Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains Faster Than Light Interstellar Travel

Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains Faster Than Light Interstellar Travel

Science Time

1 год назад

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Outshine - 13.09.2023 06:37

Theres also the possibility of finding a way of traveling close to the speed of light, due to time dilation and length contraption their voyage will be nearly instant regardless of how far they travel to, however many many years would've passed on earth...thats the catch, i guess.

P - 13.09.2023 05:41


P - 13.09.2023 05:41

I could almost literally watch this guy all day.Since we lost Hawkins this dude is clearly the next smartest in line. U go Grass🎉

Richard Lehm
Richard Lehm - 11.09.2023 00:34

As far as we know maybe Tyson felt like an 80% idiot the day he commented this video, so all he's saying is mindless gibberish

Mike - 09.09.2023 09:17

I fully believe we will travel throughout God's universe if we turn to Christ and go to Heaven when we die.

zvast - 08.09.2023 05:36

Serious topic. What bothers me, whoever created this video, why did they show astronauts with bright lights in their helmets, shining into their eyes. Thats as bad as average Hollywood movies.

JJ - 06.09.2023 11:33

Future of Humans
The average existential span of a mammal species is about 2 million years. 99% of all the species that evolved on the Earth were extinct. So, humans will soon be extinct from the face of the universe. Though Earth may support life for another billion years or so, before its atmosphere is eroded away by Sun’s radiation.

Nicholas Nerios
Nicholas Nerios - 06.09.2023 03:08

Is the speed of light equal to it greater then the speed of space in the universe?

For instance at the edge of the universe, is there light? Is the light pooling up against the walls of the universe waiting for the universe to expand or is it an emit void waiting for light to catch up?

And off note I want to go to space not orbit, I imagine in the far future when interstellar or intergalactic travel is possible, there won't be anything tying humans to earth anymore, we could all leave Earth and find out own personal planet. Obviously this would collapse economies and governments unless people just like paying taxes dealing with crime and generally being oppressed.

The Solipsism Dilettante
The Solipsism Dilettante - 05.09.2023 13:44

I think you'd be surprised at how many people would jump at the chance to be pioneers on board a generation ship.😊

Rob Van Gessel
Rob Van Gessel - 03.09.2023 07:00

What gets me is that even if we did find a way to fold space, in the wildest way you'd see in Star Trek, the time dilation seems insurmountable if we hoped to ever discover advanced alien life or a signal indicating its source. For ex., it's 26,000 light years between the Earth and the center of the Milky Way. In terms of insterstellar space, that's not much. And it's just one of billions of galaxies out there. So, even bending space to travel there would probably take a few thousand years I would imagine. No WONDER we can't find any life out there! And since the universe - our universe - is expanding, humankind may never find it. Our distant descendants genetically adapted to different environments might be the only "aliens" to speak of. Frustrating as hell, because we so yearn to know just what the hell the story really is.

Einsford - 30.08.2023 00:13

I see nothing wrong with a generational ship. It is the same concept as when we used sailing ships to cross the seas. There used to be times when we believed that the sea didn't end, And sailing off into the distance to look for new lands or to see what's there and then to try survive was the goal.

From what I can see most ppl are thinking 'fast, fast, fast, fast' (and who wouldn't love the ability to pop to alpha Centauri for a dinner date) but why not think slow first.
What's our max velocity (how fast) that we can achieve using constant slow acceleration?

And what are y'all thinking of the ship as only a means of transport? Instead of using the ship to get a minimum viable population to your destination, make the ship your whole colony. If you could have a self sustaining colony traveling through space, oh wait we're on one already.😂
Once there, find somewhere to settle. If there's nowhere, pick a new destination you've already come that far

Fearless Fosdick
Fearless Fosdick - 29.08.2023 19:06

Generational ships don't sound practical to me. It isn't about numbers, it is about education and intelligence. You just can't guarantee that two smart people will have highly intelligent babies. Unless the ship population is pretty large, the law of averages will catch up to them. Then there is another potential problem. They get where they are going and don't find a planet that is habitable. Then what? They turn around and try to get back to Earth in several generations? The farther they travel, the more dire these problems will become.

