AHSOKA Episode 6 BREAKDOWN - Every Star Wars EASTER EGG + Thrawn and Ezra EXPLAINED

AHSOKA Episode 6 BREAKDOWN - Every Star Wars EASTER EGG + Thrawn and Ezra EXPLAINED


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Purkler - 24.09.2023 18:10

When I'm in a bad opinion competition but my opponent is ScreenCrush

kize39 - 24.09.2023 17:01

I find it hard to believe Thrawn doesn't know who Ahsoka is. Even if they did jot interact in Rebels, his proven record of knowledge, especially in wars, is why he should. To NOT know who the apprentice of one of the Clone Wars greatest generals? If he doesn't know who Anakin is, then he's nowhere near as great as people make him out. Anakin was on the council per request of the Palpetine, as a non-master, something which had never been done before. These are just the basics of why he should know who Ahsoka is. Maybe he doesn't know Vader is Anakin, and that's fine.....but he should know who Ahsoka is.

Seekuh89 - 24.09.2023 16:22

I think the little houses of the turtleguys are made from the material which is missing at the bottom Thrawns ship. It looks a bit damaged there. Maybe the have stolen it or it has fallen off by time.

SFP GH057 - 24.09.2023 16:10

When dave felloni was asked where ezra was at the star wars event debuting the trailer for ahsoke he replied with "far far away" the same title as this episode in which ezra appears

Mr8odoras - 24.09.2023 16:07

I believe that this new galaxy could adopt a lot of stories and elements of the eu. The Vong or the Sith specifically. The whole episode had a nostalgic feeling. Baylons dialoge with his apprentice felt strongly like Feloni was replying to the fans and to Disney. Even Thrawn, amazing casting btw, looks like the original Thrawn, the first one.

James Gatzmer
James Gatzmer - 24.09.2023 15:51

Maybe I've never noticed it before, but this was the first ScreenCrush video I could hear an almost subliminal level of clicking in the audio. After turning up the volume and listening in spots with less dialogue, I could hear what sounded like a music track and the clicking seemed to be percussion from a cymbal or snare. The trouble is that it's so quite for me, just under the surface of the normal dialogue, it is incredibly distracting. It's like when you're trying to concentrate on reading a book and your neighbor 5 houses away is listening to music loud enough for you to just barely hear. Very hard to concentrate. IF you must use audio in the background, perhaps consider something less melodic and more ambient. Thanks for all your hard work. Love the channel.

Sean Horsley
Sean Horsley - 24.09.2023 12:56

Do you think that this show is ramping up to bring the emperor back to life? Isn't he (believed to be?) dead at this point?

Alice Smith
Alice Smith - 24.09.2023 11:42

Your right buddy high five
Watch proceeds to disappear than reappear😂

s0m3 n00b
s0m3 n00b - 24.09.2023 11:15

A Your mom joke 19 mins in the video is golden

Matthew d'Entremont
Matthew d'Entremont - 24.09.2023 11:04

Those aren't turtle people. Those are hermit crab peoples

Ryan Lokensgard
Ryan Lokensgard - 24.09.2023 10:39

Love how the Zefo just weren't mentioned in this video but clearly shown in the show lol

Sina M
Sina M - 24.09.2023 10:28

I think Baylan will have a change of heart at a critical moment and return to being a jedi. Shin will probably kill him

JT - 24.09.2023 09:34

Hell yeah. Rewrite history so that old novels are canon again. Get rid of episodes 7,8,and 9. Make Starwars great again!

David AC
David AC - 24.09.2023 08:02

Lets hope they use the world between worlds as a way to create an alternative time line where the sequel trilogy doesnt happen! 🙏🏻

TheRealCSD - 24.09.2023 07:42

Ezra doesn't have blue hair now for some reason

matt quilici
matt quilici - 24.09.2023 06:26

Hermit crab people imo

Eleanor K
Eleanor K - 24.09.2023 06:26

You know that one episode of Rebels with Maul and the creepy Nightsister ghosts? So Ezra frees Kanan from their control by bargaining himself for Kanan. When the Nightsisters inform him that he owes them, he replies with, "Well, I guess I'll have to owe you one."

Yeah, I think he might have to pay that debt soon.

Nave ofPenitentManMedia
Nave ofPenitentManMedia - 24.09.2023 06:24

Ugh! Why do all of you Uber fans idolize cameos?! They distract you from a good story and turn movies into fluff pieces. Spider-man no way home could've been a much better movie if it had played out like the fugitive where Spider-man spend the whole movie finding evidence of his innocence and that the "murder" of mysterio was a suicide. He could also find evidence the one who framed him was a live actin chameleon. And instead of the police pursuing him it would've been Alistair Smythe's Spider Slayers working for J. Jonah Jameson and Vincent denafrio's kingpin. But unfortunately, fan service makes so much damn money that all we got was a plot full of homage to other Sony spider-men who are sadly past their prime. Andrew Garfield is great but he and Toby could have appeared without the whole plot revolving around them Anda washed up version o the sinister six. The only thing meaningful that happens is the tragic death of Aunt May. As great as Willem Defoe is it felt like overkill to have him as a main villain again.

