Dystopian Anthems Compilation

Dystopian Anthems Compilation

2D Tesseract

1 год назад

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@enz1014 - 10.01.2024 03:46

The combine’s sounds straight fucking menacing 💀

@Helionid - 10.01.2024 02:10

The start of INGSOC sounds so similar to the Eastern German song "Getreu der Partei" it's almost scary

@denifnaf5874 - 09.01.2024 00:30

Welcome to city 17 it's SAFER here
Implies that other cities are more like the beta and that outside the cities is much worse

@spaceengineeringempire4086 - 08.01.2024 20:34

Panam has 14 stars 13 and 14 are district 13 and the capital.

@ZombieSlayerTakashi - 07.01.2024 06:14


@GamerKeags_YT - 07.01.2024 01:50

Ummmm actually 🤓☝️ the empires anthem is glory to the empire

@jiriseidl4376 - 06.01.2024 21:59

Gilead is just a variation on the Blackadder theme.

@user-rh9fc9bt1z - 06.01.2024 19:33

bro said dystopia without ordenstaadt burgandy

@G5RkEN - 06.01.2024 04:35

Id probably life in the Empire if I had the choice, considering that I am Human and they being racist towards aliens. Also who does not like a Nation which killed Trillions of People, by literally creating spaceships/stations shaped like Triangles and Circles that have overpowered lasers. They literally own 3/4 of the Galaxy. You get me?

@RegencyOfCarnaro - 06.01.2024 02:54

The One State’s anthem has to be the most beautiful. A true encapsulation of mathematical perfection on every level, and nonetheless deeply soothing and calming.

@dusankazandzic401 - 03.01.2024 21:22

Is One State rly thaaat bad? Sure they rename everything to numbers but we do have that today basically

@user-nl7gt4zx5p - 01.01.2024 12:36

Where Is The Anthems Of Western Nations?!

@thefaceless6406 - 01.01.2024 01:22

I love how the original theme song of the the first galactic empire is just also the anthem. Like did Palpatine personally choose the anthem like liked best or was it citizen submissions because if its the ladder then it was clearly made in perody of the current state of the galaxy, and the musician didn't approve but was probably surprised to have been chosen.

@nazimzimo819 - 31.12.2023 15:38

The galactic empire🔥🔥🔥 >>>>>>>

@concept5631 - 31.12.2023 07:57

Now we need anthems for utopias (democracies, generally good places to live).

@user-ol7bt4wp1j - 31.12.2023 03:22

What’s funny about the empire is that it’s actually not straight out evil

PALPATINE is evil (probably also the most evil leader of all, the empires you see in the vid.) but besides the mass exploitation of a lot of alien races and some of the corruption. It’s actually the least evil, one here.

@empirednw6624 - 30.12.2023 21:53

Pretty sure the galactic empire was the closest the galaxy ever got to a utopia though…

@yesandnogamerproductions5733 - 30.12.2023 21:30

While the Combine's theme is my favorite and is probably the one of the best on here besides the Imperial March, but I gotta say that the One State's theme is horrifying but beautiful and calming in a way. They are all so good tbh

@bra1822 - 30.12.2023 10:09

you forgot the Holy Russian Empire (HOI4 TNO mod)

@janpajdak1236 - 29.12.2023 21:58

Start with the Star Spangled Banner.

@StackYT - 28.12.2023 13:32

They all conveniently had the colors of the German Empire, but the Combine had to fuck it up

@alexander5128 - 28.12.2023 10:19

I like that britain is not only once but twice in the list😅

@noahplaysgames3748 - 28.12.2023 04:04

say all these countries fought each other. who would win?
(to make things fairer, none of them will have nuclear weapons & the combine can only use Earth weapons)

@latexbeep - 27.12.2023 01:54

People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people.


@HetzerHowitzer369 - 26.12.2023 18:14

the combine march be a banger ngl

@LlamaDuck2211 - 26.12.2023 13:08

I don't think that was the anthem of the Empire, though. It clearly was written to create intense athmosphere for when Darth Vader is chasing somebody, would not work for official events. Imagine a sports team enters a pitch and there is jumpscare music.

@nates5121 - 25.12.2023 17:53

The factory siren one is The Internationale

@amandahuggenkiss2988 - 25.12.2023 09:56


@michaeldesantaxd - 24.12.2023 18:25

Forgot the covenant from halo and the UNSC from halo too lol

@hiimdaisy946 - 24.12.2023 12:31

You forgot Battle Royale and maybe even, Death Race, Samurai Jack, Robocop, Judge Dredd, and Mad Max.

@nordicohahah - 24.12.2023 04:03

Panems anthem is a banger. A little TOO good. Way too hopeful for an oppressive dystopian nightmare state.

