 18.07.2022 06:38

Проблема в том, что его камера - гавнище

Peter Bosco
Peter Bosco - 16.07.2022 18:53

1/4 sec. is not a long exposure - at all.

kopkar16 - 16.07.2022 05:39

Black and white for sure. Thanks for the video. Very helpful.

Rogelio Aragon
Rogelio Aragon - 15.07.2022 08:24


theincrediblepurp - 13.07.2022 00:11

well this doesn't help me at all. im shooting film.

R. C
R. C - 11.07.2022 11:04

Sounds like a lot more work than just getting a filter... But it’s still pretty cool to know that alternative ways of doing this exist

Michael Eastwood
Michael Eastwood - 07.07.2022 23:16

I'm still a long way from this quality of photography.

Geoff Langan
Geoff Langan - 26.06.2022 10:58

Thanks Mads, really useful video. I would have loved it if you had spent more time on your post production process. I’m going to look up Resterising. Beautiful photograph. Thanks again

Kyle Wood
Kyle Wood - 25.06.2022 17:31

Cool process on stacking. Really liked the b/w image, IMO it matched the overall look of the old&ship wrecked boat.

chuckwalla 2
chuckwalla 2 - 25.06.2022 17:26

Your horizon's crooked.

Michel Normandin
Michel Normandin - 25.06.2022 02:52

get to the point

Nigel Rogers
Nigel Rogers - 22.06.2022 11:59

Fantastic pictures 👏🏾

lensman57 - 18.06.2022 21:32

I don't usually go for this Long Exposure malarky, but this was effective with nice results. Would you go as far as cloning the bit of land out, on the right side of the boat?

Hauke - 17.06.2022 14:35

Interesting technique! One of my cameras has it built-in, but this way I could combine it with highres multi-shot exposure. If I ever need to… Your compositions are a little bit too centric for my taste, maybe incorporating the shore line could have given the eye more room to wander around the actual subject.

Max Gioviale Studio
Max Gioviale Studio - 15.06.2022 00:11

Thankyou very useful my self I have a theoretically 8-2000 (3-11 stop) but in reality i personally find it good only until -7stops, I think i will try this technique maybe with my filter so a -7 stops filter may look like a -15 stops filter and I may be able to shoot also in daylight. Have a nice day, just inscribed myself, Max

Meister Schmeckerfatz
Meister Schmeckerfatz - 14.06.2022 13:38

Hey Mads, many thanks for this one! I am this "always forgets his filters dude" and wish I had known this before! 🙃 it is also useful for my 14 mm which isn't capable of being combined with filters. Thank you again!

Pipster - 07.06.2022 02:58

Just buy an ND filter. Photoshop's too expensive. And why are photographers afraid of water as it really is? Flattening water is becoming a cliche.

Carlos Oruna
Carlos Oruna - 27.05.2022 00:37

Would not bring a linhoff there a manfroto would be more apropriate

Amazing Philippines
Amazing Philippines - 26.05.2022 14:07

Thanks for the info.
