Google Ads Targeting vs Observation AKA Google AdWords Target And Bid vs Bid Only

Google Ads Targeting vs Observation AKA Google AdWords Target And Bid vs Bid Only

Surfside PPC

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Kelly Spencer
Kelly Spencer - 04.05.2023 10:43

A good lecture that will benefit all who have followed this excellent explanation.

Dana - 24.04.2023 03:26

I have 2 Ads in my Ad Group 1. But when I click on Ad Group 1 to see the Ads it shows keywords. What am I doing wrong?

Zac - 23.03.2023 16:04

I have a question regarding observation. I added some new audience segments in my campaigns under observation and I see the performance has gone down. No bid adjustments were made too. Does adding audience in observation have an impact on the campaign/ad-group performance?

Isaac Azulay
Isaac Azulay - 13.05.2021 17:53


ETG Your security and RFID asset management partner
ETG Your security and RFID asset management partner - 04.02.2021 06:13

thanks a lot for sharing, I have logged in my google ads account, at the left menu, under demographic, not sure why cannot find "Topics", but can see Placement ,thanks a lot

Vijay Narada Kumar P
Vijay Narada Kumar P - 30.11.2020 20:53

hi instead of observation why can't we create a separate ad group or campaign for the observation elements???

Hien Trg
Hien Trg - 11.11.2020 20:55

In case I have an in-market audience that perform way better than the rest, does it make sense to pull it out from the observation, create a personalized ads for this audience and treat it as the targeting audience?

Sam Bray
Sam Bray - 25.11.2019 23:33

Thanks for the video. Super helpful!

Mikołaj Stasiak
Mikołaj Stasiak - 24.11.2019 23:29

Hey Corey, very informative, thanks! Question no.1: how the audiences in Search work with maximise conversions (set on observation and targeting)? Question no.2: in Display, if we set up affinity and in-market audiences in targeting in one ad group, will Google look only for people who are at the same time in all those audiences that we have chosen?

Boc Charmin
Boc Charmin - 15.11.2019 18:26

If a campaign in GDN is set to targeting, is setting the contained adgroup to observation an effective way to limit the scope and sculp the bids? It's the method we're using and I'd love your opinion. Also love the cadence and pace of your video ... a refreshing style in a world of slow-paced how to clips.

Eskimoz - 02.10.2019 15:51

Le lancement est parfait ça colle parfaitement avec le sujet. Bravo !

Eskimoz - 08.07.2019 02:26

Excellente vidéo !!

Dani Demarchi
Dani Demarchi - 03.05.2019 16:39

Hi there! I cannot see that option when I click in audiences. I can only select what audiences I want to target but I cannot choose to Observe. Can you help me? Many thanks!

Jason Rakes
Jason Rakes - 23.04.2019 13:38

With the observation setting in search campaigns, is there any reason not to add nearly every audience available? Seems like you could then easily sort by CTR or conversions and possibly find a group performing well that you wouldn't have thought of.

Sunny Chaitanya
Sunny Chaitanya - 24.12.2018 09:14

Please make a tutorial on mail chimp..

Brian - 10.11.2018 11:43

Very informative!

Muhammad Mudassir
Muhammad Mudassir - 10.11.2018 08:56

Sir, I am confused about how to create audience targeting suggestions and ad copy suggestion ? Tell me the name of video if you have already made . . . . ?

Pratham Salgaonkar
Pratham Salgaonkar - 10.11.2018 07:19

Thanks for this amazing and informative video Sir. Appreciate it. You add tons of value 😊one suggestion at the end of video or in comment section ask the audience what topic they prefer next. It would be like an interactive thing plus people will also get answers to queries as well. Have a rocking day.

Surfside PPC
Surfside PPC - 10.11.2018 00:44

Please let us know if you have any questions about Targeting vs. Observation. Thanks for watching our video!
