Mass Effect Legendary Edition | Liara reveals Tali's Dirty Secrets (RARE Dialogue)

Mass Effect Legendary Edition | Liara reveals Tali's Dirty Secrets (RARE Dialogue)


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@vladislavohremenco3472 - 16.11.2023 04:35

Bitch got knocked the fuck out in front of shepard and i bet shepard didn't even notice cause he's just a marine boy😂

@FrontSideBus - 15.11.2023 14:44

Somebody used those lines in a sample on a dance track but I can't remember which one it was! I was sure it was Mass Effect as it sounded like it but I could never remember hearing it in game, until now.

@jesseukleja5704 - 09.11.2023 16:15

Legendary Edition on sale Right now steam

@guillaumegeaymond503 - 04.11.2023 11:53

"So you can bite. We'll need that."

@MgSarnel - 26.10.2023 21:49

The Snickers "ad" came at the perfect time...
It was the first time I liked an ad on YT.

@raziel6304 - 13.10.2023 19:07

You do not need to romance Liara in 1 to get this dialogue

@rubenleitao574 - 02.10.2023 23:35

guys i need your help...

Im sure that the first time i played me3 i was able to romance liara and tali at same time ( menage a trois )
cant find any vids .

what is happening ?

@mattpresley9809 - 25.09.2023 12:42

Legion trash talking in a MW2 Rust lobby:
"Shepard Commander, you can suck these steel nuts."

@shadowbeast2276 - 13.09.2023 05:28

Savage truly savage

@dp5-1 - 28.08.2023 07:39

Shepard's a captin Kirk hoe pimp....😮🎉🎉🎉🎉

@patricklenigan4309 - 24.08.2023 12:30

Liara's comments made Tali die inside...HARD...

@FathersUnited-fu - 24.08.2023 00:08

First playthrough back in the day i went Ashley, Miranda & Liara. Second playthrough on Legendary Edition I went Liara, Jack & Jack. Gonna start a third soon & I plan to go Ashley, Tali & Tali. I wish I could romance Tali in all 3 games bcz i would. Fell in love with her in the second playthrough but I had already decided to see things through with Jack until the end.

@Apocryphox - 02.08.2023 23:16

THIS exactly is what the original Mass Effect games made so unique. EA will never give to level of quality to us again.

@valkryie-5129 - 11.07.2023 06:39

Liara fully being Tali's wingman is such a refreshing change of pace for love corner resolutions.

@roguex9469 - 11.07.2023 00:07

Asari confessions true blue 💙

@BlueGuise9 - 04.07.2023 00:41

Liara's trolling is second to Garrus!
"Could've sworn I heard him muttering "T'Soni" the whole time"

@DarkKnight52365 - 02.07.2023 04:06

i would be surprised if tali wasn't interested in that stuff

@ZayIvory7 - 29.06.2023 19:12

Jokes on you Liara, this just cements Tali as the proper choice between you two.

@evanulven8249 - 27.06.2023 10:29

"Listen, Tali. I love you like a sister, and am happy for you and Shepard. But don't try picking this fight."

@ilovefunnyamv2nd - 27.06.2023 03:47

Damn, still finding things in the game, so how crap the final choice made a difference, there sure was a lot of variety elsewhere based on our decisions

@heyitsdaniel69 - 25.06.2023 18:37

Legion is basically Chat GPT with a Twitch account

@matt_Guitar0734 - 12.06.2023 05:36

This honestly makes it suck even more that on my trilogy play-through Tali died on the suicide mission

@geokon3 - 08.06.2023 16:33

If it's rare why I had it in my first playthrought 🤣🤣. I bet alot of men of culture have seen it

@reeceshugrue6167 - 31.05.2023 13:16

I wouldn't call going from Liara in ME1 to another character in ME2 cheating. With the Shadow Broker DLC you can make it pretty clear to Liara that the relationship is over before you do anything with anyone else.

@Brunosantos-hj3ee - 30.05.2023 06:23

I've just recently finished playing the ME trilogy and started looking for videos about this awesome game and found this. I'm amazed to see that people value Tali so much over the other romance options, I chose to romance Tali while I was still in ME1 ( even though it was not possible by the time) and for some mysterious power I couldn't/ didn' want to change to any of the other romance options, even though they were very very tempting.

I guess the voice actor for Tali is part of the reason, and there's also the fact that we don't get to see Tali's face till ME3 so I think the mystery around how she really looks like makes her more appealing than the others. Like, she already seems to be pretty under the mask, but not knowing how she really looks like just adds to her charm.

@thegamehbktaker - 27.05.2023 23:17

Liaras interactions really put Ashley in a bad light as of all the romances for ShepBro shes the pitties if you end the relaionship in ME2 or ME3

@bacd-nn2lg - 24.05.2023 14:41

This was really intense scene since in my first walkthrough as male Shepard I have chosen first Liara, and then Tali as romance companion.

@jacoballen148 - 05.05.2023 01:36

Good thing i stayed with liara

@sandansaiyan5675 - 28.04.2023 15:53

I love both girls and Liara is definitely the best romance entire whole franchise but Tali is my type of waifu.Heck, I even found a girl like Tali in real life😁

@MelchVagquest - 21.04.2023 17:32

I'm pretty sure the Nerve Stim is used among Quarians to stimulate any physical contact, not just contact with humans...

