Everything Everywhere All At Once - Review!

Everything Everywhere All At Once - Review!

Dan Murrell

2 года назад

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nic cage
nic cage - 09.07.2023 19:52

Great film. I saw it twice in theaters than i bought the 4k. And all of that happened before any award ceremonies happened.

Joseph Casey
Joseph Casey - 30.05.2023 04:08

Let's face it, this movie absolutely sucked.

Jimmy Noneya
Jimmy Noneya - 25.04.2023 17:03

Woo-hoo political commentary. And here I was thinking I was just going to watch a review about a movie I didn't know you're going to go in a hold dissertation about the lack of rolls for Asian actors. But thank you

Madeline Mitchell
Madeline Mitchell - 26.03.2023 07:52

I recently saw this before the Oscars 95… I loved it so much , was so glad it has won so many awards !!

Joel Ayala
Joel Ayala - 24.03.2023 23:28

For the first time in years I am not walking out of the movie theater unsatisfied or disappointed about the time and money spent. The story & real meaning behind all the crazy scenes, random scenarios and kaos really got me emotionally connected to it. It's one of those movies the more you think about it after watching it, the more you like it. Well deserved all of those awards won. I will definitely watch it again! I can't wait to see with what "The Daniels" will surprise us next.

PhdTesla - 21.03.2023 17:02

This movie IS everything!

K. - 21.03.2023 06:11

Dunno what’s the buzz about this movie, watched it and it was too much and too messy/repetitive/ shallow for my perception

KS - 20.03.2023 04:48

When they had hotdog hands - i couldn't watch this crap anymore

Zeet - 19.03.2023 09:05

The little movie that could, because it deserved it - I remember this review made me find a theater to watch it 11 months ago or so - what a treat

Anthony Caruso
Anthony Caruso - 18.03.2023 22:21

Sounds pretty bad to me,like Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon[whatever}a few years ago.

C O - 18.03.2023 18:17

This movie suits people who have no taste, it's a pure piece of garbage.

Matty Soup
Matty Soup - 18.03.2023 11:08

I have actually added up my total time of watching every film, movie and even series shows to today's date. Since the first recordings of slide boxes over a hundred years ago.. to stream boat Willie. To Marlon Branos "On the waterfront" until you know....today. I compacted 10years 27 days ... And I won't get ridiculous with the rest Lol. I guess what I'm saying is hit me up and let's talk some about the true art .. The real shit. Fantastic movie mind.. Converge

Matty Soup
Matty Soup - 18.03.2023 10:53

I love your your passion and do agree largley with many of your interpretations and non biased views. So I gotta say movie brains should unite

eysiandal - 17.03.2023 20:41

I may just be dumb on this one but it left me confused as heck. Yes I got the gist of the story and the acting of Michelle was great but I left before the movie ended.

ProgFu ProgFu
ProgFu ProgFu - 16.03.2023 11:35

I tried to watch it 3 seperate times. All hype , I got half way , I was open minded .
This is the possibly the most over hyped movie ever.
I could not even finish the movie. How high would you have to be to say this movie even could not be terrible.
Try to watch it , then be afraid how much influence hype has and how big of followers people are. It sucked , period.

Charles - 16.03.2023 05:52

this movie goes on my list one of the worst movies of all time

Cugal - 16.03.2023 00:21

I think I watched a different movie to everyone else. Ahhh I saw the bad one in a different reality.

Woody Radstock
Woody Radstock - 16.03.2023 00:00

Worst film I ever watched. Total NONSENSE. Waste of time . Simply awful and very sad that people could enjoy this shit.

YTSparty - 13.03.2023 19:45

This movie was really long and really stupid. I love people blowing up this pretentious pile of crap as if it makes them feel smarter.

goatcheese4me - 12.03.2023 01:18

Finally got to see it after all of the hype and, halfway through I thought it was an enjoyable film. Then it started to get deep, philosophical, and jumped so often I got lost--I just enjoyed it less and less. I see Dan's point that you have to see it a 2nd time to catch the places you missed, but to me it wasn't a 2nd viewing type movie. I get the overall messages the movie was trying to deliver, but just like Dr Strange's multiverse movie, it was colorful diarrhea of cinema crammed down your throat. I did like the performances--the quick flips by the actors and believe they deserve their acting accolades, but overall in my opinion I saw better movies in 2022.

Edward Gyu
Edward Gyu - 06.03.2023 23:35

I want to see more Asian Americans in normal films, as Asian people migrated to North America, and now is part of America, so did the white and the black, Asian American is not foreigners, that's what I want to say

David Zeto
David Zeto - 03.03.2023 06:46

Dan the man.

Liviu Cristian Dragan
Liviu Cristian Dragan - 27.02.2023 15:25

I really wanted to like it, but I don't understand the hype. It felt like they chose to show crazy stuff just for the shock factor. Well ...that's the beauty about the subjective experience. I'm glad others liked it.

mascho - 05.02.2023 22:46

Your breakdown of this movie is exquisite. Talented writing.

