Who is Virginia Puffton & Why Her Mutation is DIFFERENT | Sons Of The Forest Lore

Who is Virginia Puffton & Why Her Mutation is DIFFERENT | Sons Of The Forest Lore

Sons Of The Forest Channel

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@FunLimpBizkit - 21.04.2024 01:18

Её мутация другая так как она была на пляже,(купальник свидительствует)далеко от эпицентра начала мутаций куба.

@melvynd1664 - 21.04.2024 11:41

J'ai hâte

@diejn6856 - 21.04.2024 19:21

In the first game in the keycard cave, in the part were theres a Blue Armsy you will find a lot of bodies that seem to be fused together like parasistic twins, the cave probably was used by Sahara as a mass grave for their failed experiments with the obelisk, could these bodies be related in some way to Virginia's mutation or the way certain individuals mutate.

@selfaware7617 - 21.04.2024 19:23

Another amazing lore video
Underground boonker

@sky1army423 - 21.04.2024 19:29

Ok why then the cannibals don't mutate? Isn't eating humans consider "sin" ?? :D Or they're just like animals, they do whatever it takes to survive?

@VenoxieFN - 21.04.2024 20:14


@gregajohnson1985 - 21.04.2024 20:25

Shes my wife.

@cool-ml2qp - 22.04.2024 00:17


@mariakerp - 22.04.2024 01:09

I didn't know that Fingers etc. was a Human before. I thougt they were just Mutations/Monsters🤣🤣🤣🥰 Good to know ☺

@chirris3527 - 22.04.2024 21:14

keep the good work dude
game is great but theres a quite few missing things from the prequel

1 of them are the animals, theres no ground agro animals like the croc and the boar from the 1st game
those 2 need to come back and probably tigers or cougars as a new one.

the building boats from the 1st game

another thing that needs to be fixed is the torch, its needs to be in the lights hand

and like the 1st game, you need to build another after a while a torch who never turn off make this thing quite easy and you said in a previous video some things make this quite easy

@mr.skeletonguy7304 - 23.04.2024 08:53

This also explains why Jianyu's mutation is way worse than all of the mutants in the game. We know that Jianyu was the one who caused the helicopter to crash in the beginning of the game and was about to kill Jack Holt (aka the main character). He was also the one who planned and killed the cultists that arrived on the island. So he must've been PURE EVIL and had a very twisted heart since he also secretly worked for Sahara Therapeutics to possibly try and destroy Puffcorp explaining his mutation.

@CyberPonos - 24.04.2024 14:54

It turns out that all the little kids on the island were already evil and sinful

@glitchyKaida - 20.05.2024 16:50

Wished the plot is more focused around Virginia. Loved her in the game.

@RaviChauhan-sj5cs - 31.05.2024 12:52

We are getting to see new animals but What if we could do farming in this game and tame some animals?

@nataliamisztal2909 - 02.06.2024 14:16

Plis do Sons of the forest on ps4 plis

@scottblank5678 - 26.06.2024 12:50

Was it ever possible to coat creepy armor in sofalite using the Armor Plater?

@resolute7177 - 25.09.2024 13:50

nice videooo

@zanderwhitcroft - 24.10.2024 14:07

"the greater the evil within the more gross the monster outside"

@lucek1977 - 16.11.2024 20:02

I don't think all the people on the site a and b had evenly wickened hearts.

@TexasBabyDee58 - 10.01.2025 11:33

Does she gave anything to do w the virginia from the forest ?

@TheFreelancer131 - 08.02.2025 04:52

Man. Don't you just hate Science that Effects you based off of Metaphysical concepts like Good and Evil. lol
