'Romeo & Juliet' stars sue over 1968 film's teen nude scene

'Romeo & Juliet' stars sue over 1968 film's teen nude scene


1 год назад

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@jakandjoe3415 - 28.04.2023 18:59

Crazy how this happened. My teacher played the movie in class and we saw the scene

@rft2001 - 09.01.2023 19:48

Hussey herself has claimed just in 2018 that Zeffirelli made her very comfortable during the semi-nude scene. It was a closed set with non-essential staff sent home and the two were in skin-colored body suits for much of it.
It was widely understood by everyone that if you wanted to do European cinema, be prepared to get nude. They knew that, their parents knew that, the world knew that. It was a very liberal time and Europe was a very liberal place. In progressive art and acting schools (colleges, so older students than these two were at the time but still applicable to demonstrate the progressive zeitgeist of the time), not only on the Continent but in the UK as well, there were no doors on the bathrooms and showers were open. Nudity was not considered such a big thing and people did not have the same bourgeoisie hang-ups that people have today. It was a more open and free environment. The uptight, backward people of today don't seem to be able to get it into their heads that you can't judge not only a separate time but a separate culture by the morays of a different time and culture. No, the film couldn't be made today but it was a work of it's time and culture.
I'm not making excuses for real child abuse or child pornography, those are horrible things but the scene in Romeo and Juliet hardly qualifies as anything on that level.

@TheRealMediaMan - 07.01.2023 21:52

Sounds like a money grab. Pathetic.
You don’t film a scene for a film without knowing it.
You’re naked, in bed, performing these lines, and didn’t know ? Gtfoh

@josephcornejo2288 - 06.01.2023 11:25


@backgroundMASCAL - 05.01.2023 20:35

IF she wins most of the money would go to her jewish lawers.

@PR7-82 - 05.01.2023 00:00

15 is underage so they have a point but I just don't understand why it has taken over 50 years to raise the issue

@steveblack610 - 04.01.2023 23:58

You could leave school at 15 and get a job back then so what’s the big deal. Just making a mockery of genuine abuse cases.

@shazanali692 - 04.01.2023 23:23

Is it me or does that dude look like Zac Efron

@haysan32 - 04.01.2023 22:29

Bro… this was over 50 years ago. Get over it

@ronswansonsdog2833 - 04.01.2023 22:16

Great film—timeless. As a matter of fact, in that last clip they look exactly like celebrities today style wise.

@Bassotronics - 04.01.2023 22:02

There are many movies where minors are involved in being nude on film. Nobody is talking about them!

@ilresole603 - 04.01.2023 21:10

Zeffirelli made you immortal and you repay him like this?
You are shameful!!!

@ChrisM-lb8xw - 04.01.2023 21:04

Wow, they’ve been so exploited it’s just unbelievable 🙃🙃🙃

@privateperson2940 - 04.01.2023 19:39

Your beautiful nudity at birth is a gift from God. What you do with your body to take care of it and respect it is your gift back to God.

@antbod3635 - 04.01.2023 18:58

This is ridiculous, they are short of money. Waiting 50 plus years to voice their complaint, they're the ones who accepted to do the scene and got payed for it. They should be sued for capitalising on the scene.

@mrcash1216 - 04.01.2023 17:59

She defended the scene in a 2018 interview, the director passed away in 2019, and now, with the statute of limitations set to expire on 1/1/2023, of course they had to file the lawsuit on 12/30/2022. Everyone knows Hollywood is run by a pedal file ring, but 55 years to realize they've been abused? This is too convenient...

@mjc5509 - 04.01.2023 17:31

1968 was a time of sexual liberation. To make a claim for compensation in 2023 for sexual abuse issues is beyond a joke. The film made these two unknown actors world famous . Without it they would be unknown today.. . The sad thing is it seems they have gained NO wisdom from life

@ablannprospere - 04.01.2023 17:06

Jean, 8: 31 - 32 ... Si vous demeurez dans ma parole, vous êtes vraiment mes disciples; vous connaîtrez la vérité, et la vérité vous affranchira.
1 Jean, 2: 16 - car tout ce qui est dans le monde, la convoitise de la chair, la convoitise des yeux, et l`orgueil de la vie, ne vient point du Père, mais vient du monde.

@arisplugis5197 - 04.01.2023 16:15

but no suing Drag Queens for grooming children.
