Confronting a Progressive Christian on EVERY Controversial Topic EVER @TheNewEvangelicals

Confronting a Progressive Christian on EVERY Controversial Topic EVER @TheNewEvangelicals

Ruslan KD

9 месяцев назад

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@mckenziemcnaughton9360 - 12.12.2023 06:30

If we as believers affirm an identity in people that is:
1. Not in line with what God says about them.
2. Goes against the nature in which He created them.
3. Contradicts God’s design.
4. Lines up with a lie from the enemy.
5. Encourages them to continue in sin.
… then I would say that is the opposite of loving, and rather , leaves people to continue on a path of being deceived by the enemy.

There are many things in this life that feel good to our flesh, but they are not of the Father and they lead to destruction. To follow the Lord is to lay down the things of this world in pursuit of Him. It is a sanctification process for all who follow Him, it does not happen overnight, but if you continuously pick and choose for years what to lay down at the feet of Jesus in surrender, then there is some heart work to do and maybe that person is not truly surrendering. We can fully love people in the midst of their sin, but to pat them on the back and encourage them to continue to pursue it is not love. We cannot look sin in the eye and call it good. To follow Jesus is to come into agreement with Him about what is sin, and to receive the price He paid for that sin on the cross. Jesus died to save us from our sin, not make us feel better about.

@brendancordial3483 - 11.12.2023 21:13

It’s almost like God should have established an authoritative institution that would be empowered to interpret and pass on Church teaching…

@KRashad - 11.12.2023 21:10

This conflation of sexual perversion with the inherent dignity of minority peoples as image bearers of a holy God is an egregious sin. It drags Negro people and others right back to the back of the bus, as it lowers our image bearing to the level of SSA, pedophilia, polygamy and all other forms of porneia.
Black✊🏾✊🏼✊✊🏿 and brown are not a result of the Fall.
Sexual brokenness is.
Jesus does not require repentance for my brown reflection of God in Creation.
He does demand repentance of my distortion of that image expressed in my unwanted SSA.
I will be a black image bearer throughout all of eternity in the New Jerusalem.
My SSA will not survive the passage into eternity THANKS BE TO GOD🙌🏿.
Once again, ironically, we are at another point in history where people are diminishing our inherent dignity as image bearers. And once again they have the nerve to attempt to do this in “Jesus’” name.

@thebiblicalview7294 - 11.12.2023 19:46

“The New Evangelical” saying Romans 1 on homosexuality wasn’t “gospel” truth was my favorite part. He used a Biblical term in a colloquial way to dismiss the book of the Bible that explains the spiritual significance of The Literal Gospel! 😂 Lord have mercy!

@sandina2cents779 - 11.12.2023 18:02

The guest kept saying that gays should have the right to exist. I don’t know of any law in America that says gays are to be killed for being gay. So that’s a straw man statement, nobody is saying they don’t have the right to exist. Not affirming a sinful lifestyle and killing them are not the same thing.

@j.wesleymullins1249 - 11.12.2023 15:42

I always find the public business discrimination argument against homosexuals a false equivalence. 1. There are no cases where in anyone has been denied service for being homosexual for public commerce, good and services open to the public. The baker who has pre-made pastries for sale in the public proper has never asked or cared the sexual orientation or activity of their patrons. 2. The issues lies in commissioned based commerce, wherein the “baker” and the client enter in to a contractual agreement that excludes others from receiving or partaking in the goods and services being provided.

So again, the event in question is private and exclusive and the goods and services are private and exclusive. How can this be an issue of public discrimination? It is the issue of an individual to have autonomy over contractual, commissioned commerce. Meaning, they should not have to provide services (privately) for businesses or person’s whose agendas or ideals make them violate their conscience. It is a move to coerce individuals to have to chose to violate their conscience or face penalties from the government. Which is religious discrimination.

@tylerholland1429 - 11.12.2023 07:30

Come as you are, not stay as you are and "do what thou will"

@Americanheld - 11.12.2023 05:30

Kudos to you for taking these topics head on, Ruslan!

