RAID: Shadow Legends | What’s Next in Raid? Episode 7

RAID: Shadow Legends | What’s Next in Raid? Episode 7

Raid: Shadow Legends

1 год назад

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Bicyle diary - Tropang bike ride
Bicyle diary - Tropang bike ride - 10.07.2023 00:26

Plarium❤ Can you make the brews first options when doing champ upgrade in Tavern. Im so tired of scrolling down😢

TheHollowGuy - 02.07.2023 08:22

Even more powerful stoneskin, now we can have what I always wanted!!! 10 hour battles lmao 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀

Az Nincs
Az Nincs - 01.07.2023 17:20

Not buff that shit Stoneskin. DELETE. Most pathetic thing in the PvP. And now for the kraken whining, they are deleting the stoneskin counter. When their teams die because smarter player, they ar starting always whining and running to mommy with crocodile tiers. Because the want invincible team. And thx by them, the PvP now just only torture fest, without fun.

Ragnar Helsson
Ragnar Helsson - 01.07.2023 01:52

Hey here's a great idea, let's keep adding more artifact and accessory sets but not add any more space for them.

Anthem Drums
Anthem Drums - 01.07.2023 01:38

Id prefer Plarum just /delete stoneskin. Stone skin has made arena's very boring...

Chain_Smoked - 01.07.2023 00:05

Just unlocked my Lydia! I got on it

lee67 - 30.06.2023 21:29

Plariym is really not learning is it. Another complete sh1te dungeon.

Marc Espie
Marc Espie - 30.06.2023 19:33

don't want to complain all the time.
The champions filter is awesome! especially the possibility to enter a name, which is definitely the thing I was missing.

The rest of the filters are awesome as well. Seeing the buffs/debuffs will help so much.

I guess the only person not 100% happy about this are @hellhades and ayumi :)

Scott K
Scott K - 29.06.2023 16:39

Just keep giving us more gear and champ options, but no additional storage for them. Typical Payarium

Lucky Lupe
Lucky Lupe - 29.06.2023 15:30

What the hell are you talking about, I have literally one legendary and one epic Sylvan Watcher champion...

Lukasz Chyla
Lukasz Chyla - 29.06.2023 13:55

PLARIUM tell us why You cheating and manipulate and switching drop rate from cb chests specially during events??? Always no shards 😡😡😡

Alabaster88 - 29.06.2023 11:20

Increase the daily energy cap already the amount of activities in game now that require energy is getting too much for the little 130 we can have. If youre progressing or active, youre always on empty with this tiny cap.

LAKSHA - Isaiah 49:24-26
LAKSHA - Isaiah 49:24-26 - 29.06.2023 10:34

damn the salamander look super cool,but the ogre is even better !! i hope he will be an hp nuker : P

Jessie Aries
Jessie Aries - 29.06.2023 00:45

On the Appreciation pack reward, can you please give us different rewards when it comes to the two rarity & other one. Give us something different maybe once a week of logging in or every time we log in, the coin & energy is beneficial so don't change them or do so if you really want to change the rewards which we need. Thanks 4 letting me add my opinion! Happy Raiding!

Larry Stark
Larry Stark - 28.06.2023 22:09

SOOO .. ANOTHER artifact set but no increase in storage to actually collect it. I'd really like to know there doesn't think more storage would be something players could use.

John Horay
John Horay - 28.06.2023 22:07

If that new champion is going to be called a Templar, you really ought to do him right and put the red cross on his chest. Y'all took it off Deathknight for some reason.

ZKiLeReX - 28.06.2023 21:41

Hydra clan battle nah i will get kicked out of my clan i hate somthing that i have to do or i have to get kicked out of the clan bcs i havent done it this says u have to play the game all Day bcs we dont care about Ur life

Lee Garnier
Lee Garnier - 28.06.2023 20:16

My goodness, that champ filter!! Mind was read and then some.