FishandShips - 24.09.2023 06:22

I have read a lot of theories that Baylan will give shin to abeloth as a host

A Different Take
A Different Take - 24.09.2023 06:08

I would think the story 1, 2 and 3 would be the Old Republic, the Republic and the New Republic.

TEAMBERTJOHNNYS - 24.09.2023 02:12

the end sound is not ticking. it’s war drums. ur friggin bert.

TEAMBERTJOHNNYS - 24.09.2023 02:10

sabine and ezras reuniting was the most underwhelming lazy part of this show

Josh Coop
Josh Coop - 24.09.2023 02:05

Well Maul was cut down in Rebels which is key to this series..

BoyFromBelgium99 - 24.09.2023 02:01

How I think Ahsoka Episodes 7 & 8 will play out:
- Ezra will explain what he did in exile, then he'll show his new lightsaber and train Sabine a bit, as a reference to Kanan.
- Ezra will be happy to hear that she kept her promise (which was about protecting Lothal for him while he was gone).
- True fans will know that Ezra knew from Rebels that bringing Thrawn here was the only option to save the galaxy from the Empire.
- Thrawn will find out that the emperor is dead and that the empire is no more, it's back to a republic.
- Ahsoka arrives but will face opposition from Thrawn. This is where her flying skills from The Clone Wars come in.
- Ahsoka will be reunited with Ezra & Sabine. They'll agree to fight Thrawn's forces and flee back to their galaxy.
- Ezra & Ahsoka will together team up to fight Baylan while Sabine fights Shin. Shin will defect from her master.
- Grand Admiral Thrawn will be successful into going back to the main galaxy.
- Ahsoka, Huyang, Sabine & Ezra will also be able to go back with the T-6.
- Baylan Skoll & Morgan Elsbeth will be killed at the end of this season.
- Sabine will fully become the apprentice of Ahsoka again.

What else to expect in the future:
- Just like The Mandalorian, Tales of the Jedi, The Clone Wars & Rebels there will be multiple seasons of Ahsoka.
- Baylan Skoll's backstory will be explained in Tales of the Jedi. Baylan & Anakin will probably have a mission together in it.
- This new galaxy will probably also have other projects (especially comics) in the future.

What to expect for Season 2:
- Ezra, Sabine, Hera, Chopper & Zeb will reunite, the Spectres. Ezra will meet Jacen Syndulla.
- Ahsoka will train Sabine to become a stronger Jedi.
- Ezra will train Jacen just like Kanan did to him and we'll see some fun ties with Rebels.
- Thrawn will be the main antagonist for this series. This series will likely be 3 or 4 seasons.

Michael Jonas
Michael Jonas - 24.09.2023 02:00

Is Peridia located in the Milky Way Galaxy? Is the "far far away" a reference to our galaxy. What's weird is that Thron didn't try and connect with other advanced civilizations while stranded for 10 years. Was he fearful he would be defeated there? What would make sense is that our galaxy is still not developed, so no centralized galactic republic. Each planet at a different level of evolution but not far enough along for space travel or being able to know about hyperspace. In fact, if our galaxy lacks the elements of a strong force (the source spring seems to be in the Star Wars galaxy) that might be a reason the Night Sisters left to go to the Star Wars galaxy where they could use the force better. It seems Dave Filoni likes making references to our galaxy with various examples in Clone Wars (i.e. flying saucers, ET-like creators in the senate).

Steve Archdekin
Steve Archdekin - 24.09.2023 01:52

So, aside from the horrible acting, the C-Grade straight to DVD bargain bin production value, the writing is blatantly ripping off things like The Lord of the Rings and y'all are praising it?! That makes no sense whatsoever. Also, Rosario Dawson has taken away every bit of personality from Ahsoka. Man, have Star Wars people ever lowered their standards.

Knee_On - 24.09.2023 01:46


Lewis Rising
Lewis Rising - 24.09.2023 01:16


Dan Sokulski
Dan Sokulski - 24.09.2023 01:01

That cute dog makes a great point about the characters that should be in this story!

Dan Sokulski
Dan Sokulski - 24.09.2023 00:52

Ayye, my buddy the dog with cute voice - I missed ya!

Eros Heartache
Eros Heartache - 24.09.2023 00:05

As a practicing witch, i deeply appreciate the way you talk about our symbolism as it parallels to the night sisters. Its always concise and respectful to our beliefs in a way that is accurate and its honestly really refreshing. Also, great breakdown, as always.

