What is JWT authentication? | When to use JSON Web Tokens ? | Explained

What is JWT authentication? | When to use JSON Web Tokens ? | Explained


2 года назад

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@danielzub4841 - 30.06.2021 10:55

Very nice video Filip, like always. But there is one doubt in my mind. I always thought that public key is for encryption and private key is for decryption in most general asymmetric encryption implementation. I found a lot of descriptions and pictures that confirm it. It makes sense because the most common usage of assymetric encryption is establishing connection FROM client TO server. So client can encrypt the message with public (shared to anyone) key, and server is able to decrypt it with private key. Then the rest of communication can be symetric :) I actually get it that probably AWS Cognito reversed this approach due to technical "flow" of this service but can you confirm?
