I Watched Ancient Apocalypse So You Don't Have To (Part 1)

I Watched Ancient Apocalypse So You Don't Have To (Part 1)


1 год назад

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East Afrika
East Afrika - 30.09.2023 09:13

Generally, you cannot trust European historical or archeological information, it is mostly paranoid and grandiose delusions.

Hemingway - 30.09.2023 06:52

The issue with Hancock is he's an engaging speaker and his theory is fun. I mean, what an amazing thing if there had been some advanced civilization in the deep past that seeded all the other civilizations. I watched Hancock's Netflix series, and it was highly entertaining. The problem is, you realize after about ten minutes that the guy doesn't really understand how science or archeology works. He also spends so much of the time hating on archeologists. He seems to think they don't take him seriously because they are afraid of his ideas, when in fact they don't think of him at all. I studied archeology as an undergrad, and most of my professors, I would say, would lose their shit if they found evidence of an ancient ice age civilization. The reason why they don't buy the idea is because there isn't any real evidence to support the theory. Yes, there are things that can't be explained, but a scientist will say "we don't know" when it comes to the things they can't explain. Hancock will fill in the "we don't know" with his own subjective interpretation of something he hasn't studied. The Bimini Road is a perfect example. Hancock isn't a geologist. He doesn't know the things that geologists know. There are reasons why geologists have deemed the Bimini Road a natural formation. Even Robert Schoch, who did some pretty revolutionary work on the Sphinx that goes completely against the standard view of the Sphinx, deemed the Bimini Road a natural formation. Hancock commits the mortal sin of any scientific endeavor, he wants something to be true, so he fits his interpretations of evidence to fit his theory rather than allowing the evidence to form the facts.

Miles Perigo
Miles Perigo - 30.09.2023 05:55

Well I think Graham Hancock has more credibility than you!

Gorka - 30.09.2023 03:30

This netflix show must be as accurate as the one about Cleopatra.

Horab Fibslager
Horab Fibslager - 30.09.2023 02:54

if we could just sterilize all the conspiracy nutters out there that would be great. don't need them polluting the population anymore.

George Stratton
George Stratton - 30.09.2023 02:03

Just found your videos, and MAN are they frustrating... You're entertaining, do a good job explaining the facts with only a little mixing in of opinion...
But MAN are you one smug 20-something narcissistic asshole.😂
I have zero doubt that Graham ran into one of your peers and that's entirely formed his opinion on "mainstream archeology."

Xan 007
Xan 007 - 29.09.2023 20:53

If we blow ourselves into oblivion or climate change destroy us and a future civilization see multiple cities across the globe, you know they all have similar looking buildings and structures, they all have roads!. I'm sure they will think it was a world spanning civilization that dominated the whole earth.

I mean, it is the logical thing to think. Right? Who could possibly think they simply were done that way because similar ideas arise when face with similar challenges and similar resources at your disposal. Nah, that can't be right, it must have been aliens or a long lost civilization.

Oliver Ehlert
Oliver Ehlert - 29.09.2023 20:39

Two comments:
You didn't explain Spikes 1a and 1b, which may be of interest as well in that discussion.
Secondly, you name Randall Carlson a Pseudo archaeologist, again without explanation.
Btw: subscribed

The Life of Jordan Craig
The Life of Jordan Craig - 29.09.2023 20:10

Graham Hancock has always fascinated me until he started spiritually hijacking people who are just hungry or, like me, fascinated with our history and why or how we are here. And unfortunately, there are many others who just make the spiritual hijacking worse. You’re the bomb dig, dude!

vinsanity3510 - 29.09.2023 19:17

Hey buddy.

Did you know the CIA hires people to send out misinformation? Particularly JOURNALISTS? It’s called operation mockingbird.

For the actual Atlantis, look into the Richat structure. Look into the Eye of Sahara. Look into Plato and Solon.

Hancock is a journalist I believe he’s not doing this out of malice I just believe he craves respect too much.

Also, dynasties claiming they lived in a place, did not mean it was actually built by them. Egypt a famous example of it. Mayans are a famous example. These are example of humans “hermit crabbing” these ancient structures.

You can clearly see a difference in Nan madol where modern people built INTO the structures already there in Nan Madol.

You’re just as bad as graham. You also need to do more research.

atheris - 29.09.2023 19:07

Hey you did amazing work with this series. Your interview guest was superb too. Thank you for doing this it was a great listen

OlgaTheHandmaid - 29.09.2023 17:41

BCE... Before Common Era... what was the event that marked before the common era I wonder?

RedWeddingNeedsGoodBedding - 29.09.2023 17:34

i have no idea of archaelogy, but even I, when I started watching the series directly knew that he is talking BS xD and stopped it after 15 minutes or so.

ZmanRockz - 29.09.2023 17:20

Milo, did you seriously think that iPhone charging sound past me? I heard that shit, you can’t fool me.

jordan - 29.09.2023 16:53

i cant help but think that We need more input from louie, i wonder what his take is......

Sussy Bottom Boys
Sussy Bottom Boys - 29.09.2023 16:33

The lost civilization was the Hyperboreans, and their societies began to fall when a 'man' called Conan was born.