CadburyBunny - 28.06.2023 18:52

Aaaaaaaand ANOTHER update that caters to the top whales. What a shock!

Adriano Rocha
Adriano Rocha - 28.06.2023 18:27

Pra variar só novidades que vão melhorar a vida dos baleias

Steven Young
Steven Young - 28.06.2023 17:59

finally, about 4 years too late, they add the champion filter... we'll give you 300 champion spots but wont let you search them. have fun looking for the champ you want 50 times a day... this champion filter should have been done many years ago.

Kort Hosen
Kort Hosen - 28.06.2023 17:15

Live Arena or the reason why so many ppl are Fed up with PVP
Worst implementation by far.

Ариф Абдурахманов
Ариф Абдурахманов - 28.06.2023 15:51

Здравствуйте! Это хорошие дополнения и изменения в игре,но в большинстве случаев это для донатов и тех кто надонатив собрал большую коллекцию и героев и хорошего шмота....но что делать простым,которые по ряду случаев не могут позволить донат а играть ну очень хотят? Вы уж как то решите это.Шмот рандомно выпадает ну очень плохо.Переодеть героя можно же сделать бесплатным.С осколков тоже не ахти как выпадают герои.Долго приходится собирать осколки К Вам много есть вопросов.Подумайте как хоть немного помочь недонатам.Спасибо

Ruben Presa barrado
Ruben Presa barrado - 28.06.2023 14:15

Ole!!!!!! Por plarium, me parece muy acertado todo, pero lo de filtrar campeones es lo mejor que habéis podido implementar en el juego de verdad que me parece una auténtica pasada y muchas gracias por haberlo hecho, sois unos crack!!!!

Thor wald
Thor wald - 28.06.2023 14:07

How about giving the weaker players also a chance to win - how about making always level 1 reachable für weaker guys? It is frustrating always to be destroyed even at the beginning and have no chance to climb at least the first level.

L0wki - 28.06.2023 13:29

great update but when come´s PVP Rework? PVP is broken! Especialy Tag and Live Arena

Valentino Sauzer
Valentino Sauzer - 28.06.2023 13:19

Omg, another boss i don't care about! You could Add x3 and people would freak out! Much more progression in the game is what we need, not another useless boss

Leroy Asher
Leroy Asher - 28.06.2023 13:06

Best news is champion filter for me, good job Raid!

Lodisval Felix
Lodisval Felix - 28.06.2023 12:59

Best update ever! More space for artifacts please. Maybe we buy with gems or silver.

Shades Ape D. Jansu
Shades Ape D. Jansu - 28.06.2023 12:50

【Shades Finnish Pirates】Started playing again, been enjoying :) I am Joy Boy! One Piece Anime Protagonist Monkey D. Luffy reference :)

GenetX - 28.06.2023 12:05

Nearing thousands of champs, got more stockpile of them...
Yet the summoning chances are still at the bottom and feels super scammy. Epic and legendary summoning chances need to be increased by many folds. The recent 10x has been devastating.

ron monroe
ron monroe - 28.06.2023 11:43

This not having enough Artifact space needs to be dealt with. A premium game with nooblike service is a better run away like deal.

Edwin & Epic
Edwin & Epic - 28.06.2023 09:51

When is that update?

Eugene Infernal
Eugene Infernal - 28.06.2023 09:43

Champion Filter! How long did I wait for it) It's huge and I like it very much) Especially nice feature with buffs and debuffs

