The Cinematic Orchestra - 'To Build A Home'

The Cinematic Orchestra - 'To Build A Home'

Ninja Tune

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Julia Kudsi
Julia Kudsi - 22.09.2023 20:54

goosebumps every time i listen to this song

thalysson - 22.09.2023 05:45

Eu estou cansado, cansado da escola, cansado de tentar ser bom o suficiente, cansado de fazer coisas que não quero, cansado de tentar encontrar uma casa, cansado de se esforçar pra ser alguém melhor e nunca conseguir, cansado de não me perdoar, cansado de não conseguir esquecer, cansado de viver o passado, cansado de tudo.

Oh Deus, me faça sentir que estar vivo realmente vale apena.

Struggling - 21.09.2023 23:33

I listen to this song every year at the same time im finally going to see a psychologist in 2 months im 18 now i never thought i would make it this far

josh - 21.09.2023 13:35

this is a great song

Criticalkido - 21.09.2023 09:47

Kimberley Sibanda I hope one day you find this ❤️😭

Casey Ganimian
Casey Ganimian - 21.09.2023 08:27

I’ve noticed these comments are all connected this. I want everyone to know if you let something control you, there might be a point we’re you can’t get that control beck. If your seeing this comment I want you to know every emotion is there for a reason, none are there to control you though.

InsightImpact - 20.09.2023 19:33

This is not just music,this is Art

Michael Powell
Michael Powell - 20.09.2023 17:55

as a middle aged man, and single parent, who's last son has left home very recently....I really wish he could hear and understand this piece of music. All kids are different, and you always love them, even, or despite the differences. Now that the last has gone, I am grateful to hear this, and be inspired to keep going.

AUDIOHOSTEM999 - 20.09.2023 04:22

Never Love...Love Will Be The End Of You.😇✝

Ryan's - 19.09.2023 23:56

Could someone suggest me more songs like this ❤

SAD BOY - 18.09.2023 23:41

Estou muito triste ta sendo difícil perdi tudo,emprego minha família, to meu pior momento e eu estava tao bem,a unica coisa que nao perdi foi minha fe em Deus, espero voltar aqui depois pra dizer que estou bem,mas por enquanto e so lágrimas 😔😔

TheVisualspk - 18.09.2023 22:25

second shot is of babusar top :)

AnneLis2 - 18.09.2023 16:34

Uma obra de arte

Yuri Akihiko
Yuri Akihiko - 18.09.2023 15:32

I love her

Laura Knowwsbest
Laura Knowwsbest - 18.09.2023 09:18

i'm writing this comment as i'm listening to this while on facetime with my boyfriend. we met in july when he was in my city for this shitty job we were both working, and i was devastated when he told me where he lived and when he had to leave. applying for that job and getting his number was the best thing i could've done for myself. the last night i saw him before he went home, I sat in the bathroom at my friends house and listened to this because i realized that i am building a new home. I also listened to this song in the uber on my way home and bawled my eyes out. I miss him dearly, and i'm not sure when i'm gonna see him again, but this song brings me peace. babe if you're seeing this, just know that i love you and i miss you dearly. <3

Elemeno - 18.09.2023 01:21

I don't feel happy. And nothing seems to fix it.

I'm just so..... Tired

Efe Eren
Efe Eren - 17.09.2023 19:26

On the 6tf of February 2023 the two big 7,6 and 7,8 earthquakes happened with 6 hours difference to eachother in my country, Türkiye. So many loses, so many tears during the screams. Over 40 thousand people dying, us just watching the wrecks and wait with hopes. This song reminds me of that nothing is certain in any time, go with the flow and make your life worth it. Don't just sit and wait for it to come to you, be preapared for it and make your life meaningful.

Jay Something
Jay Something - 17.09.2023 18:01

This song means the world to me, so much that I made and danced my first independent dance to this song..

Beardin' Eric
Beardin' Eric - 16.09.2023 15:52

I’m look at some of the comments here and my struggles won’t ever compare to what others are going through or have gone through, I haven’t had it as tough as others I’ll openly admit that. But I’ve been working this job for almost 2 years now, and I have a rough schedule, I work on the weekends, I get up at 1:30 in the morning for work. I’m tired, I hate not being able to see my girl or my friends on the weekends, my social life is a fraction of what it used to be. But thats the norm breaking into the real world, but I just don’t have that work-life balance that everyone should have. It’s been a struggle. And as tough as times get, I know this struggle and frustration is temporary. You gotta keep pushing, you have purpose, and you’re story isn’t done till you take that last breath.

Deb Raulo
Deb Raulo - 15.09.2023 23:17

Everytime i watch this, i go in roller coaster ride of emotions nd memories ❤

J a z z y
J a z z y - 15.09.2023 22:44

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16

Evelyn Batista
Evelyn Batista - 15.09.2023 21:18

The way that she consoles him when she is the one who is dying. This is a very beautiful and powerful song, and the video makes it so much more impactful giving this song a whole new life. To be able to have lived a life and experience that type of love that is so profound and transcending makes it all worthwhile. Tis better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. I hope we all get to experience a love like that.

