5 Most Common Sexual Fantasies of Women

5 Most Common Sexual Fantasies of Women

Sarah Dawn Moore

1 год назад

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Purgatory Abyszal Helper
Purgatory Abyszal Helper - 12.05.2023 19:09

1. Women like being dominated - handle with care at start.
2. Fantasy - be complementary.
3. Public sexual encounters - consistency and diversity.
4. Having sex with total strangers - discern the vibes, see if is a match for proximity proper bonds.
5. Mixing pain with pleasure - salt and pepper gives the pleasure.

hermit - 30.09.2023 01:53

These are not unique to woman. so, you can't claim this as women fantasies. This is how animals behave. Over time, humans consciousness evolved and we intentionally suppress or manage these behaviors ; as a result previous behaviors become fantasies at the present. We suppress these behaviors because they might have led to conflicts and even developed into serious wars between tribes.

Ken H.
Ken H. - 30.09.2023 01:51

I challenge you guys to watch this vid without getting a woody.

Smith N. Wesson
Smith N. Wesson - 29.09.2023 22:45

These five points are all true and a lot of people have experienced these 5 fantasies (to some degree) while dating. While most men/women may not say they have done #4, or having sex with strangers, if you had sex on the 1st date, is that really much of a difference?!?!?

Breezeyogi - 29.09.2023 13:04

I enjoy being shared with other men.

Ike is Ike
Ike is Ike - 28.09.2023 18:02

Makes sense, I didn't realize that Merle updated his favorite way to make her explode in pure bliss, it’s amazingly satisfying. Although what he suggested before was fairly good, it doesn’t even compare, I did it go’ogling Merle Winestol, and she just can’t have enough now.

Not Suicide (I'm Tolerant)
Not Suicide (I'm Tolerant) - 28.09.2023 11:07

I'm a gay bottom. It's fun of heaven 🇧🇩 🆒

Chris Fleming
Chris Fleming - 28.09.2023 07:42

Sarah you need me in your life and all your Fantasies come true

Vayne Rebelle
Vayne Rebelle - 27.09.2023 19:12

Sounds like an advertisment for Aids

Rgb Color
Rgb Color - 27.09.2023 17:30

So basically, what she just implied is that every woman aspires to being a porn star in a porn skit. About the only thing missing was having sex with a relative.

Lord Beta
Lord Beta - 27.09.2023 14:16

I understand role playing between two consenting partners but most everything seems to stem from mental illness. Threesomes? Orgies? At what point does it go from just a fantasy to actually being implemented?

Quincy Francis
Quincy Francis - 27.09.2023 09:25

I'll go in church and try to stay there.... relationship are trash.

Liz Brown
Liz Brown - 27.09.2023 07:01

Whenever I share I was in 3 way, the first assumption is the third is a woman. Two men and great memories. The start of my exploration in my 30s with a playpen of 4 men. I wish I was sexuality secure before gravity became enemy, my body is now menopausal but sexual appetite is strong, virgin in the desert. Men my age will get younger women. I dont want relationship. Tried pursuing men but too much work, I now get what men deal with. Maybe Nevada rooster ranch. Women will call someone a slut but ignore the smile on sluts face.
Sexuality is not discussed with teen girls. Why wait for boy to make move for kiss? Sexual insecurity is society control of women.

K.Raviraj Peter
K.Raviraj Peter - 26.09.2023 19:43

Modest, Respectable, Can love Jesus n God with wanting to be a freak in the bedroom, that's thought provoking.. Love you n miss you so much my SM my CMS❤✝️

zoomankat - 26.09.2023 18:56

God Loves a Slut Hurrah!

As in the days of Noah,👀UP
As in the days of Noah,👀UP - 26.09.2023 04:49

4 out of five involved someone other than there man that's amazingly bad 😮. Possessiveness got me sleeping alone out here.😂😂😂😂

X vonPocalypse
X vonPocalypse - 26.09.2023 02:04

Can’t say Covid on you tube ?

Jack Squat
Jack Squat - 26.09.2023 00:51

Right after posting a series of comments on this video (9-25-23) between 1 and 2 pm, I received a warning from Google that I may have potentially violated their community guidelines by engaging in "hate speech," so let the buyer beware. Just thought the guys may want to know.

Bill McDonald
Bill McDonald - 25.09.2023 08:17

Are these just fantasies, or things women would actually do given the opportunity?

