The Reality of Living in Singapore and Europe as a Chinese

The Reality of Living in Singapore and Europe as a Chinese

Max Chernov

1 год назад

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capybara - 12.06.2023 07:13

After reading some comments about her feeling "privileged" in Singapore, I want to come to her defence. 1. Her use of the word may stem from her being racially discriminated in the Western countries. In comparison, she feels "privileged" as a Chinese here. You have to remember background and context when people use certain words. 2. She may have misused the word. When in fact she meant she feels respected and appreciated, especially when people know she is an investor. 3. She probably did a direct translation from Chinese word to English word and used "privilege" in when she means respected and not discriminated agst. Honestly, a privilege person will not say she is privileged. It just goes to show that she is humbled enough to feel like she is respected in the community.
I always find it that we get too hung up on a word or a couple of sentences. Look at it in the context of her background and her experiences.

Anonymous - 25.09.2023 00:26

Singaporeans are treated second class, expats are treated like king.
Many dont see it. Malaysians chinese easily get hired than singaporean, as they are cheaper to hire, dont have to contribute to CPF. Many private companies would cheat the numbers to MOM to hire more foreign workers.
Here is how they do it Fraud n loophoops in sg law
Company A wants to hire workers but want it cheap and dont wanna pay cpf contribution for locals.

They look for dirty local scumbags who hads lots of cash from who knows where but insufficient CPF in their OA account to launder money to get properties.

Company A accepts their cash in exchange for registering to MOM tt they are hired as local employees, generate cpf statements to make it look like they are hired. Win win for both parties, 1 get to use CPA OA to leverage and buy properties, companies A will keep getting such clients as every 4 local hired entitles them to 1 foreign migrant worker. Levies are cheaper and property investors will in return make money from foreigners from immgrants from rents.

Jia Chen
Jia Chen - 23.09.2023 02:01

Never have doubt of your identity, just do the best with what you got, and always be proud of who you are and what you have achieved.

Morejoy - 22.09.2023 00:10

Bit, victim mentality (ish). She's done well - she's a business woman big deal.
The West has plenty of opportunities for her. China itself not so much. But, ye good she found something good in Singapore.
Many Chinese Americans and so many Chinese business students in UK.
So, obviously, there's a bit of Wumao mentality in this vid be it intentional or not I don't know.
She's talking alot about how hard it is for a woman. But, in the West - the place many commenters have smeared in this comments section many women become CEOs , bosses, and bigwig politicians.
It doesn't work that way in China.
Infact, if you're a foreigner in China you really have to work hard to land on your feet.
Your first week there (even if you already have PROC entries already stamped on your passport), you will have difficulty getting a hotel because you are a foreigner.
You'll be trailed by the cops for some time before you've got your paperwork sorted.
China is no longer safe for foreigners.
All I can say is go there if you must but don't fall into the trap of thinking one toke on a blunt will be ok. Hey, you might be right OR you might get fixed up for something someone else has done and hear a click behind your head while knelt down just before you fall to the ground.
Good luck 🤞

SAA B_ - 21.09.2023 21:19

pass by as eurasion ehh.. I dont think so

gerald dorasamy
gerald dorasamy - 18.09.2023 04:16

She ought to be ashamed!!🥲

Mariana Kremser
Mariana Kremser - 13.09.2023 13:23


Andy Tan
Andy Tan - 12.09.2023 12:06

When you go back 😂

Shurong Lutz
Shurong Lutz - 10.09.2023 02:57

I am a Chinese Chinese and have been living in Germany for more than 20 years. Germany is a small country but a great and a generous country in my eyes, it is my second hometown. Germany treats its own citizens and foreigners fairly. As a foreign child you will get the same free school education from primary school to university like German kids and children of refugees get this free school education too. No one will be previlleged and no on will be discriminated there. All children enjoy the free medical care as long as they are at school. This benefit you will never get in SG or in China. All German universities are free to all foreign students. Very less countries in the world can do that like Germany!

In Germany employees enjoy much better company benifits, employee-friendly labor rights, more paid leave days in a year, affordeble health insurance with the same medical treatments , Christmas and summer bonus, overtime is forbidden. As opposed to German Singaporaen used to work very long, they have less paid leave days. Very bad social caring for freelances. SG is only good for rich and younger people. Foreigners are sometimes discriminated in SG, for example foreingers must pay for the entrance of a garden but the locals don't. In Germany if sth is free for Germans, it is also free for foreigners. I paid 15$ for an orchid garden two years ago, but my SG girlfriend didn't need to pay. I explained to Singaporean that this was discrimination in Europe! Singaporean are very inpatient and always complain and like to scold others.

