Time Blocking Increases Productivity

Time Blocking Increases Productivity

LuSundra Everett

1 десятилетие назад

18,884 Просмотров

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For a good majority of people, time management is a challenge.
The truth is that time management is a myth.

You hear people say all the time 'I need to manage my time better', or 'I need to improve my time management skills'. That's simply not the case.
Let's look at two simple truths first:

Everybody has the same 24 hours per day
Once time is gone, you can't get it back

You don't need better time management skills.

Time cannot be managed.

Time cannot be changed.

Time cannot be manipulated.
You need better SELF management skills.

YOU can be managed.

YOU can be changed.

YOU can be manipulated.

Time Blocking is a way to better manage yourself in time.

Watch the video to see what Time Blocking looks like.

You can use a simple Excel spreadsheet, calendar, or even a blank piece of paper.

List the hours from the time you wake up until the time you go to bed. Mine for instance runs from 4am to 10pm.

Decide what you will do with those waking hours.

Here are some things you can add:

Reading and meditation time

Time to call leads

Marketing time

Personal development


Family Activities

If you have an appointment which requires travel, make sure to add travel time to your schedule.

To make this work, you need to have an overall Daily Work Plan. How will your days look in general?

Your actual weekly schedule will contain your appointments.

By planning two weeks ahead, you gain the ability to manage yourself better. You will be in a PROACTIVE state, rather than a REACTIVE state.

When you make the plan, STICK to the plan.

How do you stick to the plan? Discipline.

If you have scheduled between 1-3 pm to market on social media, do that ONLY. Do not answer the phone. Do not answer the door. Do not respond to other people's PERCEIVED emergencies.

Unless the world is coming to an end or you have a family emergency, do your marketing between 1 and 3pm.

I MUST address the myth of multi-tasking. Multi-tasking is not a skill, it is a death trap. Multi-tasking is starting a whole lot of stuff that never gets finished!

Ladies, we are the WORST at this.

Now, at home we can multi-task some things. We start the laundry and clean the house, BUT please note you STILL have to stop one task to start another. It just so happens, those tasks work together.

Doing multiple tasks that require intense mental engagement is simply NOT a good idea.

Instead of boasting about being a multi-tasker, boast of being a master PRIORITIZER!

When you prioritize your tasks, plug those IMPORTANT things into your time schedule. For business owners, the most important thing is income producing activities.

If you have not planned the rest of this week, get started now. When you begin to orchestrate your day, you can live your life on your terms.

Things will happen to throw a monkey-wrench in your plan (what is a monkey wrench),


having a plan in place gives you a guideline to pick up where you left off.

Your plan helps keep you from getting overwhelmed.

Your plan will help you become more productive,

and THEN more profitable.

Keep marching forward,


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