How Your Brain Falls In Love | Dawn Maslar | TEDxBocaRaton

How Your Brain Falls In Love | Dawn Maslar | TEDxBocaRaton

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Shane Macanas
Shane Macanas - 08.10.2023 16:24

I'm still processing all the infos that she laid. Love is really a big word with various definitions, depending on the person feeling it. But falling in love, I had never really thought about it. Falling in love is a process, that for sure, but the question is, how long does a man/woman falls in love? And how does it occur? There's so much questions popping right after answering another.

Samantha - 06.10.2023 05:37

I don’t ever remember falling for my husband. I liked him as a person, and that built up over time. I definitely wanted to commit to him and sleep with him, but I never had whizz bang feelings. But perhaps that means any crushes I’ve had with men over my lifetime were a different chemical reaction? That or the chemical reaction was over a longer period of time? I’d like to know the difference between a love reaction and a crush reaction, which I think is way more exciting (and why possibly I’ve been turned off after crush likes me back? Was I addicted to the high?). Gosh I miss that rush. It’s the only negative to having found the love of my life ha ha ha

Winston - 28.09.2023 18:55

Love is the presence of the Holy Spirit. True love. Beyond the sensation of love. The love that leads one to give up one's life for another, even if they feel the chemical whirlwind of love. Simply because you care more for another than oneself.

Fielding James
Fielding James - 28.09.2023 03:05

You saying my girlfriend lowers my test 😞😞😞

Snow Jae
Snow Jae - 27.09.2023 02:25

To all the lovely ladies, do not stay with a man who does not commit. Was with someone for 9 years who not once said I love you or wanted any commitment but lied about it. To the men who are deciding, do not drag a woman you care about into that either. She will possibly resent you.

L. B.
L. B. - 24.09.2023 13:25

Tbh, the comments are more interesting than the actual talk

Katherine Shurik
Katherine Shurik - 24.09.2023 09:41

I disagree with her main point. Having been married and thus in a committed physical relationship, I feel like the experience became the opposite of that in a relatively brief period of time. I feel like I dreaded that physical interaction, and it felt like torture, even though I know it was not intended to be. On the other hand, when I got into a relationship without a strong commitment because I did not expect it to last long since I was planning to relocate across the country, this is the one that has been continuing for 8 years now.

Nguyet Nhi Ha
Nguyet Nhi Ha - 20.09.2023 09:53

She explained abt dopamine and oxytocin, that i can related to ADHDers where what we looking for n craving for dopamine. We fall in love too quick!!! Yet we also gets bored faster n end up regret abt that.

Bumble_Crumble - 20.09.2023 05:34

with this information we can make a love potion

HermitKryb - 17.09.2023 07:25

What I am about to say does not discredit anything this video presents, but shows the stupidity of my brain. I only clicked, because, what I saw of the video still was what looked like a split across the cheek between the upper and lower jaws; and left open like some human-like robots look. I kinda thought humans reached the singularity there for a moment before I started watching. 😅

S MT - 16.09.2023 19:21

But…. Then why do many men in relationships cheat?

Manjiri Bedre
Manjiri Bedre - 12.09.2023 18:12

We can say there is some probability of such scenario and can differ from person to person But Need to check testosterone of a man who is not committed to relate with committed and married man ... Because Man who does physical activities will always have high testosterone levels inspite of being single ....So it's not a proper research and conclusion can't be considered Logical..

roheatraj - 28.08.2023 00:27

So basically if men wants to increase testosterone levels then they shouldn’t commit to a relationship

NinapDiaries - 23.08.2023 17:20

wow i will always watch this 😮😮😮😮 brilliant study!! i love stiching fact checks to old advices soo really they have a point 😅😅😅😅

Alejo Vy
Alejo Vy - 14.08.2023 15:49


mnmclay - 11.08.2023 15:08

Is this imaginary

borsincka - 01.08.2023 00:59

so, does a man automatically fall in love even if he gets tricked into marriage, because he is now committed?.. i think the causation gets mixed up in this vid - it's probably the falling in love that actually makes a man commit, but this video fails to explain why and how that happens for a man, in the absence of oxytocin.

obbzerver - 29.07.2023 08:44

I bailed out at trying to use animals to analyze humans and the monogamous prairie mole. Another pseudoscience collection of verbiage waste of time blatherfest brought to you by Ted.