StereoSpace - 25.09.2023 00:10

Fantasy number 1 (domination) and number 2 (multiple sexual partners at once) comports exactly with my experience. The hardest part is getting the woman to talk to you. It takes a long time (usually) for them to build that level of trust with you.

ses S
ses S - 24.09.2023 14:39

Don't ever legally bind yourself to these pigs.

Louie Tuna
Louie Tuna - 24.09.2023 07:12

Married 23 years. 1. With the anger and physical abuse my family taught me growing up, I don't feel safe fulfilling my wife's fantasy of me dominating her. (I am afraid I will actually hurt her.) 2. When we first met, my now wife suggested that we bring another woman into our bed. After she fell in love with me hard, she changed her mind.

Jack Reynolds
Jack Reynolds - 24.09.2023 05:50

Sex is hopelessly boring.

Thomas Bambrick
Thomas Bambrick - 24.09.2023 03:07

5 reasons that women actually are whores and not worth marrying 💯%

str8 cndian
str8 cndian - 24.09.2023 01:55

One of my fantasies is to eat a bunch of beans and fart in women's faces! But they have to smile and like it, and tell me it was the best. I always wanted to do it to women because i know they would appreciate it.

Red Star72
Red Star72 - 23.09.2023 16:03

Nightmare not fantasy. A total load of shite.

daniel - 23.09.2023 08:07

😂 ladies with those type of fantasy’s please stay single

El Spoocho
El Spoocho - 23.09.2023 03:50

wow audio is terrible, nevermind im out

presidentjoebiden - 22.09.2023 22:59

I want this woman to BLOW me away 😊

B J - 22.09.2023 21:03

Just what I've always thought: Women are all 304s.

Chris Harrison
Chris Harrison - 21.09.2023 19:32


NEWNOVEMBER XL - 21.09.2023 17:05

Most hoes….are hoes. Good day

Alain Delon
Alain Delon - 21.09.2023 12:37

Greatest mistake in modern times for majority of men is to marry a woman or a man lol.
It may have worked in the past but not nowadays. Women are incapable of love and ability to listen and care for a man.

Geerladenlad - 21.09.2023 11:55

Pretty much all of these if acted upon will end in the death of your relationship or marriage.

Sean Bagnath
Sean Bagnath - 21.09.2023 09:54

Sexy with the president! Joe Biden!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣

Bobby Hunter
Bobby Hunter - 21.09.2023 04:39

Communication / no judgement is key. You say women feel like they are suppose to " be good girls " and it's hard to talk about..
it's equally hard for guys to just initiate certain things. It's not about fear - it's about wanting to show proper respect.

Max FOB - 20.09.2023 21:54

Also, the so-called fantasy of some women to want to sleep with strangers and neighbors or what-not is not natural. Let's not make it sound like it is natural and a fantasy that we need to help women express (as you put it in your video). This is just the intoxicated mind of the modern day girls absorbed from holywood movies and media. Stop justifying it. This is trash.

Max FOB - 20.09.2023 21:13

You are asking us men to help our women bring out tbeir ao-called fantasy to sleep with strangers and our neighbors? Some of you are the reason for the failed society that we have these days.

Jesus vazquez
Jesus vazquez - 20.09.2023 20:48

5 Reasons not to trust and marry a women …

William Holden
William Holden - 19.09.2023 10:59

Stay away from modern women. They are not who you think they and you will have nothing but problems with most of them. Save your money, invest it and take care of yourself. No one is going to look after yourself except you.

Downey-2000 - 19.09.2023 09:30

Women want to be taken . The problem is that you need a high confidence guy to do that and most guys aren't like that .

brad - 19.09.2023 01:25

This is all essentially common knowledge. Everyone knows this, it's all very basic and bland as far as fantasy goes.

Arc Decibel
Arc Decibel - 18.09.2023 13:33

Oh, I see you mean the things you are already genetically designed for? Let's go through them to open up a conversation that results in decent women.

1. Being Dominated. Do you know why you like to be dominated? It's because only women who accepted that survived, and you are their offspring. There are no tribes of amazons, nor any descendants or "strong women", because they all died. To the gene gene, any reproduction is better than none, and you're all that's left after a lot of rape. You actually are weak, because most of your biology is geared towards making and feeding children, but you have other strengths.

2. This "mommy" stuff. Is the same thing you just described. Women want a man who can both take care of them, and destroy other threats, without being a threat to them. Submissiveness is part and parcel of that, whether you have modern bullshit jobs or not. You're confusing this tendency with high-powered males to want a mother figure because they take extreme risks all the time. Soldiers, dying on the battlefield often cry for their mothers in their last moments, because the mother is a nurturer and source of comfort in the face of hell on earth. So do CEOs and politicians living in the razors' edge, all high-risk, high-gain, when they're the least bit unsure of something. Males in general do this because most of our shit is high-risk, and there's nothing quite like the love of a good woman to salve all the constant injury. Her gentle touch and love can make every sacrifice worth it. You having a daddy syndrome is because of the same thing, but this modern social shit is pretty much your doing.