Charlie B
Charlie B - 29.08.2023 01:52

What about the space ship needed to get there? Anything mechanical eventually breaks down and how will it be repaired?

Nattily Barkstale
Nattily Barkstale - 28.08.2023 02:29

The laws of physics aren’t the end all be all. They can be defied. Eventually mankind will figure out a way to bend time and space.

Xxx_Michael_xxX - 22.08.2023 04:40

Angels and Spirits can travel at a speed that is 28 times faster than Light. This statement is based on the following Verse in the Holy Qur'an:

"The angels and the Spirit ascend unto him in a day the measure whereof is (as) fifty thousand years."
Surah 70: Al Ma’arij Verse 4

stewart meyers
stewart meyers - 22.08.2023 02:15

"We are the most intelligent beings on earth..." I would love to see how you compute 'most intelligent.' Any society that destroys its home simply cannot be very intelligent!!!

Ken Smith
Ken Smith - 21.08.2023 00:18

How would he know!? He's a political activist, not a scientist!😂

S q
S q - 18.08.2023 02:04

Since Trans are real woman would this work with men and trans women?

Karri - 15.08.2023 01:32

Isn't universe expanding faster than speed of light? That's why it's called the observable universe, light out side it never reatches us. Anyways gonna continue watching the video.

Ozark PD vs. Carlton Dr
Ozark PD vs. Carlton Dr - 14.08.2023 23:27

What if you took a magnet that spun inside a rocker. On one end to convert the energy into a push forward. As the magnet spins it also gets faster and the output on the push forward becomes either close to the speed of light or it breaks the spead of light. You could probably eject it into a black hole or a large star as this is the only reason you could not use this method.

The Day
The Day - 06.08.2023 10:38

spacetime does not exist, you cant bend something that doesn't exist.
eg. you are here > how do you bend what is out here < ?

Mikell Byrne
Mikell Byrne - 05.08.2023 03:06

Humans will never leave the solar system , got it❤

Ben Ouzgane
Ben Ouzgane - 28.07.2023 21:14

Well going faster than light would only be possible at the cost of going too fast for the vehicle operator to handle.

K773 - 28.07.2023 18:06

What about time dilation and distance contraction in Special Relativity? Doesen't matter how many time has passed on earth. If we accelerate ship to reach 0.86 of C (from earth perspective), but it's time dilated 2 times relative to earth. 0.94 - 3 times, 0.98 - 4, 0.992 - 5. From ship perspective this 0.86c feels like 1.72c (because forward distance is contracted due to TD). 1.72c is 10g acceleration for a ~5.451 years

Wild Foodie Tours
Wild Foodie Tours - 21.07.2023 02:54

The possibilities within space travel never cease to amaze. It certainly intrigues me to no end.

Digital Footballer
Digital Footballer - 19.07.2023 18:38

It's all about thinking outside the box. If there are indeed certain limitations and unbreakable laws of physics that prevent us from travel away from earth of any significant distance, then ways to "bend" the rules need to be discovered. The Alcubierre drive is an example of this, though of course it is purely theoretical.

This is a very simplistic example when compared to space travel, but relevant in terms of making the impossible, possible through bending the rules. A Volkswagen beetle simply is not going to beat a Porsche GT3 in a quarter mile drag race, it is impossible assuming of course there are no modifications allowed, both vehicles are driven by skilled drivers, and both vehicles function properly and do not break down or crash. However, this was achieved when the rules were bent and the playing field was changed from 2 dimensions to 3. A beetle when dropped a quarter mile in the air from a helicopter will cover a quarter mile of vertical space quicker than a Porsche GT3 can cover a quarter mile of horizontal space under its own power. This was done by our friends at Top Gear. Again very simple, but completely changed the result when an extra dimension was added to the equation. Could the same be true in space if and/or when a higher dimension were to be discovered and possibly manipulated? A rocket powered ship is only going to go so fast, but if there were to be a "way around" through a higher spacial dimension could this be exploited?

