Bannerlord Perks Guide - Throwing Perks: Complete Guide To All Throwing Perks & Bonus At The End!

Bannerlord Perks Guide - Throwing Perks: Complete Guide To All Throwing Perks & Bonus At The End!

Strat Gaming Guides

2 года назад

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Toysintheattic - 31.10.2023 00:10

So 3 stacks of javelin, a shield, high throwing and high polearm skills is a perfectly viable build?

Toysintheattic - 31.10.2023 00:08

So 3 stacks of javelin, a shield, high throwing and high polearm skills is a perfectly viable build?

Kurt Schmidt
Kurt Schmidt - 24.07.2023 23:00

That’s awesome, I gotta level that up

Fer G
Fer G - 14.07.2023 01:40

How do you use TW as melee in XBox? Does anyone know?

JoeBob Wauson
JoeBob Wauson - 09.07.2023 15:43

You should update this!

Karver Durane
Karver Durane - 07.06.2023 21:53

Hey Strat. The bottom level 75 perk for throwing has changed, personal +1 ammunition to throwing weapons, party leader +1 ammunition for throwing troops in party. This seems pretty huge to me, especially since the top perk hasn't changed.

Zod General
Zod General - 08.05.2023 03:27

Does zooming in with the perk focus from throwing and the perk sniper from the crossbow add up?

barcibus - 28.04.2023 16:38

I wonder if some of these perks that appear to do nothing, or very little, actually make a difference in the calculated battles (e.g. "Send Troops").

aris f18
aris f18 - 24.04.2023 21:23

Sad that they change the lv 75 perk, he was really awesome

Prague 541
Prague 541 - 13.04.2023 06:59

God, you make me proud to be a javelineer.

Seán Creagh
Seán Creagh - 01.04.2023 07:26

They changed the level 75 perks... pain. Guess ill go with more ammo as a 10% damage increase only matters if you are hitting and an extra shot is a chance at a 100% damage increase.

ikee2000 - 27.02.2023 06:42

I know this is a year old guide, so not sure if this was fixed or not but:

The first perk does seem to work, if you consider "draw" the same as a bow - the perk makes the reticle shrink faster when the character is winding up the throw.

I tested this by going to the training range, and doing the range training. I repeatedly got a perfect score without the perk, waiting for the reticle to stop shrinking before every shot, and I got a consistent speed of ~35 seconds. With the perk, it was decreased to ~32, netting a reduction of 9 %. Considering the reticle decrease duration is roughly 50 % of the animation, this seem to work as intended!

I'd say it was a language bug, seeing as you compared the "drawing a javlin from the quiver", while I suspect it might have been a copy paste from bow mechanic description, or something along those lines.

If you still play the game, feel free to do the test yourself, I lack the screen recording tools to make thorough/accurate tests as you do all the time!

Great guides, all of them, love your methodical and historical point of view of the great game we all know and love!

Boo Radley
Boo Radley - 13.01.2023 06:09

>picking the perks to kill the horses

Idk man, I dont like to be a piece of shit even if it is just a video game.

K Defense Martial Arts
K Defense Martial Arts - 12.12.2022 01:56

Human ballista, nice!

demomanchaos - 09.12.2022 10:08

Does "running Throw" apply when mounted?

segovax vax
segovax vax - 05.12.2022 06:45

The leveling order for unlocking the perks were updated. Now "Perfect technique" is only available at the level 225, not 75 anymore.

Christophe Duron
Christophe Duron - 31.10.2022 21:27

I'm going through your perk videos to determine what perks to pick. So far i've learned a lot, but i noticed that some perks are out of date. Mostly the perks related to knockdown have a completely different description. In this particular video i noticed that the bottom level 75 perk is changed from projectile speed to projectile amount.
Not sure if you have plans to update your videos. Even simply adding your perk preferences in the description about revamped perks would suffice.

Tactical Enlightenment
Tactical Enlightenment - 21.10.2022 17:49

Hi! Great videos but I cannot select or change any of my perks or my companion perks. They are all stuck(and flashing) on the base level. I have clicked and unclicked 'auto allocate companion perks' in the campaign button and still nothing. Any ideas what is going on?

randomJoe - 09.10.2022 21:47

very analytic guide. would love to see a more outlier focused video. where we only get shown the extremly broken perks. meaning the ones that dont work at all yet or work in unbalanced ways.

charles holte
charles holte - 26.09.2022 22:27

Bannerlord comes out to console oct 25th. Do you think you could include those controls as well for future videos? Besides that love your video lots of knowledge to learn. Ty for amazing content

Jorik Rouwenhorst
Jorik Rouwenhorst - 26.08.2022 21:50

I'm not sure if the perks were change before 1.80 but this guide has become a bit outdated the level 75 perk has changed.

Outerregion - 04.08.2022 14:23

Any chance you can test the captain shield breaking perks for wildlings? I am assuming you are using a tier 5 javelin, but do wildings break shields in 4 hits normally? If so, increasing that by 58% means they can 2 shot mid tier shields?

asdf qwer
asdf qwer - 26.07.2022 13:11

Since impale can penetrate shield already, is it redundant to pick any other perk that increases damage to shield?

Tom S
Tom S - 22.07.2022 03:11

Flexible Fighter captain perk makes no sense to me. Some perks refer to infantry as all non-mounted troops as does the definition. Ranged infantry is still infantry right? Do bowmen get +15 to control and vigor in this case or not?

