Do Not Pick: How Deadlock Became Valorant's Worst Agent

Do Not Pick: How Deadlock Became Valorant's Worst Agent

theScore esports

9 месяцев назад

403,127 Просмотров

Not every agent in Valorant is created equally. Some are broken on release, while others just take time to find their place within the meta.

But every once in a while, an absolute trash heap of an agent comes out and players think they’re just terrible. And Riot’s latest blunder is none other than Deadlock.

But is Deadlock really the worst agent in the game? And more importantly, is she actually a symptom of a bigger issue?

Written by: Niall McCrossan (@niallmccrossan)
Edited by: Brendan Fahey (@Drillbit_)
Hosted by: Dimitri Pascaluta (@DPascaluta) and Colten Gowan (@theonlyzoltan)
Produced by: Niall McCrossan and Colten Gowan (@theonlyzoltan)
Thumbnail by: William O'Keefe (@magoomagoof)

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Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).

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@ekarevadiaz - 27.11.2023 10:40

yeah sound sensor is kinda tricky skills because it cannot be trigger if enemy doesn't make any sounds. that's why you should put them somewhere that enemy did not expect and see.
well deadlock is my sentinel main, mostly when playing at Sunset map, its really helpful to keep maintain A site while watching mid/supporting B.

@ctaitleandklee3617 - 24.11.2023 18:36

I topfragged my round with deadlock

@Helen-mi5ep - 23.11.2023 21:55

theScore esports, you forever have my respect. 😜 😱

@sarastagnitto3159 - 23.11.2023 20:42

I think they should keep trying to make unique agents. I think it’s completely ok to have to rebalance a character after launch.

@iliketacos6067 - 23.11.2023 10:32

Girl power!

@TheCookieCook - 23.11.2023 10:30

Why Deadlock’s worst state is worse than Yoru’s worst state: 1:yoru’s utility on release still had some guaranteed value. His flash could still flash, his tp can still get you from one place to another fast, his ult MADE you unkillable for a short period. However, Deadlock has no guaranteed value utility in her kit. Her stuns can be walked through, her wall is too short and can be broken fast, etc. 2: badly designed. Now obviously, yoru on release was bad, but his utility can be combined. He can flash tempo, set up footsteps to fake sites, ect. Deadlock however, has each individual ability lack any design thought or combination thought. It almost feels like her abilities were strung together from other agents. Her stuns go off on sound, but her net makes them crouch? Her wall blocks of enemies, sure. But how does that help establish her other abilities? 3: shoulda been scrapped. Yoru has a cool design, and the idea for the kit just needed to be fully realized. Deadlock has little personality, her kit makes no sense, her general idea of being “sage but different” shouldn’t have even left the idea board, and everything about her is just so underwhelming.

@tempest7495 - 16.11.2023 12:54

Nuh uh

@xornedge8204 - 13.11.2023 07:05

As a Cypher main, Deadlock works for me. She became my new main but her ult is pretty garbage imo. Everything else is pretty amazing in both attack and defence.

@gowgox9362 - 10.11.2023 02:59

Riot likes to listen to the community

Replay system💀

@ivan_valerian - 09.11.2023 09:15

Wall: Make it opaque so enemies can't see us walking by, but keep the 'bullets going through' gimmick so that at least it serves more purpose as a makeshift smoke
Sensor: Either make it work by being triggered if someone walks by it, or keep the sound gimmick but signals deadlock when someone walks through its proximity
Nade: Either have a small time window where everyone who walk through it will get tangled down, or have them tangled and their fire rate slowed OR accuracy lowered
Ult: Honestly, ult is pretty OP in certain situations. Maybe show on the minimap where the ult will land as a QOL update?

@Blazerodee - 08.11.2023 20:41

bro i main it and its op

@gemmameidia8438 - 08.11.2023 13:41

As KJ main, I will still prefer KJ, her bots are very usefull and her mollies are my most fav

@sergioruiz5284 - 07.11.2023 14:29

FlowAscending is the only one enjoying deadlock

@errorone937 - 06.11.2023 22:16

Make deadlock ult be able to capture multiple enemies.

@timmybubbyboi5679 - 06.11.2023 08:55

deadlock is actually overpowered on bind, cant change my mind.

@AngieBosch - 06.11.2023 07:41

her E should be a box not an X

@backgroundcharacter2615 - 05.11.2023 09:37

I got valorant today and before doing any research I decided to get her with my free agent card and now…

@7int199 - 05.11.2023 02:09

I think any agent can be good with any comp, however theres only one agent in the entire game that i believe just is hot garbage and thats deadlock, i don’t know how many times I’ve died because of deadlocks shitty utility.

@Frankthegb - 04.11.2023 20:00

Skill issue

@ponaskompetencija - 04.11.2023 16:11

i find it funny how people complain about agents in valorant, the game where they matter the least. Point is everyone has SAME guns and it all is about aiming. It does not matter what abilities you throw left and right

@vainklutz3179 - 04.11.2023 11:18

Deadlock changes thats still unique:
1. GravNet : The GravNet detonates upon landing, forcing any enemies caught within to crouch, move slowly and reduces aim sensitivity.
2. Barrier Sensor : The sensor monitors an area for enemies making sound. It forms a wall between the sensors if footsteps, weapons fire, or significant noise are detected. Can be activated manually.

3. Sonic Mesh: Upon landing, the disc generates wire mesh from the origin point that reveals and attach a wire trail on enemies contacted.
4. Funnel Web Annihilation (ULT) : unleash a pulse of nanowires that spread across the walls, moves farther and wider if it comes in contact with wire trail. Slowly captures and then cocooned the enemies contacted. The nanowire cocoon is destructible, and cocooned enemies are paralyzed.

