Starfield - flawed fun

Starfield - flawed fun

Jake Baldino

10 месяцев назад

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Bee-Bear Gaming
Bee-Bear Gaming - 22.10.2023 06:16

I really wish there was vehicles in the game then I would have explored every planet. Love the video Jake

ra2409 - 12.10.2023 10:07

Starfield is not for me couldn't get into it. For me it seemed like a chore to play the game it just didn't grab my attention.

ASwagPecan - 09.10.2023 21:25

Jake’s getting plump, games aren’t worth your health.

McTaminus - 06.10.2023 14:34

Good adventuring are you fuckin high mate?

Emilio Ortega
Emilio Ortega - 06.10.2023 05:38

I feel like some people kind of just force themselves to like this game because of the hype

bork750 - 05.10.2023 22:43

My biggest complaint about the cities is they just are plopped in the middle of nowhere on a planet. No outside roads or infrastructure, just city and then straight to wilderness.

MightyManotaur22 - 29.09.2023 20:06

I have a lot of pros and cons and personal opinions about Starfield.

Andre Esters
Andre Esters - 28.09.2023 23:51

Now that man Baldino... has a gorgeous head of hair 😆

Tussinette - 28.09.2023 09:21

Playing Starfield made me appreciate my other games so much more.

John Dansson
John Dansson - 27.09.2023 01:22

Isn't it time for Bethesda to abandon their creation engine? it seems like it just dont pack the punch needed to compete no matter how much they add and revise it.

Gnomepoleon Boneysharts
Gnomepoleon Boneysharts - 26.09.2023 15:47

You got the title backward. It should be "Fun, Flawed". NMS would be "Flawed but Fun". You see, No Mans is garbage but they try really hard. As where Bethesda just tried really hard and its still garbage.

Chris MBA
Chris MBA - 25.09.2023 01:15

Got this along with an AMD video card purchase. Played for about three hours. Thought it was a online multiplayer, but then my son said, "nope, it's like Skyrim" - Augh. What is the point of a cool ship or interesting apparel if you can't show it off? Or get your friends together for a mission? Or PVP?? I don't care how "immersive" something is if you can't share it. zzzzzzzzz

andreiyB - 24.09.2023 19:50

I'm pretty sure modders will take it to the next level

TheDiligentTen - 24.09.2023 16:19

Hope you’re doing well Jake. 🚀✨

Michael Diaz
Michael Diaz - 23.09.2023 21:40

I like the nasa punk aesthetic but I wish their were interactive aliens

Sputnikmann - 23.09.2023 21:28

It's another Bethesda game. If you're familiar with the structure of Bethesda's main games, and the flaws that are often found therein, you mostly already know how Starfield will be structured. Minor details and specific gameplay mechanics aside, of course.

You're either going to like it or you're not going to like it. If you generally like the gameplay loop of Bethesda games, like I do, youre probably going to like this one. If you don't like Bethesda games as it is, you're probably not going to like this one.

ElVenadoHostil - 21.09.2023 08:38

I love the fact that certain actions are locked behind the skills, because it does give me the feeling of each character being different, since they literally play different.

Oktober - 20.09.2023 08:35

I'm passed the 100 hour mark. Didn't immediately like the game either but I'm in to it now.

No Body
No Body - 18.09.2023 16:43

I gave up after 20 hours. Will give it another shot after a year or so, when it is updated and improved. Shooting is really fun, but most of the other things suck. This game feels more like a job now, and really bad characters, voice acting and boring story doesn't help.

3brenm - 18.09.2023 13:34

It's not as bad as some are making out, but It's not exceptional either. It's a'ight.

Leo Paulek
Leo Paulek - 18.09.2023 06:12

Ubisoft making the same game = omg trash

Bethesda making the same thing for 18 years = omg so good , old bethesda we kove

M Nowak
M Nowak - 17.09.2023 23:33

Game is junk waste of time. If you enjoy mvp product that’s your poor taste honestly.

yungstench - 16.09.2023 07:14

Im still getting through the beginning phase of the game and i think its great - coming from a non bethesda fan. Yeah it has some bethesda stuff going on, but im already having a blast with the exploration, customization, and character development and storylines.

Tanner hoopes
Tanner hoopes - 15.09.2023 09:07

Bethesda is getting too “Disney” I want a rated M game

Matthew Warner
Matthew Warner - 14.09.2023 18:59

To me, Starfield is one of those games that will only succeed because it had Bethesda's name on it - which is more of a negative today than it used to be. If it had some other less famous (or infamous) dev's name on it, it would fade into the background for being pretty "meh". It's the same game Bethesda has been making since Oblivion with the Creation Engine. For me, it's tired at this point. No shade to anyone who loves it. I get it.