What's impossible in one dimension is not only possible, but practical in a higher one. On a 2D plane you can only go back and forth and side to side...up and down is not only impossible, but can't even be conceptualized by an entity living within that 2D plane. What impossible movements might we discover in a 4th spacial dimension, or higher? Traveling to another star system might be like walking from your living room to your kitchen. We would never know if higher dimensions are not unlocked. The problem is unlocking them, can it be done, and do they even exist? Some scientists think so, but again it is purely theoretical.

Jason Williams
Jason Williams - 02.07.2023 02:01

I also watched play school when I was growing up, the basics were fundamentally always the same, look at this shape and you will learn this, it was identified, labelled and when thought to be correct given a purpose even if big Ted was the one telling me so.
Created reflectively, as Mass always is in this universe, this seemed to make a lot of sense, however reflectively I then later thought about the fact that I was consciously reflecting on every bit of information that I was processing to form perception/s, which obviously led me to the restrictions of Mass and the question of why we would be taught that mass’s physical make ups are also the universal restrictions of the Universe and as time? Putting aside the laws of relativity, It was obvious that perception no matter how you looked at it, is controlled by your conscious ability to process frequencies as information, and since the Universe is made up of frequencies this would mean that your only detachment from everything else, is your perception that you believe you exist separately as a singularity. This being the case, means that everything else that could, would or can exist in the expanse of infinity, would certainly have an attachment to you through both light bound and unbound frequencies, but also realising that mostly YOU (not me) could only experience the unbound frequencies as mass if they are mimicked to you in other frequencies via a transport system I.e Cern etc- as you would know right?
Next I asked myself, because Mass is a restriction that is formed from cycled patterns of light, and the patterns for its identifiable shapes (labels) are essentially the same, Would they more accurately only reflect Mass’s believed limitations that are bound by Light because mass believes that they are the pinnacle? which as I stated earlier, it must, because of your forms of measurements. Knowing that frequency travels faster than light but also at the same time understanding that the basic perception of Mass can not comprehend this, I thought that it would be necessary to provide an explanation that was identifiable to Mass, so it being obvious that Mass is the grounding that bounds you to being a singular conscious reflection also provides the answer to zero mass (as per Universal patterns) that are not accidental, that without mass you are no longer bound to singular conscious reflection and become part of the grouped reflection of the results that you helped create or serve upon others as a singular or even as a group of singularities, I mean after all, as you keep telling us, all things Universal must be balanced accordingly as per known cycles of time and space yeah?
So lastly I ask, how and why would you or I possibly believe that the Universe is singular in perception? when you use measurement of another to form perspective of it? and if it is not singular then you can seriously still believe that mass can limit the Universe with it’s perceptions? especially when you know that things only span an existence when they are balanced correctly and the paths for these labels are multidimensional and eternal even if Mass thinks that it doesn’t travel that path, This being the case how could you even comprehend any idea other than the Universe is a multi dimensional super consciousness instantly formed from infinite timeless cycles supported by every and each relevant experience (from perspectives)that is ever produced through the freedom of choice by each and every singularity ever combined?
Mass is formed in time, time supports infinite experience
Freedom exists Freely
I don’t know…😉 I just thought I’d quickly write something

storm - 29.06.2023 00:37

Its funny to think that mybe black hole is a shortcut, from other galaxy

KingKatRider - 27.06.2023 16:01

Its all theory, not fact. He is just explaining as HE understands the theory. Until we make the effort to find the facts well, its just a educated guess, a theory. Which means we could be sooooo wrong about it. This is basically trying to figure out a situation from just looking at a still frame picture, you dont have all the info.

electropentatonic - 23.06.2023 12:04

I just can't take this guy seriously anymore after covid

Haircafe - 21.06.2023 05:31

A generational ship would not be an ethical solution for space travel. I don't see it happening.

