Custom TextBox Full- Rounded, Placeholder, Border-Focus Color, Underlined & Square Style- WinForm C#

Custom TextBox Full- Rounded, Placeholder, Border-Focus Color, Underlined & Square Style- WinForm C#

RJ Code Advance EN

3 года назад

63,905 Просмотров

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Van Qubing
Van Qubing - 22.09.2023 02:54

I just copy your code but the placeholder is returning to me not the one that I type

- 19.04.2023 19:12

Excellent video is it possible to add the alignment property to the textbox?
i tried but i was not able to
can you help me ?

Università Popolare Auser La Torre
Università Popolare Auser La Torre - 19.04.2023 19:11

Excellent video is it possible to add the alignment property to the textbox?
i tried but i was not able to
can you help me ?

Cris Vincent Ferrer
Cris Vincent Ferrer - 28.03.2023 08:05

Hi I have a question , how do you change your form head border color to the same color of you top bar panel?

mohammad esawe
mohammad esawe - 07.03.2023 21:53

Hi RJ, thanks for these rich educating videos, could you help me how to make this (TextBox) read only.

Oblique - 15.10.2022 19:09

You're honestly so amazing, you've helped me a great deal

Stepan Hlava
Stepan Hlava - 03.09.2022 19:26

THX for this never died winforms ,which still has potential to create (customized modern) layouts.
I used it, and splitted to several classes to have inheritance for animations (morfing), and central class for layout for cross useable many components. i advice to do that to save the time if you need same style for different components. also i advice to add "anti-flickering" peace of code to your control constructor. something like this.
... typeof(Panel).InvokeMember("DoubleBuffered",BindingFlags.SetProperty | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic,null, this, new object[] { true });
it helps much (no flicket and fluent transitions squared=> rounded corners when focused)
also a little play with this.invalidate() method , it is not necessary (in my case) - save CPU

please more, more, more.... i will now creating custom smart pagecontrol with tabs with buttons and panel gradiented with rounded corners like widgets

Robert Muntumosi Kambang
Robert Muntumosi Kambang - 17.08.2022 15:18

I would know how to customize a messagebox?

Robert Muntumosi Kambang
Robert Muntumosi Kambang - 17.08.2022 15:15

Rj code, tu n'as pas un site web ?

Batrow Tharuka
Batrow Tharuka - 08.08.2022 01:09

Why is text input unavailable? "string email = email.Text;" I tried but couldn't

tyler johannes
tyler johannes - 28.07.2022 05:36

There's an error in my textbox,

Parameter is not valid.

Stack Trace:
at TRY5.HISControls.CustomTextBox.GetFigurePath(Rectangle rect, Int32 radius)
at TRY5.HISControls.CustomTextBox.OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)

How can I fix these? Please help.

sm kaldi
sm kaldi - 13.07.2022 14:01

thank you for these rich educating videos , i have one suggestion to use Lostfocus event instead of Leave event because Leave event will do the job in 2 steps (if password is true):
private void textBox1_LostFocus(object sender, EventArgs e)
IsFocused = false;

أيزى تيم
أيزى تيم - 12.07.2022 04:13

Private Sub UITextBox_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
If _TextChanged IsNot Nothing Then _TextChanged.Invoke(sender, e)
End Sub
convert this code to vb net winform not work
can u write the right code to win form

Timothy John Santiago
Timothy John Santiago - 08.07.2022 09:02

How can I resolve the error Control does not support transparent background colors.?

Steffen Engnath
Steffen Engnath - 17.06.2022 14:21

Really nice Video, the only problem I found ist that ReadOnly Look does not work but can simply be added by generating 2 variables to store the fore and border color in an editing the ReadOnly Property (when readOnly fore- and backcolor to gray, when disabled, reset to values of the 2 new variables).
The Other Problem is, I'm not able do get the RoundetTextBox to be display correctly when Height is beneath 23, then the bottom line is missing. To get the Height beneath 35 it also had to remove the function UpdateControlHeight because it always Resizes the the Box to minimum of 35. I will have to test if all theys changes will end in any other problems when displaying the textbox

Andrew Wright
Andrew Wright - 02.05.2022 14:55

How do I change the text a user inputs into the custom box ?
I'm taking user input from the text box then once the user presses a button the text is changed. Which event do I need to enable to allow this to happen with a custom text box. Textchangedalign?

amiGO PDV - 13.04.2022 21:19

Hi Rj and thnaks for to share it. A question, How to implement the one that only accepts numbers or letters, because there is a possibility that data is entered in the text box as letters instead of numbers. Thank you

Max Speed
Max Speed - 29.03.2022 22:38

Hi,thankYou, bro i put this code into KeyPress event of RJTextBox.Designer.cs to lose focus when i pressed Escape in my keyboard but that's not working :(
that's my code and 27 is Ascii code of Escape
private void textBox1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyChar==27)
this.ActiveControl = null;

when i using this code in keypress of any text box,that's work but i want put this code into your textbox control,for all textbox's

Christianne Douyon
Christianne Douyon - 26.02.2022 11:13

The textbox is not responsive
