OpenWRT - File Sharing Server on OpenWRT with Samba4 (SMB)

OpenWRT - File Sharing Server on OpenWRT with Samba4 (SMB)

Van Tech Corner

2 года назад

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Дмитрий Антишин
Дмитрий Антишин - 22.09.2023 20:54

Thank you

Jason Night
Jason Night - 23.08.2023 11:29

Can't install on Dir842 right. I got not enough space error.

Reng Reng
Reng Reng - 28.03.2023 16:52

I'm using samba for the local nas network, can the files on the HDD be accessed via luci or not?

Rikka QwQ (小六花)
Rikka QwQ (小六花) - 27.02.2023 19:05

If you use 1Gbps links between your router and PC, how fast can you get? I feel that the router becomes a bottleneck, even if you use a HDD

logit - 25.02.2023 18:46

samba36-server good alternative. I had 3mb and only samba36-server was able to install

MobileMeneer - 22.02.2023 10:36

I have installed openwert on an zyxel nsa325 v2 yesterday and want to share an internal sata drive. Not an usb drive. Do you know if that's possible?

Patrick Lee
Patrick Lee - 31.01.2023 08:18

I just got myself an used WRT1900ac V2 to test drive openwrt. I'm new to linux and openwrt. I tried few different USB HDD and USB drive. Nothing seems to be working. I read some articles online saying if the drive is being detected it should show under the /dev. What is simplest way to determined the drive is working or not? Thanks.

Brian Ewing
Brian Ewing - 28.01.2023 02:00

where did you paste this line? "newuser:*:1000:65534:newuser:/var:/bin/false" You completely lost me at this point. which key is EXE and Column?

Viny HT
Viny HT - 23.01.2023 12:57

How to change User and Password

thyago rodrigues alvarez
thyago rodrigues alvarez - 17.12.2022 03:08

thanks a lot :)

Indethbed - 13.12.2022 14:53

cannot mount... doesnt mount

Mehmet Recep Eser
Mehmet Recep Eser - 03.12.2022 19:36

I have router without usb but i have modem with usb. How can i access to that usb on openwrt and add?

Portuguese Channel
Portuguese Channel - 25.11.2022 05:40

how do you configure share without level user access I can't figure out

Bow Wow Rescue
Bow Wow Rescue - 15.10.2022 10:24

I managed to get the drive to mount after some tries and succeeded in going through the tutorial. But when I upgraded my OpenWRT to 22.03.1, it deleted all the settings and I had to reinstall. This time I just can't get the drive to mount!! All drivers are installed and I can see the drive under Mount Points menu. So what didn't I do right?

iter68 - 12.09.2022 04:57

My drive does not show up in Mounted file systems until I installed package "kmod-fs-ntfs" which did not mention in the video.

Marco Nunes
Marco Nunes - 04.09.2022 17:51

Thank you!! finally i got it right by folowing your instructions!

John Pang
John Pang - 03.09.2022 08:36

Does this work with FAT32 and ExFAT formatted drives?

UNIX FF - 01.09.2022 23:42

can i do it on r2s?

Hartono Bangkir
Hartono Bangkir - 25.08.2022 13:36

not working , untill adding rule into firewall

Sahil Kaul
Sahil Kaul - 30.07.2022 13:30

I have successfully configured the share and permissions. I can see that in windows and phone bit when I try to access I get access denied. All SAMBA Share username and password logs on also fine. still access denied

Usa eabusa
Usa eabusa - 08.07.2022 02:20

Well done sir but do you have a video explaining how to setup a way to access the usb ssd from outside the home network?