Celia Escalante
Celia Escalante - 27.07.2023 07:16

It turns out that oxytocin can make a person so in love with a person or group that he or she can become violent against an enemy or threat against their love one. 😊

bergstrom oliver
bergstrom oliver - 08.07.2023 21:04


Abegail Guiroy
Abegail Guiroy - 30.06.2023 04:33

make sense

Rohan Manuel
Rohan Manuel - 26.06.2023 08:32

The current issue is that waiting for marriage kinda seems pointless now. The guy the girl wants to lock down has to wait till he commits while the others can do the deed with much less effort.

ThisJesus - 18.06.2023 21:38

very interesting

fäyè - 14.06.2023 18:30

if love is nothing but a chemical reaction of ONE person, and not reciprocal then i.ll end myself

The Secret
The Secret - 24.05.2023 06:14

Glad to hear that as a single man who is in his late 20s and who has never been in any relationship before has higher testosterone than most of my committed male companions 💪

EPIC - 11.05.2023 20:24

Adam and Eve he didn't take long to make his move as the snake he had to seem wiser then God so her interest is in Adam but God made her for him. Although they were punished by adulthood she would have to suffer labour pain and he would have to be responsible in either direction for her sorrow he would have to suffer and her hostility that's just exactly what happens most often but you can't be perfect most people don't have that romantic experience they see in the movie's and that's a well written high expectations type of voodoo it captures the imagination and if people don't let that go it becomes who's fault? Yup, now this she speaks of has truth but you'd have to force this outcome right? Just to prove her right and lose your other who might need a mental connection some brain activity the man is no different than any other we are activated by the mood and if there's been some hostility left unsettled you might be poisonous or don't have any understanding but instead of focusing on him you focused on finding an explanation and everyone would love to damage someone else's life their's is not on the chopping block. Yup I been there and that's how I see it. BTW Noah was the first man talked about so Adam and Eve is just the story of man and woman it's only natural and is why it happened in a garden representing nature. It's human nature.

Lucky Stoller
Lucky Stoller - 06.05.2023 08:15

This is a wonderful survey of so many people from different cultures, all ages over a long period of time which has made it fascinating and stimulating. What makes it even better is when people return weeks months or even years later updating their experiences and getting support for their growth or disappointment.

Sadhana ⚔️
Sadhana ⚔️ - 28.04.2023 16:28

Hello boys please verify what she said
Waiting for the results from practical present world experiences

Life 🖤
Life 🖤 - 26.04.2023 00:18

In my religion having se.. before marriage is forbidden.. so we the girls generally don't fall in love for sleeping with others.. so.. idk how can this happen when our hormones work in another way

Jonathan Andrews
Jonathan Andrews - 18.04.2023 02:01

I'm more ready to receive this information, than the first time I listened to this video. She's wise.

ebbyoma - 13.04.2023 00:57

Okay so my next question is what does real commitment from a man look like? Is it when he asks you to be his girlfriend, when he asks you to be his fiancée, or when he asks you to be his wife? 🤔

Bshrx - 11.04.2023 12:30

Thats why in Islam physical contact with the opposite gender is not allowed before marriage. And you know a man really loves you when he commits to marrying you without ever touching you and seeing your figure or hair because you are coverd with the hijab.