Rick Deckard
Rick Deckard - 31.01.2023 09:41

There will be those that will hate on something just because everyone else loves it. They're the contrarians, the outliers that want to remain that way so we'll see more of this if this movie wins Best Picture Oscar.

john nolan
john nolan - 31.01.2023 00:14

And here we are now, 11 Oscar nominations later. If the Academy has become any braver this should be the winner of best picture. You didn't mention how wonderfully emotional it is too!! Great flick!

stephan l
stephan l - 17.01.2023 02:57

Extraordinary film.. On every level genius!

Robert Lee
Robert Lee - 16.01.2023 14:45

This movie does not make sense, then in the end, it does.

INADRM - 05.01.2023 08:57

Worst movie I've ever seen by far. The fact that people love it makes me hope for the end of humanity.

TheHmongol - 03.01.2023 23:45

My white friend loathed being drag to see this. He said this is an Asian film. I won't be able to relate like you guys. Boy was he wrong he said after the movie.

E E - 30.12.2022 22:27

Cinematic Experience. That's what this movie is. I just watched it today. I remember seeing The Matrix in the theatres, Inception. This movie is on that level when it comes to originality. Wow.

Revan Wintersoldier
Revan Wintersoldier - 29.12.2022 13:00

Not just the best movie of the year… best film I’ve ever seen.

D Mac
D Mac - 26.12.2022 20:46

This movie gave me a splitting headache. Hated it.

Ryan Poehls
Ryan Poehls - 15.12.2022 05:51

Michelle Yeoh should win an Oscar for Best Actress in a leading roll. She was that good.

Giovanni Salamon
Giovanni Salamon - 05.11.2022 17:59

I disagree with the "young movie goer" effect completely. I''m a middle-aged movie watcher and I can say that the best movie that challenged cinema boundaries without being too quirky was Tenet (2020) directed by Christopher Nolan. This movie on the other hand is more like "Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy", (2005), which I did happen to watch when I was younger and didn't care that much about compared to more iconic movies of the time (ie V for Vendetta (2005) and Children of Men (2006), which stand the test of time today as being 00s gems, and can even be seen as prophetic for today's social discourse, while Hitchiker is all but forgotten. A good quality movie stands out regardless of the age of the viewer and how many movies they have seen before!

rocketknoxler - 16.10.2022 23:18

This was the worst movie I’ve ever seen

seriliaykilel - 16.10.2022 17:17

Rewatched this movie — really hope it doesn’t get forgotten for the awards season. This is hands down one of the most creative movies I’ve ever seen

tysoon363636 - 23.09.2022 12:14

I'm a big fan of Michelle, but this movie is one of the most frustrating movie I've ever watched! I literally used Jedi force to force myself to finish it, just to see why people were praising it? I smell something really fishy here. I'm sorry Michelle, I really wished you didn't take up this role, sorry again.

René Alberto Ortega Minakata
René Alberto Ortega Minakata - 05.09.2022 19:01

Spoiler aleeeeert!! 😬

Ofer Yuval Zam
Ofer Yuval Zam - 28.08.2022 02:08

the whole universe just let us peek into it’s true self with this masterpiece speedy touching my heart perfect yin and Yang timeless classic. Thank you daniels and thank you universe for let us see who you really are ;).

Corwin K
Corwin K - 27.08.2022 13:40

I think one of the strengths of the movie is that it allows for confusion and time to learn what is happening and how the universe(s) work along with Evelyn and her family. The jokes, emotional moments, and action are earned by the watcher. By the time you get to the award scene you know what is going to happen and it's so much more funny because it's a joke that wouldn't have made sense earlier. The rocks become deeply emotional as by that point, why not rocks? Everything else utterly unimaginable has happened so sure, a deeply emotional moment portrayed by rocks with googly eyes. Why the hell not.

bLAKE cRAFT - 10.08.2022 12:59

Gosh such a concept, the everything bagel will now always mean something to me hahaha this is what art/cinema is supposed to do.

bLAKE cRAFT - 10.08.2022 12:52

I just bought a really nice Sony TV for the bedroom and whenever I buy a new TV I buy a movie to watch on it and I knew I had planned to watch this movie for sometime so naturally I picked up a copy in 4k and my goodness especially with the Dolby Vision etc this movie was absolutely beautiful and yes several times I teared up and just enjoyed how crazy of a ride it takes you on. The word refreshing comes to mind, always love with cinema can generate that feeling.

Ray Lynne
Ray Lynne - 09.08.2022 05:14

All of the actors in this were ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE, I'm shocked at how flawlessly they were able to switch characters within one movie and make it work so well!!

GodsSon987 - 07.08.2022 04:14

Man this movie made me feel something, especially towards the end. One of those movies that I'll never forget

Ginger Cheng
Ginger Cheng - 06.08.2022 22:57

unbelievable movie and great review!

Christian Nönken
Christian Nönken - 29.07.2022 05:59

Just saw it. I will watch it again. It's incredible!
If you haven't seen it .... fix that.

Shuvai April
Shuvai April - 25.07.2022 09:41

I loved Jamie’s pot belly and her awesome fighting skills 👌🏾 cinema gold

Michael - 22.07.2022 03:07

Best movie of 2022. Maybe the best movie of the GREAT Michelle Yeoh’s illustrious career.
