Jackies blog -  card reading for you

Jackies blog - card reading for you

Jackie Dennison

4 года назад

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@clarelynch5860 - 23.08.2020 12:58

Thanks Jackie, I have a favourite paperbark tree that I spiritually enter into and feel its grounding. It is energising to do. Clare L

@clarelynch5860 - 23.08.2020 13:07

Your reading has confirmed my questions and feelings about where I am right now. Thank you again. xx

@countmein33 - 23.08.2020 15:27

I was told once, by disincarnate entities through a trance medium, that if you hug a tree, it will hug you back. It works!

@sandys4773 - 23.08.2020 15:44

Thank you Jackie, that's exactly what I needed to hear.

@JacquelineForand - 23.08.2020 16:57

Thank you Jackie!

I've been waiting to hear back from a local college about my application for Graphic Design, which requires a portfolio review from the staff, since June 1st. Last week I got accepted into my second choice program of Professional Photography, which is also portfolio based, and I couldn't believe I got in.

I've been feeling very anxious and unsure as I now have to make a final decision by Tuesday, and this reading really helped me look inward to find an answer.

- Jacqueline

@fmcla - 23.08.2020 17:21

Beautiful cards! Thank you for sharing your grounding technique.

@spottedcatndog - 23.08.2020 18:24

I have a tree outside my apartment complex that I connect with. Out of respect I ask if I may approach. I stand barefoot on the tree roots hug the tree and put my forehead on the tree. I do central channel breathing and I ask the tree to remove from me all that no longer serves and to take it down through the roots and transmute it within the earth. Then I ask for all voids to be filled with love and light coming back up from mother earth, through the roots and into the soles of my feet that stand on her roots. My palms pulse and buzz as they are connected to the tree. When I am done I give thanks, leave an offering of tobacco (if I have it) or pull one of my hairs out and offer it as an energy exchange. The tree blessed me with her energy, time and healing. I offer a piece of me. I quite often sing to her. I feel peace and calm when I am done. Sometimes when I am with the tree I tell her that I am just there for her, not asking anything of her just being present connecting with her.
sooooooo I guess I must be daft too lol. Blessings Jackie thank you for your presence.

@jencanadian1971 - 23.08.2020 18:33

Yes! Trees are ancestors and they hug back💖

@pamhersch5484 - 23.08.2020 18:54

This was super! Thank you Jackie!! Great reading with such super important advice. I will try to hug a tree. It is grounding. Since I am in nyc - I may be a little difficult finding privacy to do so - I believe a car ride out to the country will have to do the trick. Hope you will do more of these readings - it was helpful. xo!

@jd4338 - 23.08.2020 21:25

thanks Jackie! its like you were speaking directly to me through this reading! the number 16 has always been my fav/lucky number and i've also been seeing #7 around me everywhere! I am struggling with showing up on my businesses at this time also and been really following my intuition to guide me to the right places and spaces. thank you so much love your work! xoxox

@vickikeane - 24.08.2020 01:03

Well that we beautiful, thank you x

@nancybrooks6220 - 24.08.2020 02:11

That was lovely, thank you Jackie!

@sandyduncan2242 - 24.08.2020 05:08

Yay! Fantastic!!! Such a treat xo Thank you ❤️

@XO.DianeKelly - 24.08.2020 08:55

I’m glad im not the only tree hugger lol kids think im mad. With me it’s just certain trees that get my attention and then i hug. I get funny looks when i explain that old tree has taken in souls of people who have died many many years ago and that tree now helps give us life. I feel alot more relaxed but sometimes emotional when hugging a tree. Xxx

@soinsangeliques - 09.06.2022 06:18

I love this grounding tip. I needed to hear this today. I was warned to ground myself better, to protect myself everyday from the archangels, I definitely going to try this method. Thank you !

@michelle5042 - 19.03.2023 02:19

Jackie read me the other day OMG spot on!

@geeta7768 - 17.05.2023 19:18

Jackie is an amazing psychic medium and has read for me. Highly recommend