@octaviusfooks7194 - 23.12.2023 20:10

What about the Federation March from Blake’s 7?

@existingperson - 23.12.2023 09:18

Everyone else: “our society is awesome, please join it”
Empire and Combine: “you’re gonna join our society whether you like it or not”

@Noxx55 - 23.12.2023 01:22

In-universe the Imperial March is played in a major key so as to not sound so overtly evil.

@bloomingpain-flower7074 - 22.12.2023 17:11

ENG version below.

Меня завлекает идея того, что Альянс (The Combine) настолько непонятен нам как людям, на столько он неописуем, что его нельзя точно назвать плохим или хорошим. Это огромная машина поглощающая целые миры, это создания из другого измерения, мы даже не знаем кто ими руководит, если такие руководители вообще есть и это не какой ни будь искусственный интеллект работающий по одной директиве расширения. Так что всё, что мы видим связанное, олицетворяющее Альянс в играх, это всё создано уже людьми примкнувшими у нему, например пропагандистские постеры (особенно в Half-Life Alyx) и гимн. Представьте себе это с такой стороны: какое это должно быть вдохновение для человечества наконец узнать, что мы не одни во вселенной, что есть другие существа и даже цивилизации, сначала портальные шторма и буквально дождь из монстров из Зена, потом вторжение Альянса, представьте композитора-человека устроившегося в бюро Альянса что бы написать гимн для Земли, представьте художников рисующих плакаты и оформляющих дизайн голограмм в городе, в каком то смысле этим людям можно позавидовать. Альянс плохой лишь в нашем понимании, ведь он порабощает человечество, высасывает земные ресурсы, но делает это не из-за зла, а просто потому что так устроена их система. Это как капитализм, там нет просто плохих людей, есть система которая переросла себя, начала гнить, когда-то она была прогрессивной, когда победила монархию, но теперь от неё больше бед и её надо менять. Так работает любая политэкономическая система, как и всё живое в мире она появляется, растёт, меняется и умирает, и должна уступить место чему-то новому, этому нас учит диалектический материализм. Может система Альянса и не "испортилась" еще, может так она и должна работать, а нам людям этого просто не понять и мы лишь боремся за своё существование.

I'm fascinated by the idea that The Combine is so incomprehensible to us as people, so indescribable, that it cannot exactly be called good or evil. This is a huge machine that absorbs entire worlds, these are creatures from another dimension, we don’t even know who leads them, if there are such leaders at all, and this is not some kind of artificial intelligence working according to one expansion directive. So everything that we see connected, personifying The Combine in games, was all created by people who joined it, for example, propaganda posters (especially in Half-Life Alyx) and the anthem. Imagine it this way: what an inspiration it must be for humanity to finally know that we are not alone in the universe, that there are other beings and even civilizations, first portal storms and literally raining monsters from Xen, then the Alliance invasion, imagine a human composer settled in The Combine bureau to write a hymn for the Earth, imagine artists drawing posters and designing holograms in the city, in a sense, these people can be envied. The Combine is evil only in our understanding, because it enslaves humanity, sucks out the earth's resources, but does this not because of simply evil, but because this is how their system works. It’s like capitalism, there are no simply bad people, there is a system that has outgrown itself, began to rot, it was once progressive when it defeated the monarchy, but now it causes more troubles and needs to be changed. This is how any political-economic system works, like everything living in the world, it appears, grows, changes and dies, and must give way to something new, dialectical materialism teaches us this. Maybe The Combine system has not “deteriorated” yet, maybe this is how it should work, but we people simply don’t understand this and we are just fighting for our existence.

@wlinden - 22.12.2023 05:36

Oceeaaniaaa,, tis for theeeee....

@Bubbaist - 21.12.2023 08:38

Wanna hear a real dystopian anthem from a real dystopia? Look up the anthem of Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge.

@tinytim-sj2fb - 20.12.2023 15:45

Combine anthem is bombastic, alien, and uncaring. Like them.

@Azov-chan - 20.12.2023 09:23

The One State is literally just a remix of International

@ndresnavarrete5166 - 20.12.2023 01:14

The imperium of man deserves a theme

@RonaldTrumpOfficial - 20.12.2023 00:34

Some are made to sound evil - for example, the whole design of star destroyers was to induce fear, practicality was second. The anthem fits.

@kevalyarathore223 - 19.12.2023 04:56


@Matty9 - 19.12.2023 00:50

We should make "rebel" or "liberation" states to combat these empires such as for panem we may have the "united districts" to oppose them.

@Xilir2009 - 18.12.2023 18:34

Not one tno😢

@yigitkaragoz2269 - 18.12.2023 14:55

Long live the Empire
