The pushing always strategy is the only good advice for iron/bronze… everything else is garbage… not the greatest example but I started 1-7-1 in land as MF just making a ton of bad decisions… I just farmed and farmed ended up being the top farmed player on the map, full build at 32 minutes, and ended 6-10-9 (still not the greatest score) but I was dominant in late game team fights so much that my 9th death was 4 of them using their ults on me just to have my team wipe them and my 10th death was me taking the yasuo and Lee sin completely out of the team fight chasing me through my jungle, yes I died but I wasted their time, got them both low, and they let their ekko, tristana and naming to my team and they won the game off that … the game before that I had another bad start at 0-4 and ended the game 15-6-10 as MF just by farming
ОтветитьI hope the enemy players dont watch your videos
ОтветитьHector is a fan favorite on skillcapped can we get a Hector playlist 😀
Ответитьthat darius with 198 wins and 202 defeats........... damn
Ответить'look at Faker showing up late like a lil rat' cryinggggg
ОтветитьI just Play this stupid Game to have fun
Sometimes one or two tutorials for a champ yes
But this is the end
ОтветитьGuides are often problematic in my eyes because constantly using them will make it tough to think outside the box and get creative. Getting stuck in the mindset of 'just do this', or 'follow this guide' is inherently unhealthy.
Ответитьim jungle main but still watched this video. good content.
ОтветитьI wish guides made my adc not go 0/7 before 15 min
ОтветитьChovy the CS GOAT 😂😂
ОтветитьIam not good in english this course translated ?
ОтветитьNot gonna lie, you dont have to watch content to know when or how to split push. I never watched any content back when I was younger and after playing for a few years you have figured most of that stuff out on your own. Really depends on how your learning ability and strategic thinking is like. I need guides now though, Im too old and its been 10 years since I last touched LoL
ОтветитьDarius smokes weed that's why. coming from a smoker.
ОтветитьIf you want to climb you need a new account as soon as your MMR starts to tank. You need to dodge games and abuse the meta. That's the only way to climb consistently unfortunately but it takes you to have 3 or more accounts
ОтветитьYou got no hands, get better hands.
There I saved you 27 minutes you're welcome
i promise u ppl can think to save 50g for one pot and not be nemesis xD
ОтветитьJust gonna leave us hanging on what ahri shoulda done, eh?
ОтветитьI can play all roles as a 14 year league player, but I don't have the mechanics to be good at the game. I'm talking about biological stuff beyond my control, not knowledge. Reaction speed, twitch reflex, spatial skills, hand eye coordination, these all degrade as we age. Why do you think pro footballers all retire in their 30's? It's a harmful fallacy that we can be great at something if we just put enough effort in. Your brain is on a downward trend from the age of about 21, it's very slow but by the time you hit your 30s you are definitely not as fast as you were a decade before. Sure some old pros can coast their way in challenger for years, but at that point it is muscle memory. This seems to have been overlooked in esports for some reason. There's a bunch of genetic factors at play too, I'd say Koreans are built differently (obviously, it's ridiculous to say we are all the same, a magpie is not the same as a robin is it?) so they have some innate advantages. Same reason folk of european descent at the very extreme top of their athletic capability, literal olympic gold medal winners, still get outran by people from Somalia, who have better genes for running. This is not divisive or discriminative, it's just a fact of nature. These facts do carry over to esports in various different and nuanced ways. It's not a cope. It's also the reason why korean kids jump into league at like 16 years old and hit challenger. They don't have years of experience in the game, but they have the capability to dominate because of physical factors, real attributes. Now I'm not dismissing coaching or knowledge resources like skill capped, these things are great for the right person.. But my comment is just in relation to this subject of people being dumb or bad at the game, it just aint that simple and sometimes is beyond peoples control.
ОтветитьWent from 7 loss streak silver to 5 win streak gold. Solid advice
ОтветитьA good tip i keep giving my friends who are new is dont worry about always making the best decision at any given moment. As long as you keep pushing waves and stay ahead in gold you are doing well
Ответитьcalculus is easier :(
Ответитьabout point 2 yust pic shaco build ap and place a box in the middle of the wave and go away
ОтветитьSeeing the importance of one or two seconds makes me not wanna get better, i aint trying to do all that lol. I will stay low elo and by happy about it.
ОтветитьI mean I just started yesterday bro chill 😔
ОтветитьMy opinion is that most talented players are the ones that did it on their own , now we expect a random bronze/silver player to play and have the mindset of a challenger while all the little details that you are supposed to discover on your own path , you get them spoonfed to you, literally almost half hour yapping about the same 3 things you yap about in every video that simply are not teachable , you just develop them by playing . Also just personal opinion , if you play for a long time and you cannot "escape" your elo maybe you are simply not just as good as you think , it's like being bad at writing but instead of actual exercising you watch tutorials about writing.
ОтветитьBold of you to assume that I suck
I do but bold
to much things in the game to think bout at the same time so it's not funny anymore. Everything is about timing, and knowing when to do or not to do, so there isnt any guide that helping.
ОтветитьMy motor skills suck, i didnt have the chance to be a gamer child bc of our shitty computer and i had to study etc. I cannot play well any competitive game that i have to shoot, use my reflexes etc.. but i suck at lol extra, and you know why? Because game doesn't tell you jack sh!t. Should i press r 2 times, why annies r doesnt work bruh oh i have to left click on an enemy? Or right? I dont know and guides doesn't tell that either? Yea press q+w+aa+r but guess what? Aa doesnt work? I have to click i guess, but it was the automatic button? Idk.. i just want to play a champion decently
ОтветитьHector is the best he is my hero i want to be just like Hector
ОтветитьHey, why would a mage start with doran+ 1 health pot?
ОтветитьAs a jungler.. i hate If laners take my Camps...Same laners later on talkin about Jungle diff after they took Camps.. slowing you down ... If ya Take Enemy Camps .. WE fine appreciate Sabotage their Jungle .. but get Off OUR buff monsters 😂
Ответитьso beta squad channel is rlly dead...
ОтветитьLol. The impression of the Hypothetical couch was on point hehe. That's how they sound lol
ОтветитьOkay bro.... im already willing to admit im bad at league, though i have my moments.
You sold me on this, im actually curious enough to check this out. I would love to get better and your advise is crazy compared to everything else ive ever heard from people. The detail in explanation is impressive, so my friend. You earnt your sale today.
I went from iron to silver in 3 weeks thanks to your free guides and i genuinely feel better at lol thanks a lot. 👍
ОтветитьThumbs down! Keep saying push pushing. No explanation anywhere wtf that even means. How useless.
Ответитьfun fact i am 5 time bether when i auto pilot xD
Ответитьthis guide feels like the perfect grindr matchup you've ever had
ОтветитьTo be fair this looks like super unimportamt thing for me. But its basicly the same thing in jungle with jungle pet. And it makes huge diff.
ОтветитьThis is video for me i guess. I have pretty good macro amf thats the reason im +40/ -10 everygame on new acc even after years. But my mechanics are so trash i really strugle and have to look educational content😂😂💀
ОтветитьPlay hwei and Q E the wave and just leave it XD
ОтветитьEspecially gold~Plat has improved so immensly its actually crazy.
Nowadays once u get from silver to gold some games are beyond impressive which is crazy to say.
I keep noticing it year after year whenever i hop on a smurf to just have fun.
It just goes all downhill in emerald to diamond suddenly and only picks up in master again its so weird.