Athena Woods
Athena Woods - 09.04.2023 05:00

Idk why this doesn't resonate with me. We've all heard of the phrase "to get over someone, you should get under someone," which is what I did. I broke up with my ex over a year ago and started seeing someone new about a month and a half ago, and since then, we've been intimate. We're extremely compatible and he's even a better lover than my ex ever was, but I'm certainly not in love with him. The guy that I'm seeing now wants to be official, but I couldn't bring myself to agree as I'm still hung up on my ex (and he knows this because I told him). I'm not entirely sure why I still feel like I cannot commit and fall in love with someone who is on paper a perfect match for me. I'm still spending time with him to see if my feelings will catch up, but at least in my experience being intimate will not make me fall in love.

Judita Segula
Judita Segula - 03.04.2023 11:12

You are brilliant too. ❤

Roslyn d smith
Roslyn d smith - 25.03.2023 16:53

Yes she is brilliant

Roslyn d smith
Roslyn d smith - 25.03.2023 16:51

I love this I will be listening to you. Thanks

A D - 25.03.2023 14:20

This doesn’t clear things up. Men won’t commit unless they fall in love. Correlation doesn’t equal causation. The commitment clearly is not what caused the testosterone to drop or the man to commit. It was more likely the other way around. So the question remains. What causes a man to fall in love so that he wants to commit in the first place? It is more likely that his testosterone drops first and then he commits. So the true exploration should be in what causes a man’s testosterone to drop.

Isi Bell
Isi Bell - 21.03.2023 16:20

This seems true. I dated a guy a few months ago and in the beginning he was completely in love with me and he was very enthusiastic. He really seemed to be in love. But then because I was so in love I couldn´t resist to sleep with him after a very short time. And after like a month he told me he is very sorry but he just didn´t fall in love even though he was so enthusiastic in the beginning and he really thought he was in love. He seemed very confused with himself. He was super honest with me. While I wasn´t so sure about my feelings until we slept together it seemed that he started not being sure after we slept together. It seems like I just slept too early with him we should have built a deeper emotional connection. I will never do that again when I´m really interested in a guy. I will always wait from now on. But it´s so hard to wait at least for me when I´m strongly attracted to a guy I can´t contain myself.

Joshua Weiss
Joshua Weiss - 16.03.2023 21:22

What I'm hearing is that being in love hurts your gains

Ansie Yssel
Ansie Yssel - 12.03.2023 20:15

This presentation was terrible. At one point she spoke about what “we” (ie research community) knows about love, but then corrected herself and said “I”, thereby dismissing the work other have done in the field. The worst for me was when she referred to an “exclamation point” as an “explanation point”. Terrible.

Karan Sharma
Karan Sharma - 11.03.2023 01:21

How orthodox does one have to be to base an entire research on love only on man and woman as a couple.

Faydell Kadelyn Serna
Faydell Kadelyn Serna - 08.03.2023 16:01

I literally fell asleep and idk how she was so good as far as I can remembwr😂

Rafał Andruch
Rafał Andruch - 04.03.2023 22:03

So basically we are like a pot full of ingredients and our decisions on a emotional level are creating chemical substances inside of us once more once less ? So this is not how we fall in love it’s only a result of emotions ? … but then, we take some types of drugs to feel some emotions or to hype them up, it’s confusing and quite scary that you can measure everything inside of a human and find out why we feel what we feel, like there is nothing that deep about us…

riddhima biswas
riddhima biswas - 25.02.2023 16:05

can someone give me the conclusion of the study?

Kashif Ali
Kashif Ali - 25.02.2023 13:16

Lí...(( + )kashif))))

Little Moments
Little Moments - 24.02.2023 01:23

A man fall in love with a girl who is Mstachable to his personality.. It's simple.
And for a women attachment is more than love,..

Anno Gerber-Kurokawa
Anno Gerber-Kurokawa - 23.02.2023 20:16

the way she speaks is just kinda mistaking Single and Married for a million times...I was not able to catch up with her..

Aline Sanchez Ramirez Baruchi
Aline Sanchez Ramirez Baruchi - 22.02.2023 09:54

Tentaram sim. Mas eu tenho um temperamento terrível.

Deepak Sharma
Deepak Sharma - 14.02.2023 17:56