Francilene Monteiro
Francilene Monteiro - 15.09.2023 17:06


sef rubilla
sef rubilla - 15.09.2023 04:38

my dog died unexpectedly on September 6, these past few days i haven't cried until this day with this song, I just can't process it. I even planned for us to go to beach with my two other dogs on the 24th for my birthday and even now I'm looking forward to go with all of us four. I just can't seem to accept it now, it was so sudden.

Lupe Marquez
Lupe Marquez - 15.09.2023 02:43

we all will leave this earth one day. make the best out of everyday. love one another. pray , live for God 🙏🏽 . be grateful & value everything in your life . i love everyone, i pray for good things for everyone, i pray you win the battle. i pray whoever says yes. i pray you let God in. i pray for you to get accepted. i pray for your families . close ones . life is too short . 💖

bea - 14.09.2023 18:27

yesterday i attended a funeral of a boy who passed away in a motorcycle accident, his mother and friends decided to put this song as they were bringing him to the grave. It was so sad yet so beautiful and deep, i think i’ll never forget that moment. Rest in peace man💛

Kasondra Winkler
Kasondra Winkler - 14.09.2023 12:51

Going through my likes and found this on my playlist, liked from 10 years ago.

Arantxa - 13.09.2023 18:58

Azulão não é do pica pau?

Marcela Rangel
Marcela Rangel - 13.09.2023 15:40

There is a lil house in Mexico that sits empty and lonely because im in america chasing the American dream,this song make me cry remembering my house!

Giglio Nero
Giglio Nero - 13.09.2023 00:37

Ho sbagliato tutto, perché sono me stesso. Ho sbagliato ad esistere, con te, anche se la cosa migliore che abbia mai fatto in vita mia è stato arrivare a te e scoprire di amarti, davvero, come mai avrei creduto fosse possibile. Ti amerò sempre Eli, anche se per quello che sono non mi è data questa felicità. Ti amerò per sempre e non avrò nessun'altra, anche se per te non conta, se anxhe solo potesse esser vero. Mi hai cambiato la vita e ora muoio dentro a sapere che non potrò mai baciarti, nemmeno un attimo, se non in sogno. Ti amo.

Final Signal
Final Signal - 12.09.2023 14:08

this got me all cryin n shit

J N - 12.09.2023 13:37

Separation from the ones we love is hard.

We only have a minute here. How will you spend your time?

jerseyfla - 12.09.2023 05:53

I was going to use this in a video showing off our new home last year. My wife begged me DON'T DO IT!! And then I was remember "Ahh! The Crock Pot lighting the house on fire!"

chickenlajumpy - 12.09.2023 04:12

Damn, I just stumbled on a song that describes my relationships since 2017.

Jesuslovesyou - 11.09.2023 23:37

Did u know that Christ died on the cross for ur sins?He died w/ nails in His hands & thorns on His head but he did for u.
Repent of sins and works and works, believe God raised Him from the dead three days later, confess Christ is Lord. Accept Him as ur Lord and Savior. Turn to Christ before it’s too late!

Steph - 11.09.2023 17:23

Well, if this doesnt remind me of my own grandparents.

candace gagnon
candace gagnon - 11.09.2023 15:05

Why do I cry when I hear this?

Arindam - 10.09.2023 21:02

“jise tum aam samajhkar chhor dete ho,
koi usey khaas samajhkar apna lete hai.”


xavi - 10.09.2023 14:42

This is a very special song for me

Dramatic Pizza
Dramatic Pizza - 09.09.2023 09:35

steep for life best snowboarding game out there and when this track would hit it was awesome af

Shaun B
Shaun B - 09.09.2023 07:29

To anyone who reads this-IT WILL BE OK ❤

Naledi - 08.09.2023 19:53

This is a home where is feel free 🎉🎉❤

BlackAngel 23
BlackAngel 23 - 07.09.2023 20:53

"It's always the ones with good hearts who had a hard childhood with many problems who would care for you and be there for you, no matter what will happen. Because they're the ones knowing what it's like do be left alone when they needed others the most."


ConnorTallis - 07.09.2023 01:04

I miss my best friend so much💔😪😓 rip my brother my family ciio. As long as I’m alive you will on. I’m at his grave every single day and to say I miss him is an understatement. Some days j wake up not wanting to even get out of bed. I do it for him and his family and my dad. Love you all. Love, life and prosperity❤

currently_nomela_pince - 06.09.2023 10:07

Dear Hogwarts thank you for everything🚣

Martinez - 06.09.2023 00:19

No quiero existir 😔

Azza b
Azza b - 04.09.2023 23:53

I miss you mum.. Its been 9 months now. I love you ✨💛🙏 it's been f hard... Ive been doing some stupid things trying to escape reality but trying my best to over come this for Dad. Nala misses you feeding her the left overs 😢.. You are missed by many. Xxxxx

Max del piero Jimenez yarango
Max del piero Jimenez yarango - 04.09.2023 05:01

Está canción me recuerda a mi primo que falleció.. Te extraño mucho Maku:(

John Anderson
John Anderson - 04.09.2023 00:00

I just lost my best friend ever and this song popped up on my feed, I'm crushed, but she will live on