Brad Young
Brad Young - 14.09.2023 18:11

My issue is, since they have microsoft money now, can they please update their 20 years old game engine? Like what would this be like with UE 5? I mean wow

Jacob Caudill
Jacob Caudill - 13.09.2023 18:45

Accidently subbed but I'll leave it

Dreamy - 13.09.2023 17:10

What is 'fun' anymore Jake? It will get 'fun' if you put 'X' amount of time in it. Tbh, this is not the type of game of the year materials. It's mid Jake. It's mid.

Bruno Illipronti
Bruno Illipronti - 13.09.2023 06:45

I 100% agree because secondary missions are SO generic! But the faction quests are really intriguing!

Malevolentgaze - 13.09.2023 05:52

We all start out as minors. Whether it’s in real life or a vidja game

Giggle Hurtz
Giggle Hurtz - 13.09.2023 04:12

oh i bet you like the bethesda privilege more though

Zeikers - 12.09.2023 23:43

Game is fun, there is tons of loading screens which kinda sucks but the factions and a lot of stories are engaging and exciting

Matthew Parrish
Matthew Parrish - 12.09.2023 14:29

Game is fun. The end.

HappyDude - 12.09.2023 09:07

Its a fallout game in space but without the exploration and freedom and more loading screen and invisble walls
Most planets are empty
And everything looks the same

JoshN - 12.09.2023 00:33

It’s only ok. 7/10. Not bad but far from great.

Brigadier Blue
Brigadier Blue - 11.09.2023 16:02

The thing with Starfield is it FEELS like the Devs just didn't complete 65% of the game so the community will do it for them and I hate that shit. Feels like yet another incomplete game

No Name
No Name - 11.09.2023 13:37

I put it on the level of AC Syndicate quality wise.
Not amazing nor horrible, just enjoyable.

Fjska - 11.09.2023 13:36

Past all the bugs and graphical issues, if you get the game running smoothly , you will have a great Bethesda game experience. It not be fallout or Skyrim , but it defiantly can take a seat with them up there in terms of Bethesda rpgs. Beautiful game with a nice long Story. What more could you ask for from old toddy boy

2KUniverseElite - 11.09.2023 13:13

It was a slow start but the game grew on me the sidequests are awesome. That i almost forgot there was main quest 😂😂😂

Arian Dito
Arian Dito - 11.09.2023 09:21

BaldJakino is my favorite Starfield reviewer

Rhekluse - 10.09.2023 16:29

I’m 80+ hours in since Early Access and I’m lovin’ Starfield! There is so much to do, I haven’t even been to Neon yet. It’s true, the more you put into the game the more you get out of it.

Christopher Vang
Christopher Vang - 10.09.2023 14:31

There is so much to do in Starfield. It can be a bit overwhelming at times but it’s fun. Love just wandering off and doing whatever I want while ignoring the main quest line. I also like the random encounters. I hailed down a random ship I ran into while fast traveling to a new galaxy and the guy just made a “Uranus” joke and then grav jumped away 😂 😂

John Deighan
John Deighan - 10.09.2023 14:10

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. After watching, I’m not convinced the game is worth my money or time.
I hear what you’re saying about the characters… but I don’t see it. I don’t see any “compelling writing”; I see average Bethesda boilerplate. Yes, I’m told these characters are really excited about space… but I don’t see it. The characters are dull and lifeless, there’s really no way round it.

J P - 10.09.2023 11:28

It's not about liking it. It's about the absolute lies coming out of Todd's mouth. Everything he says is a lie. If he told me the time, I'd have to go double-check.

RaurmanProductions LLC
RaurmanProductions LLC - 10.09.2023 10:54

Flawed fun is every Bethesda game ever made.... And after 25 years I'm sick of it. They aren't getting my money this time.

Mohammad Nasrun
Mohammad Nasrun - 10.09.2023 10:39

Not gonna lie, this game manage to bring out the kid in me which i thought nowadays games arent abled to. Not the, excited to play games not sleeping for 3 days straight kid, the one that excited at exploring the unknown, Going into abandoned building and creepy forest kind of kid.

Adam E
Adam E - 10.09.2023 05:51

It's weird to me that people bought a Bethesda game only to be upset to find out it was a Bethesda game

Naa Caruso
Naa Caruso - 09.09.2023 21:45

My big issue was no questline for House Va’ruun. Hopefully it’s in dlc, but even choosing the trait doesn’t do much. BGS games have their problems but to release a game and leave stuff out just for dlc is disappointing. In a year, the game will have mod support and maybe 2 or 3 good dlc but right now I just feel a bit sour about it. Don’t get me wrong I’ve had a good time playing but it just falls a bit flat and is leans towards being mid
