Build First SwiftUI App for Beginners (2021, SwiftUI, Xcode) - iOS Tutorials

Build First SwiftUI App for Beginners (2021, SwiftUI, Xcode) - iOS Tutorials

iOS Academy

3 года назад

12,982 Просмотров

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xylo - 15.07.2023 07:00

I'm getting an annoying error: Cannot find 'data' in scope on Line 16 :(

Evanion - 06.06.2023 22:49

I'm a developer with over 14 years experience of PHP, JS/TS, Angular, React and React-Native under my belt... this goes WAAAY too fast, and glances over A LOT of things. Now, I can relate a lot of stuff to JS world, like observabels = RxJS etc. but a beginner would be SOOO lost in this.

Brendan Sirois
Brendan Sirois - 03.10.2022 23:38

Hey I started with Swift a few days ago (all I have is a working knowledge of css and html) and was able to follow along step by step until the ViewModel. Overall this is good info and a cool into project, and overlaps with the project that made me want to learn so happy about that. Few questions - How would you go about retrieving images only of a specific aspect ratio from a website with multiple different aspect ratios? And saw someone else ask how to do it with a library which would be really cool. Thanks again

Steve - 30.09.2022 08:51

“For Beginners”? If a beginner can keep up with this, then they’re probably not a beginner.

Codando - 15.06.2022 23:44

where is this guy accent from? It was a nice lesson, but too fast and lots of concepts lacking for a first class. but maybe im just a slow learner

Adriano Barbet
Adriano Barbet - 02.05.2022 22:14

next time try to go a bit faster ......

gadgetman - 07.12.2021 19:28

Hi great video how do instead on using url could I use my photo library plz

Mohameth Seck
Mohameth Seck - 29.09.2021 19:48

Perfect! I need another 😅

Yash - 04.07.2021 21:27

Great video! Thank you for all the amazing content, your videos have been really helpful. Could you possibly do a video on UIViewRepresentable and UIViewControllerRepresentable and go over the difference and how/when to use both when trying to add UIKit views to SwiftUI? Also, could you also do a video on integrating SwiftUI Views in a UIKit project?
