How to Dig Out a Hull Down Tank in World of Tanks

How to Dig Out a Hull Down Tank in World of Tanks


7 лет назад

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@MarineFlipper - 15.03.2017 01:00

If your not spotted or in a safe position spam the shit outta them with HE. It does do some damage which most people find annoying and will eventually leave.

@Flippy617 - 15.03.2017 12:24

What you need to mention in the video is that hull-down tanks are actually more in control of the fight, and can dictate when the battle pace will forward or halt. Normally good players won't even bother try to fight such tanks unless they know they can fight back at it. The scenes you've mentioned are not as easily depicted in a real situation while in-game.

1. "Spam gold rounds."

There are just some tanks that CANNOT be penned by gold rounds ie IS-7 turret.

2. "Wait for him to fire and then rush."

How often is a player gonna hulldown and hold one flank alone, unless he's your average pubby who thinks he's superman then well it's so obvious he's gonna get rushed to death. A half-decent player knows (and naturally will) position himself hulldown near allies, which will prevent you from being able to rush him.

Also, to "rush" him when he is reloading takes knowledge of you being able to win that engagement with that tank that is hull-down, wasting HP for one tank is mind my language (really stupid) Super Unicums know that every HP they preserve will affect the battle late-game... and trying to "dig-out" a hull-down tank is not worth the wasted HP.

3. "Hope arty shoots them."

Yes, it's a juicy opportunity, how often though do your artillery do what you want?

So far the problems with everything you've mentioned is that it's counter-able by a simple and respectable thesis which renders your video slightly awry.

"So you must know what you're talking about, tell me..."

Like stated before there are an infinite-reality from one situation, but i know better than to "hope" one of the three mentioned above happens. It's better to just pull back and let him make his move. Unicums and Super Unicums are named so because of their ability to make sure they dictate the pace of combat, and letting a hull-down tank screw them over is not what they want. Pull back, let him make the first mistake and punish him for it, most safest response i'd give you.

If you're trading a "hull-down" tank it's most likely he's going to win the engagement, and even if not he's gonna make you pay for it. I guess load gold is the first option and if it doesn't work then pull-back and use your gun somewhere else.

N3RV3 (-G-) (NA server, top 500)