@888hereandnow - 11.12.2023 01:16

In the begomming,God's words wete.""Be fruitful & multiply." People of the same sex ir with missing

@MrMasterNameless - 10.12.2023 20:02

"Everything I don't like is christian nationalism"

@williamhodge9970 - 10.12.2023 17:03

We cannot ever assume the 10 commandments don't apply as they did.

@chrispark7010 - 10.12.2023 04:06

2 Timothy 4:3 "For the time is coming when they will not endure sound doctrine, but having itching ears they will accumulate teachers to suit their own passions and will turn away from the truth and wander off into myths." Authority is the central issue and he seems to have no authority to point to but his own subjectivity. It falls out of the realm of ecumenical when the bible is as explicit as it is in this context.

@stephen4384 - 10.12.2023 01:42

Paul's argument was from proof of God's acceptance of the uncircumcised based on the acts of the Holy Spirit upon them as believers. It proved God accepted the uncircumcised.

@daltonbrasier5491 - 09.12.2023 18:03

When you are interpreting something, you should be trying to understand the intent of the writer.

@timdanyo898 - 09.12.2023 09:57

Jesus is the groom and the bride is His church. Male/female marriage in the defining relationship God chooses to demonstrate what love is. Homosexuality is not in that picture and is an abomination for that reason.

@raulo7 - 09.12.2023 08:50

A Christian walks into church admitting he is a sinner with the spirit of repentance. The “affirming” churches are anti-repentance by their very name and nature. To affirm is to validate that your sinful nature is okay and should be accepted. Without repentance there can be no spiritual growth. And a church is dead when there is no spiritual growth. Pretty sure there are letters you can reference in the New Testament that parallel these issues.

@davidkelly715 - 09.12.2023 03:09

Objectively, speaking, living, a homosexual or lesbian life, is damaging to the soul.

@bjsauerbrei6632 - 09.12.2023 01:53

“Yeah we don’t know anything we just lead people to hell and don’t do any research. That’s not my thing. “

@bjsauerbrei6632 - 09.12.2023 01:45

He is not a Christian. He is helping to send people to hell. 😢

@milkandcookies4227 - 08.12.2023 06:20

Great to see you two working together, Ive been watching you two for a long while

@bartholomewa9294 - 08.12.2023 02:39

You did this for 4 hours?? Wild. Good on you for your patience.

@lokdog257 - 07.12.2023 22:47

Look, Christianity is a thing, it exists and has for thousands of years. You can't come into an old, established religion, and just reject certain aspects of it. You can't just change it around and still call yourself a Christian. A Christian is a certain thing, and if you're not that thing then you're not Christian. Why follow authors, pastors, or demoninations that are isolated and detached from Scripture? Why follow something 100 or 400 years old, when Christ was 2000 years ago? Go back to the source. Go back to the beginning.

@kevinpinball - 07.12.2023 22:31

So…. Culture should interpret the meaning of the Bible?
That means the Bible 100% subjective.

"I don't take biblical sexual ethic seriously." ~Tim

@lokdog257 - 07.12.2023 19:15

I grew up in two house holds; one was your typical American "Christian" family, no prayer, no Bible, no church, but yeah we 'believe' in God. The other was a very religious Pentacostal life style. At 15 I was baptized and started studying witchcraft to witness to my peers. By 16 I was a witch. I spent 10 years in the occult, then I met my now wife. She brought me to the Orthodox, Church and now I've rededicated my life to Christ. There is only one Church with a line of sucession directly back to the Apostles

@CrapE_DM - 07.12.2023 13:12

Your voices are way too similar. I was only listening and I had a hard time trying to keep track of who was talking sometimes

@bartholomewa9294 - 07.12.2023 07:16

Ruslan you are doing such important work in holding to scripture and tactfully refuting someone who calls himself a Christian but seems to follow the world more than he follows Jesus.