@nihilvt - 04.11.2023 02:13

Deadlock is good idk what people are complaining about. I get most of my wins with Deadlock

@landenuwu297 - 04.11.2023 00:11

I think they should just play a better deadlock :3

@linaisu_ - 03.11.2023 06:44

she may not be the best, but i enjoy her very much :P

@beastmaster8750 - 02.11.2023 23:35

iso is gonna be bad too, mark my word

@PyroPenaloza - 02.11.2023 23:35

I've been playing Valorant half a year now. Felt really underwhelmed by all agents, and didn't find my agent...until Deadlock. I've been a Deadlock main since then, her kit is decent and I consider her a "delay" agent: She makes pushing difficult, distracts agents, and her ULT has the amazing extra of changing aim from players to free teammates. Yes, I agree that her Noise sensors could be faster at reacting, and her ult dissapears!! (other Ults stay even when you press the button). She just needs some buffs to make her kit feel faster, but she's quite fun to play and can nail you some great kills IMO. But what do I know, I mainly play RPG's.

@Pandize - 02.11.2023 18:07

I put about 120hrs on DL, and her util on attack is honestly alright for holding a rotation from defender side.

This is low diamond. I’m considering swapping though. I thought this new patch would of helped :(

@roneljhongregorio5135 - 02.11.2023 05:01

the only rework i could think on her utils is her ult being able to capture multiple enemies on the bursting end part of her ult. lmao

@firdausgaara2006 - 01.11.2023 19:45

Remove the delay on her wall and sensor. Add map indicator when sensors go off so your dumb teamates know they some flanking. Removing the delay on her wall is crucial part. RIOT said they want a sentinel that can setup on the fly. Making her wall takes so much times to wall up is pretty stupid then. I like sentinel that can react defensively instantly. Dont treat her wall as sage wall. Her wall should be the counter to all the dashes in the game. Raze satchel, jett dash and neon run is pretty op. They need to be a counter for that sht.

@siennaistrans - 01.11.2023 11:02

part of it is underpower, but part of it is also people playing her wrong
She's an anti-dive sentinel which is a new sort of mold, but i notice while playing her, i consistently get more kills on jett's and raze's who are separated from their teams on site than i do trying to play her like a cypher or a sage.

@plutonrond9206 - 01.11.2023 05:39

Today is the first day of the new patch, and deadlock didn't changed an inch. She's still bad.

@samwise1130 - 01.11.2023 02:36

I use her and do just fine. Sounds like a skill issue.

@leicraff - 31.10.2023 19:26

Skill Issue. Just play her good lil bro.

@PlamoTherapy - 31.10.2023 11:03

Shame, because I really like playing her when I returned to the game. Changes I'd like to see:

1. Grenade - If the point of the grenade is to slow enemies down using a "Net", then on top of making them crouch, make it so that the enemy has their mouse sensitivity cut by 90%. Also make the grenade linger for a few seconds. The 90% sens reduction makes it feel like an actual net.

2. Sound Sensor - Just make it go off proximity instead of sound. It's not a good flank watching tool. At most you place it deep at site so it goes off to concuss while the enemies are rushing in, but then that means the enemies are already INSIDE the site.

3. The Wall - I think this can be retained as is. There's some flexibility when it comes to placement unlike Sage, so there's the tradeoff with the utility.

4. The ult - I think this can also be retained as is.

@alin8387 - 31.10.2023 07:06

I like her on sunset but thats it.

@Anonymous-ss1kg - 30.10.2023 21:24

The one thing I'd like Deadlock to have, is the ability to pick up her sound sensors

@kayla-kt1cj - 30.10.2023 16:34

Tbh, this is nothing ,everytime there a new agents come out ,everyone lost their shit and said that character is op bla bla , going ape shit but after a week. After a while, it die down and people realize That character is unplayable

@donavan.anderson.7521 - 30.10.2023 00:17


Remote activated wall

Sensor beeps red on mini map or like chamber trip there a voice line played when enemy near (concus when they make a sound)

Nade rooting them for a second and last longer as a whole

@igal5553 - 29.10.2023 22:07

she can be fixed.

@Shazznuts - 28.10.2023 16:49

Harbour is much as worse honestly 3 charges are all shields really and ult is just a concussion that could easily be avoided

@EmilioRodriguez-Ron-hy6uz - 28.10.2023 13:47

I think deadlock buffs are her wall you can still shot through it but you can walk through it sensor on sight and faster and her grenade make the enemy stuck in is unaffected to shot for 2 seconds if it’s overpowered make the grenade suppress

@JeremyVarian - 28.10.2023 09:32

That title of worse agent might go to Iso next I think, He is so bad man

@insertclevernamehere6607 - 28.10.2023 04:13

I was calling from day one that her ultimate was the only thing about her that was consistently strong. Since day one I was PREACHING that her gravnet will be ASS

@johnrupesh4535 - 27.10.2023 18:39

Deadlock is the second most useless agent. First is Astra.

@goldboy3505 - 27.10.2023 06:38

Give her 2 nades, make the sound sensors unable to be shot once they are activated/ stun a bit faster. You can still run out of the radius/ shoot it if you find it on the wall prior to activation. Wall is strong/ could be used to hold flank if needed just like Sage wall but comes at the price of not being able to wall something else. Ult is strong.

@Fero-of4ip - 26.10.2023 18:37

Maybe just a little biff with her sound senser or whatever sorry bad grammar

@aceissleeping3298 - 26.10.2023 16:15

You know an agent is bad when it got picked less than yoru pre-rework

@prajj19 - 26.10.2023 12:56

but she is cute and breedable tho

@adamwolski5539 - 26.10.2023 05:43

Give her the ability to pick of sound traps, That is all I need to be happy.
