A Grown Up Gamer's Nostalgic Nintendo Game Collection

A Grown Up Gamer's Nostalgic Nintendo Game Collection


3 года назад

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@hfreyschildren1265 - 28.04.2021 02:42

Nintendogs represent 🐶 🐶🐶

@ParkorPlays - 28.04.2021 02:47

I’m 26 and the first console I had was the Nintendo 64 but I didn’t play it much. The GameCube/Wii are definitely the systems I used the most and loved the most. I played Animal Crossing, Super Monkey Ball, and Donkey Konga the most! I loved using the bongos lol! My little brother was super into Mario games and played them nonstop until he beat them, specifically Sunshine, Galaxy, and Luigi’s Mansion.

I loved the throwback photos of you, I noticed your Caboodle in your college pic and I have a lilac one that I use to store my makeup in 😍 Target released them a couple years ago! Thanks for taking us down memory lane ❤️

@corihulet739 - 28.04.2021 03:05

If you're too old for gaming at 44, I'm worried for myself at 53. (Neither of us are too old)

@Sharkuterie327 - 28.04.2021 04:30

“Pokemon Ruby was my first Pokemon game.” but... I am younger than you and I played Blue and hated Yu-Gi-Oh when that started. So backwards lol (Harvest Moon 4eva)

@luciuswp - 28.04.2021 06:43

Hey I'm the same age as your NES! No Harvest Moon game has ever captured my heart the way A Wonderful Life did! It was very slow and had its flaws, but the cast of characters, the location, the style, and the music all just made it such a wonderful experience for me. I often think if I could live in any video game setting, it'd be Forget-Me-Not Valley

@alessandrarara - 28.04.2021 07:20

kay you are one of the coolest people ever ❤️ my best friend and I watch every video you post together and we just adore you!

@literature_geek - 28.04.2021 07:21

My first own console was the Game boy advanced. Ruby was my first too!😂 My main motivation to get the different generations of consoles since then, always have been the Pokémon games. My 2DS and Switch lite are Pokémon themed ones. 😊
But! I started Animal Crossing about a month ago (yes, late to the game, but the Switch and the game were so expensive xD) and I love it!! Finally started watching your second channel because of it, after being subscribed to your other channel for a while. Love them both.☺️

@Insomniajay - 28.04.2021 07:57

Seeing this video makes me want to have a collection but I lost all my handheld systems back when I was moving while younger. Gladly I still have my blue DS light, Wii, and recently the regular switch. I’m kinda thinking of getting the 3DS bc I would like to experience New Leaf and all of the features that the switch doesn’t .

@anabrunch - 28.04.2021 09:36

I looooooved this video😌🌸💗 I'm a millennial but it's so relatable 🎮🕹 omg all those cartridges are pure gold!

@josierobins3412 - 28.04.2021 12:50

Love your collection, very jealous! I collect all the physical copies and refuse to buy things online because I like having physical copies of things 😂I also remember the original DS and sharing it with my brother, there were so many arguments, I'm pretty sure ours still works !!

RingFit is so hard but so good, I'm a tad obsessed (I'm sad I can't play it at the moment while recovering :( )

@7thCobweb - 28.04.2021 14:13

this was such a nostalgia trip! so many beloved games :)

@mattshepherd420 - 28.04.2021 14:42

I'm only 4 years younger. I did stop playing video games after the SNES came out from Nintendo, but eventually stopped for good after PS 4. I only recently got back to playing after an ex friend pulled a stupid move and left me.

@Mijou - 28.04.2021 15:57

That hamtaro game was actually really fun!! XD XD

@nin10dogamecute36 - 28.04.2021 16:28

Very nice video,We have just Nintendo systems like you and my best games are Zelda's I have a son 16 and a dougther 21 and they love Zelda like me and I play Zelda ocarina of time least once a year,actually I was playing yesterday at the spirit temple

@hellototheworld - 28.04.2021 16:29

I has a nes a snes a game boy and then moved to PlayStation 1 to 5

@swonn-um4qf - 28.04.2021 16:46

I’m older than you. Started gaming on an Atari 2600. The game favorites for us on NES were Duck Hunt and Shadow Gate. Shadow Gate we rented from a pre Blockbuster video rental store until we beat the game. Actually, we should have just bought it. 🤷🏼‍♀️

@allyg8846 - 28.04.2021 17:34

Also 44 and a gamer! I have fun memories of playing the NES at my friend's house & then FLIPPING OUT when we got one for Christmas. I think one day we did nothing but eat bagels and play Mario. Oh, and Atari! OMG horrible Atari games and that paddle!

Now I get to share that with my daughter & she is in several gameplay Outschool classes where they Zoom and game together. It's been such a great way to connect to friends in this horrible pandemic world.

@Snaphotsthroughtime - 28.04.2021 19:26

I am almost 50 and love games! We used to all get together when we were younger and play all the Nintendo games. I stopped playing for many years and when my kids started playing I picked it up again.

@consuelochavez740 - 28.04.2021 19:42

Ohhh wow !!!! i am a xenial thank u !!!! i will be playing video games until i am on this earth !!!!

@plumdutchess - 28.04.2021 20:16

I was born in '85. I'm the same age as Super Mario Bros 😄. When I was 6 or 7, my brother bought a NES with Super Mario Bros. We played the crap out of that. I eventually bought Kirby's Adventure with my money and we bought Super Mario Bros 3 together. We still played all of them well into our teens. Great memories. I never looked back after that. I've had many different Nintendo consoles. Kirby will always be my favourite.
I've only started HM: A New Beginning a few weeks ago. If I'm correct, it's the last real Harvest Moon game made by Marvelous, right?