豹晃焔郎 - 28.06.2023 09:17


Sh1n0 H1g1tsun3
Sh1n0 H1g1tsun3 - 28.06.2023 08:35

Personally I would like to see some upgrades to the basic stuff that are already fully upgraded, Im talking about the gem mine and the market. For the gem mine it would be nice to upgrade it to be able to get like 50 gems in two-three days and for the market, Id wish there could be more to offer on it, I keep seeing the same basic common and uncommon champions and it has to be a lucky day to get to buy an Ancient Shard; it would be nice to get to upgrade it more to see even greater champions (obviously with their own respective price), maybe some small amount of gems or some XP beer anf chickens and maybe even get to see some Void Shards in the market (if the Ancient Shards are sold in the market for 200k a Void Shard could be sold by 500k!). Talking about Shards, it would be nice to throw some help for those gamers who cant afford buying packs with real money and just as weekly we can get a free Ancient Shard, there should be the chance of getting to buy a Void Shard once every week for 350k Silver and to buy a Sacred Shard every month for 1 Million Silver because there is the chance to get Void/Sacred Shards by completing the monthly tasks that one cannot complete every month or by buying sometimes very expensive packs that only some amount of gamers can really get; adding these offers you give the chance for the gamer to buy it if they can actually aford to pay 250k-350k Silver weekly for a Void Shard or 1Mil Silver monthly for a Sacred Shard.

Minh Son Pham
Minh Son Pham - 28.06.2023 07:48

Enfeeble debuff huh? Is someone in the dev team playing Sekiro? 😂

C4wolf - 28.06.2023 07:35

Sounds like another 20minute watch n lose time off my life instead of actually playing a freaking video game. Good game, good ideas all around... great graphics... some fights are just a waste of life. It's sickening. This sounding like another fight 😅
Might be time to retire... retire again...

OJ - 28.06.2023 07:06

any definitive date on the sylvan watchers crypt? almost done with FW

Dre 1512
Dre 1512 - 28.06.2023 06:31

I don't yet have not one Sylvan Watcher. 😭

Tim J
Tim J - 28.06.2023 06:31

Fix two things break 10 more... Thanks for asking what the players want. First fixing accessory ascension is needed, but this is what you came up with is add a new boss? Really doesn't seem like a fix but I'll wait to see (here is me not holding my breath). Champion filter wow great job 4 years down the road you figured out a sort macro... golf clap... Hydra clash with a min lvl of 35 mil to get rewards?? I know I'm new to this game, but good work excluding FTP and new players!!!

If you are looking for QOL improvements. First bag space shouldn't have a limit with all the gear that drops just put in realistic numbers gems or coin to purchase space. Why do you have to have your faction guardians in your inventory?? Oh so I have to buy more slots... got it...

It's not like you are nickel and diming all the players to even try on the gear that they just got... oh wait you do that too. Thanks for the free remove events!

I have stopped spending because I feel like an ATM for every "milestone weekly" we are celebrating Plarium's anniversary for buying a water cooler. Plarium's anniversary for ... fill in the blank. I am sure if you google you can find something to celebrate every day of the week. Also the more I spend the worse the rewards get. So I like the game, but the more I play the less I like.

Laiza Gabi
Laiza Gabi - 28.06.2023 05:56

Nao estou conseguindo entrar no jogo. É algum problema gral ou apenas comigo ?

Jason Kruger
Jason Kruger - 28.06.2023 05:44

Good luck getting gold 1 for Ramatu missions with even more stoneskin and protection

ModernMyths - 28.06.2023 05:20

Since you are now making Arena, Live Arena, and Tag arena even more difficult with the new artifacts. Can you please adjust them to allow more people in difference ranks and such. Been stuck in Silver 2 for years because silver 3 is now +4s, fully blessed Polymorphs, and all geared in Stoneskins.

Tyme - 28.06.2023 05:15

fuck yeah.. a better version of rslhelper.. being able to look for buff/debuff champs :D

Devi aditya putra
Devi aditya putra - 28.06.2023 05:05

Ga bisa login😢

Alexis Pabon
Alexis Pabon - 28.06.2023 04:44

Please we need more space for gear. Also can we claim all gear at once from inbox. I really dont like spendig 10min getting my gear

jh107 - 28.06.2023 04:43

When will Frostbringer bring the frost? Instead of releasing more champs, focus on buffing and improving the old champs. They're of no use now.

Kittywampus Drums
Kittywampus Drums - 28.06.2023 04:39

Next in raid: more scams