@alphacrusaders6535 - 07.04.2023 19:25

The laugh at the end is the cherry on top xD

@TheDeadCobraTheDeadCobra - 30.03.2023 22:48

So Tali wants to have sex with humans so better understand them so what that is good

@SavageRush012 - 20.03.2023 00:09

Its stupid because you don't even know what nerve stim pro is in Mass Effect 2, until this vague dialogue in it's sequel. Even after, we still don't know what exactly it is, just assumptions, and that Tail is reluctant to talk about it. However, prior to 3, nerve Stim could have been anything.

@polishdragon4853 - 17.03.2023 21:06

i always loved to read trough my crewmate history on the broker ship, it was hilarious

@JorgePerez-xm2bf - 16.03.2023 04:28

lol this just proves tali is best girl

@Havoc10K - 13.03.2023 04:05

Wrong, You don't need to romance Liara, she will do it if you bed Tali in Mass Effect 2 and had no relationships in mass effect 1, and you evaded all other females entirely, meaning you stay loyal to Tali, and you diss Liara. She will trigger this conversation. As a matter of fact if you bed Tali, and you unlock the prothean in mass effect 3, there will be another conversation with him instead of Liara, also if for some reason you sacrificed Kaiden and you successfuly saved Ashley, it gets even weirder because Ashley is a xenopphobe and a racist, although she is aware of it and she tries to fight it because it was engraved in her by her father, she will pull a few jokes regardless. If you have the James bond DLC and you have Kasumi Goto, she will also make a joke about your relationship with Tali.

Honestly everyone is simply jealous of Tali. Developers made all of it as a joke because theoretically speaking, we know about Quarians only enough to know their physiology is, among all otehr aliens, the most human-like, despite Asari being practically "human" like, they are completely different physilogically, they are more like Hens.

@solidt9626 - 12.03.2023 00:12

that's fucking fantastic rofl

@heartattackjack9349 - 09.03.2023 03:07

Hm, nothing new here. Whether the remake, or the original, the dialogue has not changed much, if at all.
I own all three for PS, PC, and the new legendary. Never finished legendary as there was not enough remake to make it worthwhile to play.

@r.b.ratieta6111 - 05.03.2023 03:13

"Human Vessels Edition." Someone's definitely fantasizing about being the wife of an Alliance Ship Captain. Which probably adds another reason for the "NerveStim Pro..." 😄 (Read More)

It's both creepy and funny imagining Tali role-playing and whispering to herself as she goes through the catalog of human ships for sale.

"Shepard, you didn't have to buy me a Corvette-class Frigate..."

"Oh Shepard, please. That's just a title that was given to me in an emergency."

"Inside? But Shepard, you....Ohhh! Keelah, it's beautiful! You didn't have to do this! An entire clean room laden with flowers and herbs from across the galaxy, including Rannoch? Shepard, you really shouldn't have! Oh it's beautiful!"

"Oh Shepard, I've dreamed of you. But I never thought we'd ever get the chance to reunite in a room surrounded by Rannoch flowers! The smells, the touches, the fact that I can come here and remove my suit without getting can have me whenever you want, Shepard. All you have to do is ask..."

Engineer Adams: "Tali?"

Tali: "Oh! Uh, yes, Adams?"

Engineer Adams: "Sorry to wake you, I know it's your off-time, but Ken and Gaby have noticed a spike in reactor output, and we'd like your opinion on it before we decide if any action is needed. Any chance you can be down here in, say, ten minutes?"

Tali: "I'll be right down!"

Engineer Adams: "Thanks, Tali."

@wifin6644 - 27.02.2023 19:20

Exactly how I played it. Liara in ME1, Tali in ME2 because Liara said "screw you", Fix it up with Liara in ME3. Actually, the scene when you mend that relationship is quite dramatic.

@Fenris30 - 27.02.2023 05:59

Mass Effect is one of the only Mainstream game that I wish had a Harem option cause I like all of the girl for different reasons. Yes even Ashley. People say she's Racist but actually she's more like Dom, She all about Family and the crew of the Normandy are that Family from Wreks to Tali. If your in good with Shepard your in good with her. She's good people once you get to know her.

@1bIgFaTsOnOfAbItCh - 27.02.2023 05:28

Well, it's official. Being catty is universally female. It's not unique to human females.

On that note the Salarian Dalatrass proved the females in their species perfected being a bitch better than all in the galaxy (and probably the universe).

@CuXxX87mt - 26.02.2023 12:38

Nice 👍

@alexfrank5331 - 26.02.2023 08:22

Imagine Liara, as Shadow Broker, getting feeds about Shepard and Tali getting it on, but couldn't do anything about it...

@jacoballen9523 - 25.02.2023 16:02

Tali must be kinky

@elliotm01 - 24.02.2023 12:55

Aw, Tali is a conscious, sensual being and as such has needs like any one of us! :3

@MiguelGonzalez-cw9ft - 22.02.2023 22:16

Hahaha... that was crazy!!

@Chrytin - 21.02.2023 23:00

Unless you’re using a mod that changes the dossier I don't understand why you make the implication any of what's in Tali's history is x rated. There's only 2 entries related to humans and both are flagged as education vids, one on human body language and the other on human courtship. Given the only other education vid in her history is one called "Dealing with Loss" it seems pretty obvious what they were trying to imply about Tali, what she's looking at and why. It still might be embarrassing for Liara to reveal those entries in front of Shepard but not for the same reasons implied in the video.

@Sgt_Seagull47 - 21.02.2023 10:43

i accidently ran into this and absolutely busted a gut laughing! this series is easily my favorite RPG series of all time.