KoalawithaBeanie - 21.07.2022 05:24

Yep, impale is making me give this a try <3

TheWorldWarrior - 20.07.2022 03:38

I would like to say the first perk the quickdraw I'm pretty certain it means if you were to swap from your sword to your throwing weapon you draw it quicker which can certainly have a benefit

Russian Bot
Russian Bot - 25.06.2022 08:46

Should have said 'impale the like button'.

Dave - 19.06.2022 00:04

Hey @Strat Gaming, thank you for all these wonderful videos and taking the time out to do them. They've helped me more than just picking stats. They have more than satisfied my questions I've had about how and why certain things in the game work/don't work, etc. Cheers!

Cláudio Ferreira
Cláudio Ferreira - 22.05.2022 16:30

Whenever at a siege, ofense or defense I always play the latest remix of Bogurodzica just for the epicness

Reto White
Reto White - 19.05.2022 08:33

Hey as you've now finished all the perk guides maybe you could make a summary video where you show us some of your favourite ways to build your main character

Matthew Carrier
Matthew Carrier - 17.05.2022 16:47

This is so dumb. She break checked the drive.

bigolbear the jammy dodger
bigolbear the jammy dodger - 21.04.2022 21:30

There is no way your horse is a gelding or a mare - The absolute BALLS on that animal! Your character may be good but your horse is the real hero!

masoudi - 27.03.2022 02:09

impale perk should only destroy the shield not the actual guy behind it.
its too powerful!!

Brad Simon
Brad Simon - 27.02.2022 05:21

Ok this video is a couple months old buttttttt.... I just watched your smithing guide and at the end you posted a throwing dagger Chad build. With that said would I assume your would go for the ignore armor perk instead of the javelin through shield perk.

kolpere1 - 24.02.2022 21:14

i have the feeling they wanted to balance the use of javelins vs knifes with the perks. Thats why we have OBVIOUS choices if we are using javelins, but i find some of the other perks we didnt care.... interesting enough to use with knives.
For example, the weak spot perk. Useless for a fucking giant spear on horse (basically at 300, all the dmg shield perks, impale and the last perk is all you need), bur wonderful for knives, even better if you are using 2h (25% more pen from 2h+30=55% armor pen lol). Now add the headshot perk and last hit perk: perfect to destroy wounded enemies (like a javelin, but with more ammo), even with headshots. And having 40 dmg from best knife is no joke neither, considering how fast you can throw.
So, i rate knifes the same reason you d bring a sword to a gun fight: a fun and harder way to kill people with high chances of getting killed xd.

Decadunce - 23.02.2022 05:05

Hey strat! This is kinda weird but uhh i noticed during caravan fights, yknow those mules that the caravans have? I noticed that when you hit them they dont count as mounts or at least give the mount symbol when you attack them. Could you get a bit of XP by killing these?

nunya nunya
nunya nunya - 22.02.2022 20:19

blacksmith javlin.
throws first volly. dismounts. flexible fighter. pick up shield on battle field

marches with shield wall. impel till javlins are empty. one javlin in reserve to poke from spear wall.

it was 1.4 if i remember. was an Aserai then. caravan leader. marched only with former bandits i beat in battle. tried to get roguery to level.

we thought we found a way against the Khuzaits... was going open up the date trade... furs. horses.

so many arrows. and the thunder ov hooves.

ended that campaign running a grape/dates racket to Rollo's people and the Aserai.

Garbo Dude
Garbo Dude - 22.02.2022 11:44

These perks are pretty cool! Love thrown weapon stuff in games

Sleepy Otaku
Sleepy Otaku - 18.02.2022 16:49

I have always ignored Quick Draw after watching this video but today I figure why not give it a try. You are correct that it does not affect how fast you draw your throwing weapons BUT ONLY IF you keep pressing left mouse button. What Quick Draw actually does is to make your aim cicle shrink faster when you hold down the left button. The effect is actually quite noticeable, so it is not useless for heroes especially if you plan to pick Impale down the line which makes shield damage pointless.

That being said, bannerlordperks website claims that: "Impale correctly grants shield penetration to javelins. This will only take effect if the damage dealt is greater than 30 + 3x, where x is the armor value of the shield in question." Right now there is no armor value for shields but if TW implements this in future, shield damage boost may be important even for Impale thrower.

Kadbros - 16.02.2022 20:11

Vlad the thundergod

Gustavo Almeida
Gustavo Almeida - 15.02.2022 03:42

Holy moustachioed Vlad! There's aggressive riding and then there is Grand Theft Castle.
Words fail to do justice to the sheer madness of it all.

I am in awe.

mos - 14.02.2022 19:39

I tried to build a hero like you did with the Vlad the Impaler , and boy oh boy it's so much fun, thank you for sharing this build 😁🤙

Juan Carlos
Juan Carlos - 12.02.2022 19:53

Has TaleWorlds fixed the AI using the “perfect technique” perk? As far as I know they still yeet their javelins way over the enemy cuz they can’t compensate for the increased projectile speed

Benjamin - 10.02.2022 00:29

Does anyone know if perks like Perfect Technique and Running Throw apply while on mounts? Would be useful to clarify

Makaramus - 06.02.2022 19:41

throwing axes is good if you are using them as melee weapon too. Javelin attacks are weird and bad at melee but axes are great as they can hit quickly and efficently. If you are playing 2 handed build with throwing weapons while holding shield I suggest axes. If you using polearms on mount then javelin is a go.

mos - 04.02.2022 21:18

You're very funny

mos - 04.02.2022 21:17


Mus Masi
Mus Masi - 04.02.2022 06:55

if you lock out the melee troops outside could you then use their own siege engines against them? rubs hands together
