God Castiel VS Death | Castiel Becomes God & Unbinds Death & Kills Billie - Supernatural Explored

God Castiel VS Death | Castiel Becomes God & Unbinds Death & Kills Billie - Supernatural Explored

Wayward Winchester

4 года назад

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Beekeeper847 - 07.11.2023 05:23

But the Bible says no homo

Glenn Restvedt
Glenn Restvedt - 26.10.2023 02:26

The bond that Castiel and the boys had and shared just makes my soul feel so happy.

Davey bigtechsno1fangurl
Davey bigtechsno1fangurl - 21.10.2023 23:28

It was the such a mistake when they removed the character death. He is an incredible actor who had so much presence. Amazing. It was a fools mistake.

Akshit Koul
Akshit Koul - 16.10.2023 20:30

Was God castiel powerful than chuck?

TheHippyProductions - 15.10.2023 02:06

killing off death was a huge blow to the series, but I didnt mind Billie so much. it was interesting to see how the average no nonsense kind of reaper would step up to the role, and the actress didnt do bad job considering the huge, impossible role she had to fill. itd be like trying to be a comedian going on stage after Gabriel Iglesias in his prime, it's just not feasible to fill those shoes man.

PhoenixFusion - 06.10.2023 02:20

So all the controversy of how killing off death and allowing Billy to become death was a poor decision aside, I would like to know about what other fans who are into d&d think about Billy's "alignment"... Would you say chaotic neutral, or lawful evil? Or would you consider her something else?

I personally am tossed up as to Billie's alignment, but I'm pretty sure the original death would fall into the category of true neutral. What do y'all think?

Ps. I did actually enjoy Lisa Berry's portrayal of Billy / Death, I think she did a really good job (especially when she sang her rendition of "o death"). But Julian Riching's portrayal of Death was just frelling AMAZING in every scene and every episode he was a part of (his introduction though was definitely one of the best scenes of the entire series IMO).

KonoDioDa - 01.10.2023 04:12

What episode

light saberAddiCt
light saberAddiCt - 29.09.2023 19:23

Man I hated the Billie character.

Dimas Haryo Prajoko
Dimas Haryo Prajoko - 27.09.2023 19:55

Whoever said god is some brown guy from a dessert lol

Christoph Burschka
Christoph Burschka - 27.09.2023 19:30

"you can't kill us. Death is our bitch; we ain't gonna die even if God pulls the trigger" is an incredible line ngl

ShadowDevotion - 22.09.2023 00:24

The Way i see it, Raphael didnt hesitate, he/she wanted to go, but couldnt.
Cas had not just Souls inside, he also had Leviathans. And Angels cannot use their Power in the Presense of a Leviathan. So, Raphael was toast.
Cas, still kinda Angel, had due to the Millions and Millions of Souls enough Power to still use his Teleportation and more.

Sad we never really saw a Fight beween God-Cas and Death.

mikhaelis - 15.09.2023 01:46

He is the embodiment of the demiurge the Gnostics fought against. An evil god of injustice and suffering, and not the true God of creation, the father of Jesus.

Ravi Subasinghe
Ravi Subasinghe - 05.09.2023 08:32

Archangels powerful than normal angels, right? So if Archangel Raphael really get the chance to absorb all the millions or maybe billions monster souls trapped in the purgatory, he can hold and control all the monsters souls powers including Leviathan souls without getting his female vessel explode or killed unlike castiel.Castiel is a regular angel therefore he cannot hold and control the leviathan souls, they are powerful than him, that's why they escaped to the world instead going back to the purgotory(I think).

Paolo Limos
Paolo Limos - 31.08.2023 20:10

“Try to bind me again, you’ll die before you start” 😂😂😂

FlashGaming297 - 30.08.2023 21:03

I love the acting here. Cas and Death could start their own series and killing Death was a MASSIVE mistake

Keith Cole
Keith Cole - 20.08.2023 02:25

I seen all of the episodes this was a good show

Rash - 19.08.2023 10:09

Cas was supposed to be a 1 off throw away character. Became one of the most important character in the show.

Abel Ingaw
Abel Ingaw - 17.08.2023 18:47

Death: Should we kickbox sir?
Castiel: Yeah, F that. I'm outta here.


Derek Birtch
Derek Birtch - 05.08.2023 19:17

Not even remotely close to an avid description of God!!!
