The Aetherius Society in Action (part 1)

The Aetherius Society in Action (part 1)

The Aetherius Society

14 лет назад

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@matrixstar2767 - 26.02.2011 03:27

I would suggest some reading before understanding these people. They have questions and answers that are never spoken openly by your government and scientists . A new book by Richard Lawrence - Ufo and the extraterrestrial message is a great start.

@ritawilson7892 - 06.04.2015 07:08

In response to the below remarks, yes it is easy to criticize and condemn and as we well know, this has been so throughout time to the present. If one chose to sincerely get to the bottom of any given subject, particularly something seemingly foreign to ones experiences and awareness, research with an open, not  gullible mind, but an open mind, to sincerely  find out once and for all, then give an educated response. Until then, it's all an opinion, a guess, a judgement call that could be completely incorrect. Those in The Aetherius Society have done exactly this, thoroughly investigated with an open yet discerning heart and mind.  Throughout our history, over and over, peoples of  new age thinking & discoveries in various particular times were persecuted for sharing various Truths that were new.  Then as time unfolded, revelations became common knowledge, accepted and understood.                                                                                                          In Peace,
Rita Rose 

@Naturopath.Homeopath.Healer - 21.04.2017 14:04

"He that seeketh after Truth, shall find it. He shall find it everywhere."-  A Master from Venus
Cosmic Voice; Issue 15

@patriotkoblensky6377 - 25.12.2017 22:20

i wish this was in upstate NY!!!!

@brentmathie3271 - 07.08.2021 15:23

Om mani is a chant … it is not a prayer

A rhythmic chant is about generating pure sound without meaning, and observing how and where in the body that sound can be felt vibrating..


The chant OM pronounced AUM


Aaa vibrates in the lower gut area
Uuu vibrates in the upper chest
Mmm vibrates in head area

One focuses on creating the individual sounds, where and how they feel vibrate within the body first, and then string the individual sounds together so to create a rolling rhythmic sound of observable vibration rising climbing up the body.

Focusing on these things quietly slows ones verbal mental chatter to a trickle

@cosmicbuddhi8029 - 30.09.2021 02:09

Would the Aetherius Society be willing to conduct a trial of its spiritual energy batteries and radiators in a hospital setting to see if the Cosmic Energies under pressure could reverse mutative diseases like cancer by an introduction of a positive plus energy onto a negative minus mutation to re-establish its original pattern to a normative conformity?

@cosmicbuddhi8029 - 04.03.2023 02:07

Do you recall that Dr. King had a no-drug policy in which those that took Marijuana or other A class drugs were automatically banned from Aetherous Society membership UNTIL it could be proved that they had stopped taking such drugs. Did this include prescribed drugs? If you had a medical reason for taking certain drugs would you be except? If you had a spiritual reason for taking such drugs what would be the parameters for exception?

@Mauro-ot2ux - 09.05.2023 23:11

Yes but evidence.