Nathan Goodson
Nathan Goodson - 23.09.2023 22:40

So Baylan Skoll's motivation--ending the cycle of dark and light--is very much like Ishamael in the Wheel of Time. Nihilism always looks good on villains!

VIBEteam - 23.09.2023 22:27

Bruhh always gets me with ur mom lmaoo

Lunchboxh3ad - 23.09.2023 22:11

Baylan is going to attempt to end “the force” entirely. The parallel between religion being the source of most war/conflict is seen all throughout real history. Baylan sees ending the force as an end to most power struggles and thus an end to most suffering. He wants to access the world between worlds to find the “birth” of the force and stop it from ever happening. Yes he knows it causes tons of paradoxical problems and unwinds all sorts of important stuff and he won’t care because the means in his mind will justify and end to the abuse of this religion and the suffering it creates. He doesn’t want power, he wants the absence of it.
That idea of ending the force becomes the catalyst to unite many strange bedfellows against him (cameocolypse) and unifies fans into accepting an early death from him cause who wants a Star Wars where the possibility of the force is gone.

Scott Thornton
Scott Thornton - 23.09.2023 22:05

Enoch is a Mando

Dave Adalian
Dave Adalian - 23.09.2023 21:53

How has no one mentioned Baylan quoting Palpatine when he gets Anakin to execute Dooku? Do it. He's tempting Sabine away from the light.

Steve Bees
Steve Bees - 23.09.2023 20:54

Interesting that Baylon mentions being at the Jedi Temple as it burned. When he says to Ahsoka that 'Few lived to see what he became' when referring to Anakin, he probably witnessed Anakin slaughtering the younglings rather than the fact that he became Darth Vader.

illness shaw
illness shaw - 23.09.2023 20:49

Your hate of Ezra has me rethinking my fondness of this channel… you might have to drop location and shoot the fade brah. Ima ride for my boy Ezra fr fr

Cariad42 - 23.09.2023 19:47

Ahsoka needs the Bendu ... the real Dr Who 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 ... Scrub that idea, I just googled it and Tom Baker is 89 years old, so probably has better things to do.

Garrett Moffitt
Garrett Moffitt - 23.09.2023 19:42

Balin (sp?) Is wrong. The republic stood for 1000s of years, the empire for 30. The empire was a short fascist uprising. There is no cycle.
The lesson is that when you defeat a fascist uprising, you need to remove all supporters from all place an jobs that have any connection to the government.

Also, Fillion is starting to get Star Wars a little too far up its own butt .

Ale Igarabide
Ale Igarabide - 23.09.2023 19:41

Another couple of Peter Pan parallels: Thrawn pretends to keep his end of a bargain just to trick a girl into unwillingly giving him the location of his young enemy, just like Hook did with Tinkerbell.

Also, I bet the purgill are now Thrawn's equivalent to the crocodile: a huge creature that already traumatized him with fear, destined to kill him as per Bendu's prophecy. After all, the finale of Rebels is the only ocasion where we see Thrawn display actual fear, so it's hard to think he came out of that experience without some kind of trauma.

Eldridge Brown
Eldridge Brown - 23.09.2023 19:18

The small Nodi people seem much more like hermit crab people to me. They were hiding in their shells when they saw a possible threat. Their eyes are crab eyes on stalks. And they are far more timid than turtles generally are.

The howler seems like a blend of Wolf, bat and horse. At times it moves like a horse and a wolf.

Here Taste This
Here Taste This - 23.09.2023 19:08

If timeline adjustments are involved, I think all bets are off. Please retcon the sequel trilogy out of existence.

Erik Bricks
Erik Bricks - 23.09.2023 18:55

The chimera is in
Rebels is a Class 1 Star Destroyer but here it is a Class 2 Star Destroyer. That doesn't make any sense. Thrawn couldn't have switched there because Class 2 didn't exist yet when he disappeared. Star Wars Basis from You Tube said Maybe the bridge has been burned. What do you think about this ?

Jim Cecil
Jim Cecil - 23.09.2023 18:48

I bought a 3D xwing and I had a he'll of a time putting it together it still doesn't have the astromech and pieces are still falling off. I had some fun putting it together but some of the pieces did not want to fit properly, when they did fit right it was like I wish they were all that easy.

Lewis Rising
Lewis Rising - 23.09.2023 18:39

Not all the dathomiri witches were Darkside users. The nightsisters were a fringe group that stole the female children of the more neutral witches. Their ways were frowned upon by the regular witches

Bunch - 23.09.2023 18:32

They're hemit crab people...

Robert Bemis
Robert Bemis - 23.09.2023 17:54

What if the new galaxy is actually the old galaxy
A galaxy that is half dead and resource poor