3. Having a Threesome: This is just being a cheap whore. No woman actually wants a threesome when she gets a man she wants, like a six-figure-six packing, faithful male that is at least six feet tall, just to use the demand expressed now. Quite the contrary. She will become insanely jealous and hate all other women, even the suitor's mother, or her own mother, because she wants THIS man to be hers. There is no bi shit going on, or any lesbian shit she thought she wanted earlier. She doesn't dare risk that, because now SHE is the center of that man's world, and will go to great lengths to make it so.

Seriously. It gets tiring after a while, thanks to feminism and it's sexual race to the bottom. Annoying, even. You don't have to try that hard ladies, just be decent. Your value as a partner is better than this cheap whore stuff, and you know it.

4. The Thrill of Getting Caught. It's not the thrill of getting caught, it's the thrill of common ovulation. No woman actually came up with this idea, her genes did, in a much less civil environment where babies were dashed upon rocks to put her into estrus, usually as her former men were dying around her. This simian practice is responsible for a lot of female hangups and perversions. The survivors didn't fight back as their babies and husbands were destroyed, because they also would have died. It's no accident that this same shit works now. Women willingly surrender their own babies, murder them in the womb, because they are told that some greater provider is around the corner. It could be the government, or it could be a thundercock like Yours, Truly, or a combination of both, using and abusing you for whatever purpose. It doesn't matter to the gene, or any base impulses like that, any reproduction is better than none, and quite unsurprisingly, females coordinate ovulation because of this disgusting inheritance. Males have our own version, and it's what I just described. We have civil structures to stop that stuff from happening. Believe me, as a Marine who fought ISIS, you do NOT want your fantasies, nor do I want mine.

5. Mixing Pain with Pleasure. Are you seeing how this is all the same stuff? I have, and that fantasy for women lasts about two weeks before they decide that they don't want to be punished any more, because they have something resembling a decent man. I've had like, five BDSM subs now and they don't even bother using all the clever devices I invented for them. I really put some thought and effort into those, ya know? Instead, they want the intimacy and love, not the bad-girl torture or rape.

Unsurprisingly, a woman's darkest sexual turn-ons are not how you get to a happy life with a wife and children. Male agency and honor totally surpass the kinky stuff, because all that kinky stuff is an expression of a female wanting to breed. If you already provide stability and let her have a little control, as well as having a bit of patience, she'll cream herself lusting after that dick when she finally gets it. I quit putting all the real work into the sex itself decades ago, because I didn't have to DO anything. Feminism has created such a sexual race to the bottom that we get videos like this, instructing us on how to know the desires of females.

It's as easy as that, since feminism made MALES the gatekeepers of meaningful sex. Now THEY tell US what they want! Right in the open! Same goes for a relationship. If you're a decent man, in the traditional fashion, they will come to you, pull your pants down, suck your cock, lay you down, and ride on it to get themselves off for want of babies. All you have to do is withhold the sex they used to be in charge of, and this shit just comes spilling out of their lovely hearts. They can't help it!

J Phillips
J Phillips - 17.09.2023 08:40

I live in Sacramento California dating and sex is a wasteland in this town! The problem is all women do is fantasize. All they do is zombie shop. They call in their Starbucks and run in and out the door as fast as they possibly can. Also in this day and age every woman looks exactly the same! They're all dressed the same, they all have the same makeup motif, they all have their eyebrows done up the same. They all drive SUVs which all look the same... And they're addicted to streaming services. In this day and age men are number six on any woman's list and they wonder why they are alone and miserable and why older men seek out younger women.

Nicholas - 17.09.2023 06:01

So you are telling us women fantasize about corking brain dead Joe Biden??? 😂😂😂

Soup- NAZI68
Soup- NAZI68 - 17.09.2023 03:18

It's not men that shame their fantasies it women worried about being exposed to their true nature...

Paul Delossantos
Paul Delossantos - 16.09.2023 18:51

Older women love getting piped straight facts

Doug Kitchens
Doug Kitchens - 16.09.2023 10:43

For every guy on here complaining: you don't have fantasies? You know you do, but she can't? You're a hypocrit and don't deserve her if you judge her negatively for it.
