Optimise Google Ads in 2023

Optimise Google Ads in 2023

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Juan Martin Campos
Juan Martin Campos - 29.09.2023 05:48

guess you increased bid for Qatar

Petitfoo - 29.07.2023 13:52

Ive decided to try google ads to see how it works. My ads went live really quick and I had a $20 budget a day, and it spent it in like 2 hours haha. Is that normal? I got like 14 clicks but the cpc is pretty high compared to FB ads. Have I done something wrong?

Victor S
Victor S - 20.06.2023 23:06

Should I use add my Audiences, age demographics, etc from my Google Analytics if I have over 4+ years of data into the Campaign or Ad group level?

sohail nadaf
sohail nadaf - 09.06.2023 13:40

its Not informative at all, He's just promoting himself, overall 8 minutes videos only 20 seconds spent on the platform to help ad optimization. Seriously bro? nothing but marketing himself

Nathan Abitbol
Nathan Abitbol - 30.04.2023 15:39

I love how they all show how to simply set negative kws in order to optimize search campaigns. What about your relevant search terms that are simply producing a high CPC and low conversions, no one shows how to optimize that, basically without those keywords you might as well shut down the campaign.

Gabriel PN
Gabriel PN - 26.04.2023 09:59

Bid Adjustment on Smart Bidding do not work, that's a fact.

What you can do, although is not the exaxtly same, is to adjust the Value Rules under Campaign - Settings. There you can multiply or add a % to Locations, Devices or Audiences.

Sam Horton
Sam Horton - 12.04.2023 11:19

Great video!

Saturn Media
Saturn Media - 05.04.2023 13:13

Hi Aaron,

At what point would you add audiences to a campaign and how would you go about doing so (defining what type of audience and to which campaign) For context, I have started a few campaigns for a client on a brand new account and have no audience set up as of yet. So any idea of when to introduce them would be great.

Also, at what point would you be making the optimisations based on demographics, devices & locations for a new campaign. Would you recommend waiting 30 days to gather sufficient data?

Thanks in advance!

Lord Belcher IV
Lord Belcher IV - 04.04.2023 22:42

Thanks Aaron! I'm in the UK, and cannot find any data on household income (only age/gender). Been running a campaign for about 3 months now. What gives?

Eduardo Servicios Informáticos
Eduardo Servicios Informáticos - 04.04.2023 07:00

Hello Aaron, very helpful video. Just a question... What about... "unknown" age audicences.. What is the best practice for that audience... increase or decrease bidding?

PPC Ad Editor
PPC Ad Editor - 04.04.2023 04:42

Great video. Thanks for sharing your tips on how to optimize Google campaigns.

Maria Gomez
Maria Gomez - 03.04.2023 20:04

teacher very good explanation I got your mail and once I enter to see your video, I have a doubt note that although you have the bidding strategy maximize conversions you can adjust budget ah an audience. But I would like to know if only for me to increase the bid per KW has to be manual strategy ...????

James Dwyer
James Dwyer - 03.04.2023 19:34

The device tab in my Google ads account disappeared around 2 weeks ago. It was so annoying but luckily on google ads mobile app I can still see devices. I think I need to contact Google and ask them why I can't look at device bidding on my computer.

Sotirios Karachalios
Sotirios Karachalios - 03.04.2023 16:34

Hi Aaron, you can't use bid adjustments with automated bidding.

Automated bidding
If you are using automated Smart Bidding strategies including Target CPA, Target ROAS, Maximize conversions, and Maximize conversion value, you don’t need to make manual bid adjustments since those strategies automatically set bids to optimize for the conversion goal specified by the customer. If you make a manual bid adjustment to your automated Smart Bidding strategy, it won’t be supported.

Martin - 03.04.2023 14:33

Hey Aaron,
do you have any idea why inside my pmax I’m getting clicks but no website visitor for the amount it’s displaying in the pmax ? For example it’s showing 200 people clicked but only 55 visitor went to my store ? It’s been like this for the past couple of days, the cpc also is ridiculous low at 0.03 cpc

Kanevsong - 03.04.2023 14:23

Hey Aaron, I read that with automated bid strategy you can only have -100% bid adjustments for audiences so is it going to be effective?

Andrea Dalla Rosa
Andrea Dalla Rosa - 03.04.2023 14:16

thansk for video. QUESTION: when actioning bid adjustments, shouldn’t we always take into consideration a wider time window? Like 90days.

Wouldn’t it be dangerous to check last month data only?

Sarfraj Lakdawala
Sarfraj Lakdawala - 03.04.2023 13:52

I can see that you have added so many audiences as observation in search campaign so are they custom audiences or in-built Google ads audience (like in-market & Affinity)?

Lycapolis - 03.04.2023 13:52