@naxiaa30 - 28.04.2021 22:49

Whoooo hooo Xennials in the HOUSE!!!

@thatpigeonboy - 29.04.2021 00:29

This is really cool! I love how many games you have, I could only dream for this collection and to have played them all 😩🤚 (OK BUT MY SIMS WAS AMAZING I LOVED THAT I only had three wii games. They we’re Pikachus adventure, My Sims, the Lego Harry potters and of course the AMAZING wii sports. I was like 7-8 at the time so nostalgia 100 😂)

@thatpigeonboy - 29.04.2021 00:34

Also could we have a digital download showcase of your games... cause that would be so cool! Especially for switch :)

@psydee318 - 29.04.2021 01:08

Yesss Kay! Represent those of us who are 40+ and never outgrew gaming. Video games are in my blood!

@M-Joy - 29.04.2021 02:34

Ring fit adventure is pretty fun!

@rainbowstay - 29.04.2021 03:44

Gamers for life! ❤️

@DearMissWhite - 29.04.2021 08:27

adult gamers unite!!!! <3 love you Kay, thanks for sharing!

@cozyfairy - 29.04.2021 09:42

I love your collection 💖

@EmChauntastic - 29.04.2021 12:31

Great video! I often wondered if I was "too old" to be gaming. Do you have any advice for getting started with streaming for Mac OS users?

@camcam794 - 29.04.2021 13:29

You and my sister are the same age. We didn’t have a lot of money when she was growing up so she when was older, got a job, she bought lots of gaming systems, and games. I loved going to her house to play video games!

@hlolypop - 29.04.2021 16:10

Fun fact: when I was little we weren’t allowed to play video games. We only had educational PC games. When I was 12 my dad bought a new truck and they had a promotion where you could spin a wheel and win a prize like cash or a sound system. I got to spin the wheel, and it landed on a game boy advance! It was all down hill from there. 😋

@cosygracegames - 29.04.2021 19:14

The ending was adorable! 😂💗 love seeing all these games and the original animal crossing game always is so nostalgic to me! Love this!

@crispycrafts1520 - 29.04.2021 21:23

Such nostalgia 😂 I only ever had like 2 or 3 games for my original NES but I played them so much! Still have my GameCube too lol!

@saraht.7289 - 29.04.2021 22:09

As another Xennial - this video spoke to my soul ❤️❤️❤️ Our collections are very, very similar!! Also - the only game I would ever brag about my skill at is Dr Mario, hahaha

@ElysiumPondue - 30.04.2021 07:05

I’m a year older than you and feel so much better knowing there are gamers my own age! Did you have an Atari? That was the only system I had until I bought myself a Game Boy and Dreamcast in the 90s.

@cathyosullivan6236 - 30.04.2021 09:26

I am the same age and I love video games great exercise for our brains

@whitney2817 - 30.04.2021 15:13

Your collection is so good! It brings me back to when I would watch my brother play Nintendo and Super Nintendo games when we were children. And there is no age limit to playing video games. I'm in my 30's and I will continue playing games as long as I am able.

@GuardianDiancie - 01.05.2021 21:39

Thats an amazing collection of games :)

Seeing the Hamtaro game, brought back memories of watching the cartoon on TV.

I, started singing the theme song to Hamtaro in my head now. I miss watching Hamtaro on TV even more now

@himmy_turner_ - 02.05.2021 14:33

this video makes me happy you don’t see a lot of gamer girls especially black ones and as a black girl thank you for existing

@thesilentkay1568 - 04.05.2021 03:14

I miss playing all the old multiplayer games with friends

@Korilian13 - 04.05.2021 10:55

I'm in my late 30s and with Covid I've been gaming more then ever. I mostly game with a friend in his 50s.

@CS-kz5qi - 04.05.2021 20:50

That's one of the reason why I love physical copy.
There's never an age limit for a hobby.

@ryannswanson7292 - 09.05.2021 03:37

OMG Chibi-Robo!!! I loved playing this game, so cute, and yes, so weird. I remember playing it over a few snow days. The DS game though, was not very fun. I played like maybe an hour or two of it, and then never again. If Nintendo ported this game to the switch, I would buy it so fast. If they came out with another sequel for switch, I would probably consider it too.

@nojud3547 - 14.05.2021 04:12

great video

@ceceneobae - 19.05.2021 19:44

Colosseum and XD are such great Pokémon games it makes me happy to see you speak highly of colosseum! you should really play XD when you can it’s such a great experience!

@alexwilliams76 - 23.05.2021 21:06

I'm 38 and will be gaming until I'm gone my children are gamers and I don't see that changing anytime soon still have all of my consals old mid aged and new ones I have a lot of great memories of them all.

@Jarod_Schultz - 25.05.2021 12:43

You're never too old to play video games. When I was a kid in the early 90's, I played with my Grandmother, and I plan on playing with future Grandkids.

@kaykaycalii536 - 01.09.2022 18:49

This brought me so much joy and I'm not even to the collection! So many good memories of childhood 🥹💕

@guitarmama06 - 19.03.2023 00:48

I'll be 41 this year (2023). I LOVED playing Oregon Trail as a kid! In 5th or 6th grade during computer class, if you finished what the teacher gave you, you got to play Oregon Trail as a reward.

And yes, I'm a gamer. Didn't start playing video games until after I moved out after graduation, but I never bought any gaming stuff, I just played on my brothers Xboxes. Then I stopped playing when my kids were little, around 2010, but I started back up in 2021 (ACNH being the first game I bought for our new Switch that year). I'm (very) slowly starting my retro gaming collection, I guess you could say, lol.
