How to install PHP 8.4 on Windows 10/11 [2024 Update] Run a Demo PHP Program

How to install PHP 8.4 on Windows 10/11 [2024 Update] Run a Demo PHP Program

Geeky Script

3 месяца назад

6,529 Просмотров

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@odilsoncode - 19.12.2024 17:24

Thank you for this video it was really helpful

@BattWann - 06.12.2024 22:14

how to fix this error command

PHP WARNING: 'C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VCRUNTIME140.dll' 14.29 is not compatible with this PHP build linked with 14.41 in Unknown on line 0

@KentGrefiel - 01.12.2024 09:39

next vid,"How to update php in xampp 2024" :)

@Una__edit - 30.11.2024 09:38

Create a video in hindi bri

@PedroAugusto-mu6jw - 26.11.2024 21:37

Could you help me man? I followed your steps, but when i open cmd, it says that php it is not a recognized, insider and outsider, cmd. Cheers for the video mate! Very quick and helpfull!

@VinodhaD-es3qj - 25.11.2024 17:38

The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to Close the Application sir This Msg show in my pc sir plz help me sir

@masudicval - 23.11.2024 12:23

Only html, css, basic js & php + mysql producing fronrnd & -Backend website ==> is it true? 🍷

@masudicval - 23.11.2024 11:33