Regarding to her opinion that German cities looking always the same, this is because of German laws that protect the old buildings. All buildings older than 80 years are strictly protected and not allowed to be turned down. And most of these old buildings are privat properties, the government has no right to demolish them. I don't like too many changes in a place. Everytime when I return to China I can't recognize my hometown anymore and it looks like everywhere without its own identity.

The only advantage of SG in comparison with Germany for me is the delicious food there. This is what I can't get in Germany.

Finally I wish all you guys a pleasant and succeful life in SG.

Peter Teoh
Peter Teoh - 06.09.2023 19:24

I think this lady is talking without thinking. She said feel privileged in Singapore? So be it, and not generalized that the chinese being the dominant race here, feel privileged, and treated differently. I am Singapore Chinese, and I don't feel any privileged as compared with all other races. We all are the same.

ZH - 05.09.2023 15:54

Too superficial a person. Degrades the quality content in this channel so far. Her presence is a disservice to this country which values humility and respect as a conduct. It would be embarrassing if she attained citizenship.

C C - 03.09.2023 09:39

Interview more Chinese

Sailing_Nomad_au - 02.09.2023 02:34

What a great interview. Smart lady, enjoyed her perspectives on Singapore, business and life in general 🤝

Billy Lee
Billy Lee - 01.09.2023 05:40

Another great candid interview

V Gupta
V Gupta - 28.08.2023 16:42

Not to be harsh or critical but the reason you felt like a second class citizen in the “Western Countries” as you say is because your English is very hard to understand. If you’re among the average Singaporean and speak like this it will be a hard place too. It’s just because in Singapore you have money so you feel more privileged. West and East are very different. In the west people look beyond just money. Anyways, I’m happy you enjoy Singapore. It certainly is a very good country but unfortunately if you want to truly experience life and be more holistic in your development you should live in the west and try to be successful there. Just based on the conversation I can tell you have a very limited mindset. Again no offense, glad you feel happy and welcome in Singapore.

Michael Roberts
Michael Roberts - 26.08.2023 07:27 she won't be running back to china too soon

Axel Bali
Axel Bali - 25.08.2023 08:29

This is quite the articulate and insightful lady - great interview, thanks to you both!

Beary Good Music
Beary Good Music - 25.08.2023 02:33

Confusing generation.

Roger Etienne Dela Cruz
Roger Etienne Dela Cruz - 24.08.2023 17:20

This is a precious lesson I learnt from Jingjin, "Be your own advocate because if you don't no one will be your advocate." As an Asian, some of us tend to be shy about speaking about our achievements because we were taught not to be braggards or show offs. I learnt that confidence and results need to go hand in hand.

She is incredibly honest, humble and so open in sharing her experiences. Thank you!

C T - 22.08.2023 12:31

what privilege? Only Singaporean entitled for thee S$7 billion Majulah Package to give CPF top-ups.

Cancayate xxx
Cancayate xxx - 20.08.2023 07:25

go do face lift and put white skin on. I proud being chinese race

D Tango
D Tango - 20.08.2023 03:12

Im a chinese Singaporean, iam proud of the Motherland and will give my life for her. So america can try, because half of singapore will run crawl back home yo defend mother!

Perry Lin
Perry Lin - 19.08.2023 13:07

No, I don't think highly of chinese, I mean the china ones. She must be making it up in her own mind.

Cheng Yu
Cheng Yu - 18.08.2023 20:12


Jason Jason
Jason Jason - 17.08.2023 13:17

I really love her, very candid n direct.. wish u are my Sis... 🤓🤓🤓

ksa - 16.08.2023 12:44

Chinese superior race and cN look down to other races? Woww...

Fauziah Bachik
Fauziah Bachik - 16.08.2023 06:39

Thats what is wrong with chinese, china isso big why they hve to go to other country and apply for a citizenship , just be chinese in china ok

hal hal
hal hal - 15.08.2023 19:53

She doesn't represent the whole Chinese. Singaporean never had any problems with Asian origin folks from Malaysia, China or any other place other than Indians who behave differently unlike Asians. Indians are typically rude and lacks behaviour.

