Cane-Do the Art of Senior Self-Defense

Cane-Do the Art of Senior Self-Defense

Ryan Yamamoto

10 месяцев назад

8,184 Просмотров

Senior Citizens learning Self-Defense with their Walking Cane

Every Monday afternoon, you may hear the loud thumps of wood hitting a pad coming from the Oakley Senior Center. And if you peak inside, that is exactly what you will see; a group of senior citizens using their walking canes to beat up a rubber dummy they have affectionately named “Bob.”

“Anybody can use a cane, it is a tool for self-defense,” preaches John Dexheimer. “And the best canes are made of wood, because wood seeks bone.”

Dexheimer is a Master of the martial art he calls “Cane-Do” – a form of stick fighting that uses the cane as its main instrument.

“The cane is not a weapon, it is a medical device,” explains Dexheimer. “That means I can legally take it to the store, a school, airport.”

The classes begin with warmups and stretches, and then instruction on how to hold and strike with the cane, but also how to use their voice in case of a potential conflict.

“Stop. Leave me alone. I don’t want any trouble, but I will defend myself if I have to,” yells the class, before delivering a series of strikes.

“You use that same kind of voice with somebody that is coming at you, it makes them sit up and pay attention,” said Dexheimer. “And I also teach students situational awareness, does something look out of place, maybe I should ask for escort to the car at a grocery, it is all about being safe.”

And safety is the number one reason students take the class.

Images of the elderly being attacked on the news and social media have stoked fears, but statistics show crimes committed against senior citizens have risen.

In 2022, 16,675 seniors were victims of felony violent crime in California, a staggering 150.8 percent increase since 2000, according to the latest Crime in California report from the State Attorney General.

One of the star pupils of the class is 87-year-old Claudia Correia, who says before learning how to use her cane, she was a bit shy and timid.

“I was always aware and felt uncomfortable, because I felt like I would be a victim,” she said. “Before this class, if someone had come up to me, I would freeze.”

But during this class, she confidently showed me some of her favorite techniques, from the groin strike and a whipping shot to the clavicle.

“And now you know, if somebody messes with, I will disable them,” said a confident Correia.

Dexheimer first discovered the form of self-defense after a brain injury left him weak on his left-side more than 20 years ago.

“I was walking with a cane, and I saw an advertisement in the paper that there was a teacher teaching self-defense using a cane in San Ramon, so I decided to check it out.”

Since then, he has not looked back. And hopes he can help other seniors in his community.

“People say it is empowering,” says Dexheimer. “It is something they can use; it gives them a feeling of confidence when they are out and about.”
Classes happened every Monday in Oakley and at the Antioch Senior Center, with plans to launch a class at the Dublin Senior Center early next year.

The classes are free, but he does ask for a small donation.

Those interested in the classes can contact:
Antioch Senior Center (925) 779-7074
Oakley Senior Center (925) 626-7223
Dublin Senior Center (925) 556-4511

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#Escrima #Kali #Oakley #Antioch #MartialArts


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