A B - 29.09.2023 15:11

We need to get you on joe rogan.

Dana Kospanova
Dana Kospanova - 29.09.2023 11:19

Is this for real? 🤔🤔🤔
Is this the case of real human claiming "Reptiloids live among us" 😅
Or is it a "new cartoon claiming their protagonist was the one to tilt the Pisa Tower" 😅😅😅
I seriously have trouble identifying how much of a joke is it?🧐

The Fearless Shaheen
The Fearless Shaheen - 29.09.2023 11:14

Dude was trying to find the poneglyphs.

JJ Burger
JJ Burger - 29.09.2023 11:12

1 Ton = 1000 KG so 1/3 of a ton is 333.33 KG and that is 734.86 pounds and not 270kg or 600 pounds, or am I missing something ? Not trying to disprove anything legit just asking.

Ivy King
Ivy King - 29.09.2023 10:46

You take too much time stating your and graham's titles.
They mean so little.
Certainly they do not prove or disprove the idea of lost civilisation.
You waste time.

OregonGuy1982 - 29.09.2023 06:19

Weak sauce..

The Good Guy of LA Moses G
The Good Guy of LA Moses G - 29.09.2023 06:18

After reading the book of Enoch, I have no doub that the whole scriptures hold the truth about everything

Scott Prather
Scott Prather - 29.09.2023 04:28

I've been studying the subject for years and there are in fact many archaeological anomalies and artifacts that would indicate there was in fact a more advanced civilization a lost chapter and our history if you would. But it's always easy to debunk when you control the facts and information within your sphere of influence in fact this is nothing new traditional archeologies been doing it for decades. I would say if you want real understanding study the evidence for yourself come to your own conclusions. Remember that intellect doesn't always translate into wisdom.

Average TPOT enjoyer
Average TPOT enjoyer - 29.09.2023 02:30

Let’s make lava tubo a long lasting joke on this channel

ELLZNaga21 - 29.09.2023 02:05

I’m watching this because you’re an entertaining person

Stian Hammer
Stian Hammer - 29.09.2023 01:50

This is where i would like a diskoer button, so you actually see people opinions

slowbutsure504 - 29.09.2023 01:45

This is why I love long form content and hate Tiktoc. So much great info, and thoughtful, well thought out arguments. Even if its against a theory that has no legs to stand on Lol

Julian Thielen
Julian Thielen - 29.09.2023 01:40

I'm so stoked for your analyses. I watched Ancient Apocalypse when it came out as a fun entertainment because I knew how outrageous the claims were gonna be, but I was so shocked to see what kind of approach they chose and realized how dangerous this show could be in advancing the growing distrust in science with the claim "mainstream scientists don't want you to know this".
My grandpa actually fell into that trap, where he started reading conspiracist literature on archaeology (which I thought couldn't hurt anyone) and now he's raging against migrants/refugees and the "plandemic" and the trans agenda because he consumed more and more science-denial-media. It's a bad trap that doesn't seem bad at first but that is how they get you.

Still, the show was really entertaining, as it was "fun" to see the mental gymnastics and the jumps they made. So I'm glad to see your explanations about all the things I didn't know.

OneLazyDog - 29.09.2023 00:28

This was a lot longer than a minute still a great video.

Kevin Hall
Kevin Hall - 28.09.2023 23:40

You come across as so smug and unlikeable.

Wetlander - 28.09.2023 23:34

You've become one of my top 3 favorite scientists. You join Sabine Hossenfelder (physics) and Dr Jackson Crawford (Scandinavian linguistics) What you all have in common - a healthy aversion to 'Bovine Scatology'.

Wetlander - 28.09.2023 22:29

I love your use of Occam's Razor. What type of stone do you use to sharpen it? xD

Kieren Jerrett
Kieren Jerrett - 28.09.2023 22:25

Im only 6 minutes in, and this has had me laughing my arse off. Not only that, but already im gripped. Subscribed.

Matt Creedon
Matt Creedon - 28.09.2023 21:28

How many times do you need to re do or take out your man bun haha

glassblock, the femboy rater and enjoyer
glassblock, the femboy rater and enjoyer - 28.09.2023 21:26

Sorry guys, I didn't realize everyone was looking for Atlantis, I shrunk it an ate it :(

Matt Creedon
Matt Creedon - 28.09.2023 21:16

The ironic part of this is Graham Hancock will look at videos like this as more archeologists attacking him

Pool Hall
Pool Hall - 28.09.2023 20:39

If it’s all nonsense and Graham Hancock is a crackpot, why did the archaeology community go so hard trying to “correct the record“

If you can’t answer a man’s basic questions about your field of study, are you really the experts?

Alice - 28.09.2023 18:56

Why do people always assume alien life is gonna be humanoid? Like why not a sentient cloud of gas that communicates through the smells it produces?

Hadley Scott McIntyre
Hadley Scott McIntyre - 28.09.2023 18:43

I be skippin your class makin F's

Hadley Scott McIntyre
Hadley Scott McIntyre - 28.09.2023 18:38

You need to show your scroll on the wall

Hadley Scott McIntyre
Hadley Scott McIntyre - 28.09.2023 18:37

Hey man how bout doggin on that silly
" Climate change "