Wagner - 03.07.2022 01:03

I face so many troubles in order to this work. Finally, the options that work for me "rw,nodev,noexec,noatime,nosuid,uid=xxxx,gid=xxxxx" By passing those options and special mention to uid and gid did the magic. They need to match your user. BTW, I'm using samba4

Wellio Pedro de Lima
Wellio Pedro de Lima - 22.06.2022 21:15

Excelente vídeo.
Estou tentando instalar openwrt em um TP-Link 750n. Desejo instalar nele rclone, montar GoogleDrive como disco, local. Fazer com que seja montado automaticamente no boot. Com a flag --destiny ( -) do opkg, instalar os pacotes como openvpn, samba, ddns, Lucy nesse reclone montado. Porém estou com dificuldade para fazer com que o rclone já monte o disco no start

DeusMalleus - 02.06.2022 08:42

I'm stuck on the network drive mapping, I keep getting issues with certificates and nothing seems to work. Have you experienced this problem?

M C - 13.04.2022 16:59

I have no ideea what you said after inserting new user

Christof Heckmann
Christof Heckmann - 08.04.2022 12:25

Can you please make another video toturial for ksmbd because samba a way to big for my WRT1900ACS. Can't install any update after using samba.

Niggle - 27.03.2022 19:17

just spent 30m-1hr trying to get the permissions right by myself. Should have looked at your video first, got it done in 5min! Best tutorial on the internet!!

yk wong
yk wong - 17.03.2022 11:26

hello, I am running the OpenWrt 21.02 on the Linksys WRT32X and managed to install USB storage, Block-Mount and Samba4 following your video, but after installed the Luci-app-samba4, the new "Service" menu didn't show up. Appreciate if you can answer what I done wrong. stay safe!

Mark Lapastora
Mark Lapastora - 16.02.2022 07:33

I'm unable to copy large files. Saying there is not enough space on device but I have a 1TB HDD mounted on the router. Anyone who can help?

ThiefRainb0w - 11.02.2022 03:46

Thanks for the tutorial! How come samba wont let files/directories be named with a colon ( : ) ?

Coba Lagi Channel (CLC)
Coba Lagi Channel (CLC) - 30.01.2022 07:58

what model of linksys you use on the video, bro?

Massbib - 28.01.2022 08:42

I'm having a problem.. I've followed the tutorial but my hdd can't be written, it can only be read.. what's wrong?

Md. Siam
Md. Siam - 17.01.2022 21:36

Thanks for the tutorial man.
U are awesome.

CrUBlackNerd - 10.01.2022 11:50

can you do one for ksmbd on openwrt? the package size is much smaller, and the luci interface is very similar.

Hiệp Phát
Hiệp Phát - 08.12.2021 17:07

tôi đã mất 3 tiếng để làm được :))😀😀

Út Nhật
Út Nhật - 23.11.2021 09:34

the share is not accessible ?

Nazmul Alam
Nazmul Alam - 13.11.2021 20:49

Hello, My router doesn't have enough space to install samba4, is there any other package I can use to enable file sharing which lighter than samba4?

Sachin Gopal
Sachin Gopal - 30.10.2021 20:40

This was easy and clear. Thank you.

Mohd Zulhazmi
Mohd Zulhazmi - 23.10.2021 18:39

Can i request for torrent install guide in openwrt 😅

John Weldon
John Weldon - 19.10.2021 00:34

Too bad, looks like the samba4 packages might be too big for my router (~10mb max storage 😢). Great content!

Tauqeer Waqas
Tauqeer Waqas - 10.10.2021 13:42

verify_pkg_installable: Only have 4912kb available on filesystem /overlay, pkg samba4-libs needs 7010
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package samba4-server.

C Black
C Black - 06.10.2021 01:38

This is perfect. I have been putting of installing Samba for so long.

Jordan Wiliams
Jordan Wiliams - 17.09.2021 02:35

It wont let me write from windows? It says i dont have permission

Rifo Evert
Rifo Evert - 14.09.2021 16:36

hello, thanks for the great videos
i already try it and it works, but when i restart my x86 openwrt it not want to connect, any suggest?

Rifem Here
Rifem Here - 12.09.2021 13:20

now this is what ive been waiting for!! thankyou so much van 😆😆