Daschund - 15.08.2023 01:06

exactly, years later, its a slap in the face for all fighting her that Sangeetha thanapal is indeed, correct

Abdulwahid Eid
Abdulwahid Eid - 14.08.2023 00:53

Dengar orang melayu yg tak sedar chinaq bersatu dimana2 tapi kamu berpecah belah tak sayang bangsa, besok negeri kamu diserah pada orang asing.

fba90130 - 13.08.2023 14:26

The Chinese here are privileged but usually the privileged ones are the last one to know they are privileged. That's how it goes.

FaiBroadcastChannel - 13.08.2023 08:34

I heard so much of "white ppl" thinking of herself. I would say that in SG ppl embracing equality, not "privilege privilege privilege ". She makes the interview so sick

Retroworldnews - 12.08.2023 13:43

haha got one part that cute little girl in the screen.

johan hirte
johan hirte - 11.08.2023 14:19

Wtf ….. how you Chinese are citizens 2nd class ? You have all rights in Germany that Germans have as well…..

Maybe I should try to move to China, study there become a Chinese citizen and open a company which makes millions and is entirely owned by my self.
Then I buy some property in China.

I think I will fail at the 2nd step of becoming a Chinese citizen….. and then I will be told that I can not own a company in China without a Chinese partner. During millions of Chinese stay in Europe and have the same rights as we Europeans do.

Like …. How ?

MegaWeebles - 09.08.2023 21:18

My god what a bore!

Eric K
Eric K - 09.08.2023 07:41

Come on, she's fooling herself. She doesn't look Eurasian a single inch. She has the best of both world since she's well off. Good luck to her.

Chang Chun Kit
Chang Chun Kit - 06.08.2023 17:15

do be proud of your heritage which is 5000y old, no other civilisation had bear the blunt more than the Chinese

Dils Mnsh
Dils Mnsh - 02.08.2023 21:27

Hi Max! Please could you find some black people to do next. Would like to get more insight in that. Thanks!

Sam Velu
Sam Velu - 01.08.2023 06:19

The great Singapore. If every government in the world govern their countries like Singapore government then, the world will be better place for everyone. Peace, Peaceful 🌍🌎. God bless 🙏🙏

Armchair warrior
Armchair warrior - 30.07.2023 14:57

I"m agree with her 100%. I have wasted decades in the US. tried ingratiating, but doesn't work. Always been a 3rd class citizen. "Minorities" discriminate against us cause they feel we take their jobs or saying we are trying to be white. Whites cause we make other minorities look bad by doing better than whites and other minorities. So Affirmative Action by law discriminates against Chinese(Asians) since we do better.
I'm slowly selling my stuff in the US. I'll be gone soon as everything sells.
White liberals hate me cause they some how think I got rich because I must have exploited someone along the way. No deep s hit. I grew up poorer than the kids in the ghetto. I had meat less than 1 day year. White liberals never been hungry and feel superior, yet point their noses down on people like me.
I exploited myself and my family did the same thing hard work and smart investments etc..I use my own labor and created work for myself.

Ivan L
Ivan L - 28.07.2023 21:14

Wow... this Chinese expat can say her experience, but i think she's overstepping when speaking for Singaporeans. I know multimillionaires who dine at coffee shops all the time. You just cant tell because they dont like to flaunt.

Warren See
Warren See - 26.07.2023 15:56

The diversity of the people walking by throughout the interview is a testament of the diversity of Singapore!

vkchaitanya2003 - 23.07.2023 01:47

She is speaking the truth, the reality is there is a bias towards Chinese in Singapore. As a Indian who studied in NUS I can say that for sure. Even career choices and options are limited for other races

W. S.
W. S. - 20.07.2023 08:44

She needs to expand her social circle amongst the singaporeans. 😂

lynlyncc - 17.07.2023 22:26

Do all Singaporeans feel the same way about you? You are in denial. Singaporeans generally do not blatantly make it obvious they don't like someone.

ray boon
ray boon - 17.07.2023 11:25

You are just lucky you don’t have the China face and style , ask the northern china Chinese here , they were and still are being discriminated big time….

C T - 16.07.2023 18:28

Nationality come before ethnicity as the Singapore pledge spelled out.

herman hsu
herman hsu - 16.07.2023 12:55

Anyone is only representing oneself. She is practically telling her life, for that, thumb up.