@ProphetofShaddai - 07.12.2023 04:09

Welp he said it.. abolition.
It’s just another anti-Christ

@CassTeaElle - 06.12.2023 23:48

Never heard of this channel before, but you lost me within minutes. None of this stuff is "fun disagreements." Smh. These are not lighthearted issues. These are disagreements that are leading people straight to hell.

@JerodM - 06.12.2023 17:38

The situation of circumcision or not was not a matter of "renegotiating the text" it was a declaration of freedom from the law which was now obsolete in Christ. Paul's teachings are super clear on this. Hebrews specifically says the law is obsolete. In other words, the law was simply a "tutor" or a necessary resource to point to the need of a savior. Now that the savior has come in Jesus, the performative acts of the law are no longer necessary. We don't obtain righteousness through the law, but only through Christ. That's why he is saying circumcision is no longer necessary. If you are doing it to try and obtain or prove righteousness then you subject yourself to the law completely and negate your belief in the one who fulfills the law. Jesus.

@dessnatazha - 06.12.2023 09:14

People need to understand that God doesn't condone every action men take in the Bible. There's free will involved and He doesn't insert Himself into every situation.

@JerodM - 06.12.2023 01:48

He knows his position, he doesn't know the Lord. If he knew the Lord, there are clear things he would not be doing that he is doing consistently in his interaction, thinking, etc.

@StopSinningObeyJesus - 05.12.2023 22:26

His view on the Bible seems more like an atheist than a Christian.

@jasonhirons702 - 05.12.2023 19:00

Hunted by Catholics lol this guy

@lesliecooper2261 - 05.12.2023 05:04

He is his own God, period.

@marinersnation - 03.12.2023 06:27

Great job man

@CamilleMcDaniel - 03.12.2023 06:21

It was sad to see this interview. Tim was afraid to stand on the Word as it would cause him to be in conflict with people he doesn't want to be in conflict with. 

We can have great love and protection of people without having to agree. Agreeing with people is not a prerequisite for loving people and treating each other well. Christ was a perfect example of love toward people but standing firm in Truth.

@nicholasprice6902 - 03.12.2023 04:41

You don’t owe anyone your labor. A black baker should be able to turn down KKK business. A restaurant owner should be able to turn down Sarah Huckabee Sanders. You can turn down business for any reason. The government shouldn’t be in the business of telling businesses who they have to serve.

@nathanroyster1324 - 02.12.2023 06:33

Your friend is so smart he's dumb. He's far more concerned with modern culture than the kingdom. There is ONE interpretation of the Bible. You do not get to make up whatever you want about the scriptures to fit your cultural agenda. He said it himself, he is not a Bible scholar. He has undealtwith sin and instead of taking that to God he's looking for the Bible to affirm him and passing that on to others.

@evanogden - 01.12.2023 23:47

I grow weary of folks saying "I cant speak for..... or I can only speak for myself" and absolving themselves from the responsibility of having a contradictory view in a discussion. Nah man, your works have meaning, you are influential and you are responsible for them.

@CoachEgg - 01.12.2023 15:59

This man fell away from the faith and held on to the trappings and language, that’s all. There are millions of these people around the world but most don’t have a microphone

@chelyfranco5037 - 01.12.2023 07:30

He should spend some time with someone like Beckett Cook. The Bible view of sexual sanctity is clear.

@jay1871 - 01.12.2023 03:20

If anyone calls Jesus “Gee-zus” my eyebrow shoots up. Talking to you Tim Mackie😂

@stacinolan86 - 01.12.2023 01:34

The entire conversation does not matter because they are not starting from the foundation. The color of someone’s skin and someone’s CHOICE of sexual orientation are not the same thing. One is who God made them to be, one is what they choose…and that choice is defined by God as sin. If you disagree on that, then you can’t have a real debate on the ramifications.

@claytonrath8033 - 30.11.2023 20:02

Props for the silent planet shirt tho

@patchy40 - 30.11.2023 11:24

Ruslan you do so well keeping this conversation mutually respectful..well done buddy. Let those who have ears let them hear...The Holy Spirit is very important as an individual what is ment by these scriptures.