John Cipolletti
John Cipolletti - 18.06.2023 12:57

I would like to know about warping space. If the closest star (Proxima Centauri) would take 7 to 10 thousand years to get there normally, could warping space make it 4 years? Now, in that time vector of warped space, would a planet still be on normal time and advance 7 to 10 thousand years?

Neil T
Neil T - 18.06.2023 08:59

FTL travel has an inherent issue in that when you arrive, how do you slow down to orbit speed? This implies that you need mega energy to slow down, starting (when you are halfway there?) and also on arrival if coming in hot, assuming the occupants are human, or digital to survive the massive G's

PRIS - 10.06.2023 06:41

Wait why is he saying Star Trek science is real science?

John Mallinckrodt
John Mallinckrodt - 08.06.2023 20:15

The thing this video ignores is the fact that one can get to the edge of the currently observable universe in one's own lifetime "simply" by finding a way to accelerate at one g constantly. (THAT is a technological barrier.) Yes, billions of years would have passed in the reference frame of the Earth, but only decades in the frame of the traveler. This is a simple consequence of the special theory of relativity.

moonbeamskies - 08.06.2023 06:39

When he starts talking about generational travel he has crossed the line into becoming a blithering idiot.

Jay E
Jay E - 04.06.2023 14:11

humans struggle to get back to the moon…interstellar travel is far beyond anyones reach that’s reading this or who will ever read this…….

TheMaskedGamer - 03.06.2023 04:54

In case anyone's curious, this is just clips of Tyson speaking at other events and on other programs dubbed over stock space-explory footage.

Randy PQ
Randy PQ - 28.05.2023 04:38

If Captain Kirk and Picard zipped around the galaxy all of those years at the speeds they traveled then how did they keep coming back to earth without hundreds of years having gone by?

They were traveling at warp+ speeds for years at a time yet came back to the same people and time frame as when they left.

YRNDEMI - 27.05.2023 14:56

Nobody wants to but there still that one movie if it’s 100 years away u put ppl on a ship that can hold life for that long n they reproduce on said ship n they’re grand children will be tougher n will learn how to accommodate

Jonathan Capps
Jonathan Capps - 25.05.2023 13:19

The way I understand it, it is theoretically possible for something to move faster than light, but any such thing could never slow down to light speed or slower. The speed of light cannot be crossed from either direction.

But we know that General Relativity, as well tested as it is, remains incomplete. Because it conflicts with Quantum Theory.

And the speed of light looks like the kind of apparent impossibility that disappears once a physics conundrum has been reframed into a more complete theory.

So, maybe someday lightspeed might become theoretically possible, although I suspect that it would remain too inefficient to be practicable.

nickisan - 23.05.2023 10:08

FTL travel is easy:
Just open a portal to the warp and cross through its hellscape with the aid of a psyker until you reach your destination. If you get lost, then look for the God Emperors light to guide you to salvation; or take your own life to avoid becoming a demonic chaos touched hellspawn.

Kritik setan
Kritik setan - 23.05.2023 08:10

if ant walk from usa to eroupe how much time ant will take? 10 years? if ant walk to the moon how much time will take?20 years? if ant fly with ship to eroupe maybe take 1 hours same with human time...and ant body still safe, healty.....we need BIG SHIP...that why we need meteorite ship...the answer is on the space.....

steel - 22.05.2023 16:44

Alright, who’s gonna jump into the wormhole first?

Sky Corrigan
Sky Corrigan - 22.05.2023 02:21

Did NDT just say we need to commit incest to space travel?

Samuel Ampudan
Samuel Ampudan - 21.05.2023 22:30

Actually we have to move the earth. Earth is our spacecraft

Jo - 18.05.2023 04:03

So let me get this straight. We believe there are other civilizations out there, and no one can do this and teach us how?

oumuamua already trying the generation ships... unfortunately, everyone was dead, and the ship was like a stone by the time they got here... and mixed earth completely.

C Dubs
C Dubs - 13.05.2023 22:02

Its all moot unless we can invent some type of artificial gravity.
